Chapter 277 Since you can’t resist…then enjoy it! Get revenge!

This guy……

When I don’t exist! ?

He hugged and kissed me just now.

Now he hooks up with another woman in front of own.

The point is that this woman is no match for herself except for being big!

Yang Feiyue was really angry.

Humph, man, it really isn’t a good thing!

Yang Feiyue was active in her heart.

Kanagawa Teru’s heart was also fluctuating and turbulent.

Her breathing is a bit short…

She was just wrapped in a bath towel, which was a little tight.

This breathing is fast, and there is really a turbulent trend.

Talking…does it count?

Of course speaking should count!

But the problem is…

She had said those words with deep guilt and mortal heart.

How did she know that she didn’t die!

This is…

Super embarrassing!

Super embarrassed!

Yin Zhi did not rush her either.

Slowly eating snacks and drinking this little wine.

Not to mention, this “Xiao Xinhe” green wine is really tasteful.

Is Yin Zhi expecting Kanagawa to be a cow and a horse for himself?

It can only be said that two points are expected and eight points are used as a bargaining chip!

Those two points of expectation…

It was given on her unscientific scale.

Since she felt guilty for her behavior.

Then see if it can be used as a bargaining chip for negotiations!

If she doesn’t…

Yin Zhi didn’t plan to do anything to her either.

Injustices and debts!

He is looking for revenge and venting his anger, and of course he is looking for Mei Chuandou.


When Yin Zhi finished speaking, he ate the sixth snack.

Kanagawa said.


“Willing to be a cow and horse for Mr. Ge!”

Yin Zhi frowned.


Am I right?

Is she really willing?

What are the brain circuits of the couple one by one?

Is it… there is a pit?

Thinking of this, Yin Zhi whispered in disdain.

What about pits?

I can plug it if there is a pit!

Then, he heard Kanagawa Zhao speak again.


“The lowly concubine knows that he is very guilty and lives without a face.”

“But the concubine has a humble request.”

“I beg Mr. Ge for mercy.”

“Budget concubine” is a self-proclaimed peculiar to some women of “Zihe”.

It means the same as “I”.

Whether you really feel that you are “cheap” depends on the specific circumstances.

At this time, Yin Zhi could feel it.

She really feels very humble…


Anyway, it is the teacher of “Dongrejing”.

Outside that is an absolute existence like a lady of heaven.

Why is it mixed up like this?

With a sigh, he said: “Talk about it.”

Then add two more sentences.

“Sit up straight and talk.”

“Don’t face me with the Heavenly Spirit Cover.”

Kanagawa Teru hurriedly said “I’m sorry”.

Just straightened up.

But the head is still down.

She asked about Yin Zhi.

It was to rescue her two-year-old daughter, Mei Chuan Tao, from the Mei Chuan house!

If she and “Mr. Ge” are dead.

She naturally didn’t worry about A Tao’s situation.

But now they are all alive.

Once Mei Chuandou knew that “Mr. Ge” was not dead.

And he had already torn his face in public.

What if he gets angry with Atao?

“Meichuan Family” is extremely patriarchal!

Now that these things happened again, how could she not worry?

Do not!

Not worried…

It’s panic!

She couldn’t imagine how Meichuan Tao would end up.

Where’s Yoonji?

After hearing her request, he curled his lips secretly.

If it weren’t for her, she had a conspiracy.

Just kick her away!

“never mind!”

“You want to save your daughter.”

“I’m looking for my mother!”

“Anyway, the ‘Mei Chuan’s family’ is offended and offended.”

“Just offend to the death and earn a’killing point’!”

“We are not at a loss.”

He still paid attention to what the “Emperor in White” said before!

Although he has the “Emperor Virus”, he can be resurrected from broken bones…

It can be resurrected to reduce the life span of 20 years, and the cost is very, very large.

Twenty years!

I am only 21 years old now…

And if it is resurrected many times in a short period of time.

The deducted life span will increase exponentially!

Calculate like this.

The “Resurrection Skill” is actually the most cost-effective!

Therefore, he desperately needs more “killing points”, the more the better!

The “Umekawa House” in front of you.

Isn’t it just a ready-made big fat pig!

Kill you, no discussion!


The nervous and nervous Kanagawa Teru heard these two words.

Hope suddenly burst into the eyes.


“But well!”

“You are the body of sin.”

“Now they are asking me again.”

“Is this appropriate?”

“So, should you also contribute something?”

As he said, his gaze hit Kanagawa Teru’s body in a straightforward manner.

Now, then!

Yin Zhi is not a person who likes to suffer.

Now that Kanagawa Teru has made a choice.

And also put forward her “conditions.”

So why is Yinzhi so polite?

There are cheap and good things, but of course they have to be used up and eaten up.

It’s not that we forced them!

Looking at Yin Zhi’s fiery eyes.

Kanagawa Teru had mixed feelings in his heart.

last of the last……

Still can’t get rid of this fate and result?

If she or Mei Chuandou knew.

From the beginning, Yin Zhi had no plans to do with them.

Everything is done by themselves step by step, step by step.

I don’t know what they will think in their hearts.

It will probably be more painful…

After all, self-made suffering is the real hardest!

So sometimes, ignorance is really a blessing.

At this time, Kanagawa Teru’s thoughts have gradually become extreme.

“Since I can’t resist…”

“Then enjoy it!”

“Then take revenge to your heart’s content!”

Think about it this way.

Her breathing started quickly.

The cheeks also became rosy.

The chest is ups and downs, the waves are magnificent.

“Mei Chuan Dou!”

“Don’t you care about reputation and face the most?”

“Then I will make you face and reputation disgraced!”

“After all, but you personally sent me out!”

Thinking of this, Kanagawa Teru moved his shoulders.

“Please wait.”

“The humble concubine looks like this. It’s really rude.”

“Please allow the concubine to tidy up a bit.”

She sat down on her knees and bowed slightly, then stepped out.


Hashimoto Insora also regained consciousness.

Yin Zhi first blamed her.

If she could not leave, she would come up to die by herself.

There are also pits in the brain!

But then he said: “From now on, you are my woman!”

Hashimoto Yinsora was about to faint happily.

Just in time.

The shoji (paper-pasted sliding door with wooden frame) was opened.

A woman in a pure white suit appeared in front of the three of them.

It is Kanagawa photo!

At this time, she has another charm…

She stepped forward and sat down solemnly in front of Yin Zhi.

He assumed the same pose as before.

“The humble concubine’s remnant flower willow.”

“If you don’t dislike it.”

“Please enjoy it to your heart’s content, it’s a great honor for a concubine!”

As she said, she raised her head and looked at Yin Zhi with dark and shiny eyes.

There are waves in my eyes, one by one, one by one…

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