Chapter 286 It’s Not Good Master! He is crazy, Young Master! Slap everyone when you see it! Even dogs fight!



Although on the “Fuji Mountain Queen”, it feels like the ground.

But what is stepping on is not on the ground, and I feel at ease.

The moment your foot steps on the ground, a sense of solidity comes!

“Mother Wang, I won’t be with you anymore.”

“When there is an event, you will contact me.”

“I will come again.”

Yang Feiyue wears plain clothes, a sun hat and a toad mirror.

This is the standard celebrity dressing up…

Her manager Wang Ma looked helpless.

“Then your phone must be turned on at all times.”

Yang Feiyue replied “I will”.

By her side, Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Mother Wang, have you remembered what you said before?”

Wang Ma’s heart trembled, and her waist bends a little when facing Yin Zhi.

“Remember! Remember!”

Remember what?

Remember to close your mouth and don’t say anything that shouldn’t be said!

To put it bluntly, it means keeping Yang Feiyue’s affairs with her “friends” secret.

Yin Zhi now has more important things to do.

Regarding Yang Feiyue, push it back if you can!

Otherwise, a lot of things get together and you can’t be too busy.

In order to keep Wang Ma secret, Yin Zhi naturally used some methods…

“Mother Wang, then I will leave first.”

“Tao Fengbai, Xiao Ge, see you later.”

After speaking, Yang Feiyue followed Yin Zhi away.

Kanagawa Teru and Hashimoto Insora also accompanied.

Xiao Ge watched them leave sadly and melancholy, and sighed.

“Being a man to do his part…”

“How much should I enjoy?”

“We can’t even imagine his happiness.”

Tao Fengbai also looked sad.

He silently patted Xiao Ge on the shoulder.

“Not a person of the world.”

“He plays his. Let’s play ours.”

“Being a human being! The most important thing is to be happy!”

Yin Zhi left “Bokong Port” with three beauties.

Although Yang Feiyue covered her face.

But Hashimoto Insora and Kanagawa Teru are also first-class beauties.

Especially the latter, with a huge advantage, is particularly eye-catching.

So it really attracted a lot of attention along the way.

Yin Zhi passed the entry and exit checkpoint smoothly with the passport and visa of “Ge Biwang”.

At the side of the road in front of the “Bokonggang” station, Yin Zhi started beckoning to take a taxi.

The taxi was not hired, but a few dark cars stopped in front of the three of them.

The car windows are laid down.

It was Mei Chuandou that caught the eyes of the four people!

“No car?”

“Do you want me to give you a ride?”

“You may not know that it’s not easy to get a taxi here.”

Look at his expression, listen to his tone…

Outsiders would never think that each other would have unshakable feuds!

Yin Zhi smiled at him.

“Look at the shape of my mouth.”



Mei Chuan smiled.

He looked at Kanagawa Photo.

“I’ll talk to A Tao when I get home.”

“Say her mother has abandoned her.”

“And betrayed her husband and ran away with other men.”

After saying this murderous words, he lifted the window of the car.

Several dark cars hurried away.

Kanagawa Teru suddenly looked anxious and frightened.

Yin Zhi patted her waist.

“Trust me, it’s okay.”

“Your daughter will come to you soon to reunite with you.”

Kanagawa nodded “Yes”.

Soon, the four of them hit the car.

As a result, there was a voice on the vehicle-mounted communication machine…

“Attention taxis around the airport!”

“It is forbidden to pick up one man, three women and four people.”

“Whoever dares to pick them up is at his own risk!”

The driver of the four Yin Zhi taxis immediately stepped on the brakes.

“Please get out of the car!”


This tone is not an ordinary rush.

Yin Zhi in the passenger seat grabbed his head directly and hit the steering wheel.

“Bang bang bang” hit three times in a row.

The car horn beeps three times in a row.

Then, take out a stack of banknotes and place it in your right hand, and squeeze your left hand into a fist.

“Young driver!”

“Do you want the money on the right?”

“Or do you want the fist on the left?”

Then, the taxi that stopped just now moved again…

An hour later, the taxi arrived at the destination.

Dongrejing Empire Supreme Hotel!

In the hotel world, the building of this hotel is the tallest.

How high?

Nine hundred and ninety-eight meters!

Naturally, it is also the most luxurious!

Since it’s not bad money.

Of course Yin Zhi has to enjoy the best.

Yes, we are so vulgar, so material, so greedy for pleasure!

After that, the four of them stayed in a room on the 188th floor.

“You guys rest first.”

“I’m going to save’Peach Little Princess’ who is in the magic cave.”

After that, Yin Zhi left without a problem.

He is not worried about the safety of the three women.

The backstage of this “Dongrejing Empire Supreme Hotel” is very hard!

Dare to make trouble here or even fight?

Tired of life!

Leaving the hotel, Yin Zhi found a Yuling car dealer.

It cost nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine million directly.

Bought a “rare three-star” supercar Yuling “Bujiatang Weilong”!

With a car in hand and full horsepower, he went straight to the residence of the “Mei Chuan Family”.

As a famous door with a long history.

The “Meichuan Family” owns a manor house covering a large area.

This is the “Eastern Rejing” crowded with a population of 500 million.

It is a symbol of strength and status!


Witnessed the two thousand years of inheritance of the “Meichuan Family”.

It gave birth to the pride and reputation of the “Meichuan Family”.

When Yin Zhi saw a sign saying “Private Realm, Non-Do Not Enter”.

He stopped.

Looking at the “Meichuan Manor” that is not far away, I just “tsk” twice.

“So what should I do?”

He touched his chin, thinking about it.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration!

A clever trick came to mind…

at the same time!



A slap slapped Mei Chuandou’s face.

Directly knocked him down with force.

But he immediately got up again, kneeling down on his forehead.

“I am very sorry!”

“very sorry!”

He shouted loudly.

The one who beat him was Mei Chuandou’s father, the head of the Mei Chuan family, Mei Chuan Dang!

“Our ‘Meichuan’s’ faces have lost you!”

“Why don’t you go and kill yourself?”

“For a woman, what do you want to see?!”

Mei Chuan kept shouting and apologizing.

However, how could Mei Chuan Dang lightly spare him?

The loss of 400 billion is also painful for the “Meichuan family”.

And what makes Meichuan more painful is undoubtedly the damaged reputation of the “Meichuan family”!

If you don’t beat him, Meichuan will be angry!

In this way, the drama of “father kindness and filial piety” lasted more than an hour.

Finally, Umekawa gave the order immediately.

“kill him!”

“He must be killed!”

“The damaged reputation of the’Meichuan Family’ can only be made up with blood!”

“Have you heard?!”

“There is also that woman who is going to die too, she will die!”

“This is your last chance!”

Mei Chuandou shouted: “Hi Yi!!”

But at this moment, a voice came from outside…

“Oh no!”

“It’s not good, sir!”

“Put Young Master, he is crazy, he slaps everyone when he sees it!”

“Even dogs fight!”

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