Chapter 281 How about let’s do a good show? Maybe you can blow them up!

Yin Zhi’s words brought a thousand charming and charming eyes.

Happy mood!

He simply doesn’t care what he wins or loses.

Pass them directly, click left and right, kiss first as respect.

“Didi! You got six million killers from Meichuandou, please check!”

“Didi! You got one million killers from Meichuanku, please check!”


There is a murderous heart in the account!

Yin Zhi glanced down.

I saw the Meichuan brothers at ten o’clock on the second floor of the auction venue.

There are three floors in this auction venue.

Yin Zhi, the “ultimate VIP”, naturally sits on the third floor.

Look up from the second floor to the third floor.

Just above the shoulders can be seen.


The Umekawa brothers happened to see Yin Zhi kissing Kanagawa’s photos.

Of course murderous will come!

Yin Zhi laughed “Hey” and waved to them both, saying hello.

Kanagawa Teru also looked down at the Umegawa brothers.

At this time they lowered their heads.

If there is someone next to them, they can definitely hear the sound of gnashing their teeth.

In Hashimoto’s eyes, there were no Umekawa brothers at all.

“Sir, why are you maybe it’s just a stone?”

Yin Zhi showed a mysterious smile.



It’s very simple, because the “finding system” told him!

Of course, this is not free.

The “appraisal fee” of three million “killing points” is really expensive.

But in order to get a “Royal Spirit Crystal”-value!

Besides, isn’t there a big fat pig being slaughtered at the bottom?

In other words…

Why not take a look at the “Raw Stone” with the perception-based “Spirit Skills”?

Because it’s invalid!

“Raw stone” is the stone dug from the crystal mining area.

It’s not a broken stone just picked up by the roadside.

Any existing detection technology and perception skills are invalid for it.

The only way to know if there is an imperial crystal in it.

Just cut it open!


The first “rough stone” was photographed at a price of 2.260 billion yuan.

The auctioneer provides free cutting services.

Guests can choose to cut openly or secretly.

The guest who photographed the first “rough stone” chose to cut it publicly.


It’s really a broken stone!

Suddenly, there was a sigh of regret or gloat in the full hall.

That guest is also free and easy.

He smiled and said “Go ahead”.

Sure enough, rich people don’t take money as money!

The second “rough stone” is here!

It is a “rough stone” from the “Vajra Fruit Mine”.

Comprehensive appearance factors such as block size, color, texture, light transmission and so on.

This is a “second-class rough stone”!

The starting price soared directly to 300 million.

And an increase of less than 30 million yuan is “free of honor”.

“Three hundred and fifty million!”

It turned out that Mei Chuandou spoke up.

Yin Zhi secretly “tsk tsk”.

This Meichuan pocket still has some vision!

Why do you say that?

Because there is really a “garbage crystal” in that “Vajra Fruit Rough Stone”.

Garbage crystals are also “Yu Ling crystals”!

Isn’t our “Emperor Qingyan” drawn from the “garbage crystal”?

I want this stone!

However, with the intervention of the Meichuan brothers, it is estimated that more blood will be released…


We have the “super rich woman” Qin Aunt, who is not bad for money!

He is not busy making shots.

Wait and wait.

When the price soared to four billion, only two people were still fighting.

One of them is Mei Chuan Dou!

When the price reached 4.5 billion, Mei Chuandou also withdrew.

Yin Zhi entered the market strongly and shouted a price of 4.54 billion yuan.

“elder brother!”

Hearing Yin Zhi’s offer, Mei Chuanku became excited.

Mei Chuandou smiled slightly.

“Hold the card!”

The sexy and seductive combined auctioneer immediately called out their bid price.

“Customer No. 38 bid 4.7 billion!”

“It seems that this’Vajra Fruit Rough Stone’ is really sought-after!”

“Then, are there any bids? If not…”

Yin Zhi made a bid.

“4.8 billion!”

“Let me say, there may be a ‘Holy Spirit Crystal’ in this ‘Raw Stone’.”

“No amount of money is worth it.”

When these words came out, many people laughed.

“Holy Crystal”?

There must be a limit to ignorance!

How can “Holy Spirit Crystal” come out so easily?

But forget it!

Who makes the family rich?

Mei Chuanku looked at Big Brother, and when he nodded, he shouted: “4.9 billion!”

“five billion!”

“5.1 billion!”

“Five and five billion!”

“5.6 billion!”

There were only the voices of Yin Zhi and Mei Chuanku in the entire venue.

When the price soars to seven billion…

Yin Zhi suddenly came to Kanagawa Teru’s ear and muttered.

Kanagawa listened to it, and suddenly chuckled.

This scene happened to fall in the eyes of the Meichuan brothers.

Suddenly, there was a bad feeling in their hearts.

Isn’t he… he is cheating? !

The two couldn’t help but glance at each other.

Just listen to Yin Zhi’s desperate voice coming from the loudspeaker.

“My slow bidding!”

“Eight billion!”

“Whoever wants to fight with me, you take it away!”

“I’m not playing anymore!”

Mei Chuanku asked in a low voice: “Brother, we…”

Mei Chuan thought about weighing it up, and then sneered.

“According to the appearance of that’rough stone’.”

“It’s not bad to be able to produce’ordinary crystals’.”

“With this money, it’s better to buy it directly!”

“Stop shooting!”

Umekawa nodded coolly.

Thus, this “Vajra fruit original stone” fell into Yin Zhi’s hands.

Swipe your card on the spot to complete the transaction.

Yin Zhi chose to cut secretly.

Not long after, a piece of “garbage crystal” arrived in Yin Zhi’s hands…

The master cutting skills here are so good that they can be compared to the “Holy Court”!

“It’s a pity, it’s just’garbage crystal’.”

Kanagawa Teru sighed.

Eight billion should be a “junk crystal”?

A big loss!

Yin Zhi didn’t feel it a pity, but was full of expectations…

Hashimoto’s face was full of anger.

“Blame those two guys!”

“Otherwise, Mr. will not spend twice as much money!”

Yin Zhi threw the “garbage crystal” in his hand.

“Come and not be indecent.”

“Two beauties, how about let’s do a good show?”

“Maybe you can blow them up.”

The two of them suddenly looked at Yin Zhi in confusion…

Then, several “rough stones” were photographed.

The Meichuan brothers also took two photos, but they were all waste rocks.

There was also an “elite crystal”.

Really envy others.

“Damn it!”

“Seven billion was spent in vain!”

Mei Chuan was very annoyed.

What about Meichuandou?

He is even more mindful!

Because he actually saw his wife squat down…

And that damn guy quickly showed a look of enjoyment.

He even gave himself a proud and provocative look!

What is she doing?

What is that woman doing? !

Could it be…

When he thought of a certain possibility, he felt his head exploded with anger.

“Bitch! Bitch!”

“You are not willing to give it to me…”

“To that man now!”

“Damn it! Damn it!”

Just then.

A “rough stone” of extremely poor quality was put up.

Mei Chuandou noticed that the guy was about to stand up suddenly.

But I usually sit down again when I stand.

He bowed his head and said something, his eyes fixed on the “rough stone” of extremely poor quality.

The eyes are full of longing!

The third floor is soundproof, and Mei Chuandou doesn’t know what he said.

“Why did he react so much?”

“Could it be that ‘raw stone’…”

Soon, the bid price was quoted.

Only 50 million!

At this time, Mei Chuandou saw the strange smile on Yin Zhi’s face.




As soon as the bidding starts, I will listen to his eagerly bidding…

“Fifty-five million!”

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