Chapter 272 Mr. Ge, for the next twenty-four hours, the concubine belongs to you!

“Miss Umekawa…”

“How did you come?”

Before Hashimoto Yinkong could speak, Yang Feiyue hummed.

“you forgot?”

“Your bet with that guy yesterday.”

“If you win, his wife will stay with you all night.”

“Here! Now she has come to the door by herself.”

This word fell into Mei Chuan Zhao’s ears.

It made her feel miserable.

I don’t want to come…

But I can’t help it!

Yin Zhi blinked in amazement.



It also……

That’s weird, isn’t it?

Did you really give your wife to other men to play with?


Yin Zhi didn’t take last night’s bet seriously at all.

Don’t say he won.

What if you lose?

He would never let Hashimoto Yinsora go to accompany Meichuandou.

Yeah, let’s just fucking up, let’s drop it! ?

Now that I have made up my mind.

That’s Mei Chuan’s recklessness.

He also didn’t plan to come and ask her wife to accompany him.

But I never expected it!

This Mei Chuandou is so “sincere”.

It really sent people here!

Not only sent it.

Even dressing up so attractive is because I’m afraid I won’t let my mouth shut!

Is Mei Chuan Dou a “green hat addiction”?

It doesn’t look like it!

Under the staring gaze of Yin Zhijian.

Mei Chuanzhao knelt down on the ground.

Holding the paper fan with both hands in a unique gesture, the paper fan was lightly touched.

Then he leaned forward slightly and bowed his head.

Her move highlights her huge advantage…

Yin Zhi even felt that his forehead had been smashed twice.

too big!

This impact is too great!

“Mr. Ge.”

“The next twenty-four hours.”

“The cheap concubine belongs to you.”

“Please don’t dislike it for the appearance of Puliu’s residual flowers.”

What a humiliation!

What a shame!

I want to die!




Just take “Jade Pills” at the right time.

You can be free!

Hashimoto Yinsora put down the paper umbrella in his hand.

He picked up the fan in Mei Chuanzhao’s hand and handed it to Yin Zhi.

“Sir, this is a ‘wide-clothes fan’.”

“You can use it to undress and undress.”

“Now please enjoy this huge victory fruit to your heart’s content.”

Yin Zhi took over the so-called “wide-clothes fan”.

There was only one thought in his mind.

“Yinkong sauce, I think you have the potential to pimp.”


Yin Zhi opened the fan wide.

A piece of snow white above.

He didn’t know, there is another use for this fan-to pick up the red!

However, Mei Chuanzhao is already a wife, and obviously there is no red to pick him up.

Fanned and nodded.


Use this fan to fan the fire on the grill?

“Not bad!”

“This fan works well.”

“Mrs. Meichuan, you came just right.”

Yin Zhi motioned to Hashimoto Yinsora and asked her to support Umekawa Teru up.

“We are having a barbecue party.”

“You join in too, right?”

“Here, all the ingredients are here. Get what you want to eat.”

“This is the barbecue material I specially prepared.”

“With this, it’s very delicious.”

Umekawa Teru was a little dazed…

Eat BBQ?

Shouldn’t you rush to do whatever you want with me?

Do you want to be full?

Thinking about it this way, where does she have any appetite…

But Hashimoto Yinsora has already pulled her to play with the skewers.

While wearing the string, she recalled the past.

“Senior sister, do you remember when we last barbecued together?”

“Such a beautiful memory, it’s almost as if it happened yesterday.”

“Today we can barbecue together again. It’s really great!”

You are so long-winded and so annoying!

How can I be in the mood to tell you this?

You have a share of this too!

Thinking like this…

An idea popped into Mei Chuanzhao’s mind!

“Take her with me when I do that…”

“So she can die with me!”

This thought immediately frightened Mei Chuan Zhao himself.


Why have I become so vicious?

Why does my life become like this?

I knew it would be like this…

I shouldn’t have reunited with her last night!

Mei Chuan Zhao was involved in the barbecue party in such a mess.

Yin Zhi and Hashimoto Yinkong chat fiercely.

But Hashimoto Insora always pulls Umekawa Teru into the topic from time to time.

She could only cope with it by herself.

To “Mr. Ge”, she still smiled right.

Finally, when I tasted the barbecue that Yin Zhi gave her.

She felt a little relief in her heart.

“You can eat this kind of deliciousness before you die.”

“Not bad…what can I expect?”

Yang Feiyue was eating fruit while drinking a drink.

A look of “I’m bored”.

She wants to go…

But Yin Zhi, a domineering guy, wouldn’t let it!

In general.

The atmosphere of a barbecue party with one man and three women is pretty good.

But this atmosphere was soon broken…

“What did you say?”

Hashimoto Yinsora suddenly pressed his headset and exclaimed.

Yin Zhi looked at her suspiciously.

“What’s wrong?”

“Did something urgent happen?”

“If you have something, go ahead and do it first.”

Hashimoto’s expression was a little solemn.

“Sir, five people claiming to be the “Linglan Jihuo Group” broke into the “top cabin”.”

“They are very strong.”

“Two were caught. But three escaped.”

“Mausoleum basket extremely fire group”?

Yin Zhi frowned.


Is this the rhythm delivered by yourself?

Mei Chuan Zhao was taken aback.


“Are you sure it is the’Ling Lan Jihuo Group’?”

“Linglan Jihuo Group” was formed by Meichuanku!

Of course this Umekawa Teru knows.

At this moment…

“A cool!”

“it’s here!”

“Come on!”

A loud shout came from the beginning.

The people in the yard looked up.

This yard is covered with glass to keep out the wind and rain.

Next second!

There was a “clang”.

The glass cover above his head shattered!

How can the bulletproof glass cover defend against the fist of the “King Grade Nine-Star Guardian”?


“I’m here to save you!”

With thunderous shouts, a figure fell to Mei Chuanzhao’s side.

It is Umekawa Cool.

Along with him, Hikawa Goban and Sakeji Kenhito.

The other two have obviously been arrested…

The three people immediately took care of Meichuan.

Mei Chuan Zhao was in a hurry.

“A cool!”

“Do you know what you are doing?”

Mei Chuanku stared at Yin Zhi tightly.


“Bet on my life!”

“As long as I am here today. No one wants to hurt you!”

Mei Chuan stomped his feet in anger, and scolded, “You go!”

She stomped her foot, it really called a choppy…

The three of Meichuankuo didn’t listen.

Instead, they summoned their Yulings at the fastest speed.

Mei Chuan Cool Yu Ling is a pair of gloves-“Fresh Fist”, legendary nine stars!

Hikawa Gangban is a samurai with a sword-“Man cuts the sword and the courage”, epic one star!

Jiu Temple Jianren’s is a big wine jar-“Jiu Swoon Jar”, the legendary eight-star!

It’s not just waiting for Yu Ling!

Yin Zhi just watched them summon their respective Yulings.

Don’t stop it!


It’s just a clown, it’s up to you how to jump up and down!

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