Chapter 283 Three consecutive draws! Believe it or not, I drew out three “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling?




The audience was silent.

What’s the situation?

Why did you quit suddenly?

Shouldn’t the fare increase continue?

It’s almost like reaching the high dynasty moment…

A bucket of ice water suddenly fell down.

That taste is really uncomfortable!

follow closely.

Everyone smelled a strange smell.

Then they looked at Mei Chuandou one after another.

“Should this be a round?”

Where’s Meichuandou?

He was also stunned.

The blood that had been boiling, hot, chilled in an instant.


He saw “Mei Chuan Zhao” looking down at him with a dumb expression.

The face was full of sarcasm and ridicule.


She even actively and forcefully kissed the “surnamed Ge”? !

How is this going?

Wasn’t she beaten just now?

Why is she still so happy?

What’s the matter with her look and expression?


“You lied to us!”

Mei Chuanku has already reacted.

Was pitted!

You got scammed, bastard!

VIP room on the third floor.

Yin Zhi was refreshed.


I just pit you guys!

You made me four billion more.

I will make you 400 billion more!

“Mr. Umekawa, what are you talking about?”

“Everyone bids fairly and voluntarily.”

“I didn’t force you to bid.”

“What do you mean by ‘you defraud us’?”

Puff puff!

Yin Zhi said these words.

Suddenly a few unbearable low laughs evoked.

That’s right…

But the eyes of the masses are sharp!

They have reflected it.

The two brothers of the “Mei Chuan Family” were cheated!

What’s more ridiculous is.

This pit was that their “Mei Chuan Family” jumped in by themselves.

400 billion bid for a junk-like “last grade rough stone”?

Unless it has an “epic crystal” cut out of it.

Otherwise, this wave is blood loss!

It’s not only money loss.

In the future, it will become the laughing stock of many people present!

Don’t talk about the future…

Right now, there are people who can’t help but laugh.

Yin Zhi kissed Kanagawa painfully.

“Good job, big baby!”

“You have a talent for acting.”

Kanagawa shines brightly at this moment with moist eyes!

The pleasure of this successful revenge made her extremely happy.

Desire is burning her body and reason!

“Then, I thought about it…”

Yin Zhi was speechless secretly.

Depend on!

This woman has nothing to do with a man when she is crazy!

Then, with her back to Yin Zhi, she fell on the ground.

Not long!

Yin Zhi used a trick to “right whip his legs.”

A hand-to-hand contest broke out…

“But the’Umekawa’s family’ is worthy of being famous.”

“Spend 400 billion to buy a stone.”

“I admire you!”

Those with ears heard the irony in these words.

Someone was stunned secretly.

This “Mr. Ge”!

It’s really not “Mei Chuan Jia” To put in one’s eyes.

“I suggest.”

“It’s better to cut it open in public, how about it?”

“If you can’t tell, a ‘Holy Spirit Crystal’ was drawn out!”

These words did make many people nodded.

They also want to see.

The four hundred billion “labour snails”.

What can I get out of it!

“I’m afraid that Mr. Umekawa dare not.”

“After all, if nothing comes out…”

“That’s terribly bad.”

Greatly bad?

The faces of the Meichuan brothers are already very bad!

“Brother, now…”

Mei Chuan smiled.

It turned out to be calm and calm.

“Let’s go!”

“Pay, get the stone!”


His heart roared like a mad lion.



“I must kill you!”

Four hundred billion!

Four hundred billion!

How can he have so much money?

I can only owe credit in the name of “Meichuan Family”!


How could this be?

How could I do such a stupid thing?

what is this?


He saw “Mei Chuan Zhao”‘s head popping out from under the window sill.

Only one head came out.

But her expression of enjoyment…

Her blurred mocking eyes…

But it seemed that there was a bomb in Mei Chuan’s head.

With a “boom”, it exploded!

“How dare she be in front of me…”

“It’s all because of her!”

“It’s all because of her!”

If it weren’t for seeing her being beaten.

If not to save her.

How could you make such a low-level mistake?

This unscrupulous, shameless, vicious bitch!


Why are you doing this to me!

At this moment.

God knows how much he wants to kill Yin Zhi and Kanagawa Teru.


He endured it!

“Five days…”

“Wait another five days!”

“Man, a thousand cuts!”

“Girl, I want to imprison you for a lifetime!”

With this idea.

Mei Chuan took care of his own jacket.

With a faint, generous smile on his face, he left.

Meichuanku followed closely behind.


Everyone never saw the Meichuan brothers come back again.

What did the 400 billion “rough stone” cut out?

This has become a mystery that almost everyone wants to know…

The auction will continue!

Four “rough stones” will be auctioned next.

Two of them contain “junk crystal” and “elite crystal”.

Yin Zhi is also welcome and bid directly!

A total of 29.1 billion was spent.

Two “junk”, one “elite”…

Start with three “Yu Ling crystals”!

“Haha, let’s have a’three consecutive draws’ tonight!”

Yin Zhi was in a happy mood and left the auction venue with a hug left and right.

While he was laughing.

Mei Chuandou was crying…

The “rough stone” bought for 400 billion yuan.

There is nothing inside!

It’s a complete waste rock!

400 billion, just bought a stone? !

Mei Chuandou drove the others out.

Then he hugged his head and cried.

“Tian Yao god-tier!”

“Why are you torturing me like this?”

“What did I do wrong?”

Obviously, he still doesn’t think he is wrong.

“I will kill them!”

“I must kill them!”

“For the reputation of the’Umekawa Family’!”


And between.

“Didi! You got 18 million killers from Meichuandou, please check!”


Eighteen million killing hearts!

Record breaking again!

Mr. Umekawa, you are such a good person.

Give your wife and give “money”…

It makes me a little embarrassed!

In a blink of an eye, he left Mei Chuan behind.

In front of him.

Three “Royal Spirit Crystals” are placed.

There are also three beauties who are older than one at the same time!

“Do you believe it or not?”

“These three’Royal Crystals’…”

“I can draw out three’Holy Spirit Nine Stars’ Yuling!”


I don’t believe it anymore.

The six “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” (not counting a hundred battles) are all drawn out!

Do you draw three more?


Don’t we still have a “finding system”?

The three beauties were stunned.

Even Hashimoto’s eyes flashed with unbelief…

Use “junk crystal” and “elite crystal”?

Draw three “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling?

Is “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling a Chinese cabbage?

Do not believe!

How can I believe it?

Yin Zhi smiled.

“Then you will wait and see!”

Yin Zhi grabbed a “garbage crystal”.

For the first time “three consecutive draws”, he was still a little nervous…

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