Chapter 289: Huh? what’s the situation? I’m… I won?

what happened?

It was just right to punch him clearly and sturdily.

And that was no ordinary punch.

It was a punch that greatly strengthened the power with the “Emperor Virus”!

Even if you can’t stun him with a punch.

Why should I have a concussion or something?

Why does he seem to have nothing to do now…

I won’t be in the Illusion Art, I just beat up a fake Meichuan, right?

“You must be weird?”

“Why obviously hit me.”

“And I have nothing to do.”

“Want to know the answer?”

“Then go…”

He wanted to say, “Then ask Lord King Yama.”

As a result, Yin Zhi interrupted him directly.

“I don’t want to know why.”

“Not interested at all!”

“The only thing I am interested in is…”

“Step you under your feet!”

After all, he waved his hand.

“Shake, touch of darkness!”

I saw that the pitch-black tentacles shot out from Yin Zhi’s hands.

Just like a mad snake rushing, the speed is extremely fast, and it will come in an instant!

Mei Chuan was still motionless?

Let the “dark touch” entangle him tightly.

Although the “Emperor of the Dark Night” is not a “spiritual” Yuling.

But some of her skills are mental attacks.

Such as “Dark Touch”!

Once entangled by it.

The fear in the heart will be magnified!

The three words “tremble” are not for nothing.

It can be seen that Mei Chuan was entangled in motionlessness.

Yin Zhi’s heart jumped suddenly.

It’s weird!

He seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned around.

At the same time step back!

The bloody arc flashed before my eyes…

A blood stain appeared on Yin Zhi’s chest.

At this moment, Mei Chuandang held a bloody sword and a sword in his hands impressively.

The slender blade carries some arcs.

Blooming with a mysterious blood mist, exuding a thick and strange aura.

far away.

Mei Chuandou was secretly shocked.

“My father unexpectedly…”

“How many even’Demon Blade Blood Kill’ has been summoned!?”

“Impossible! How could he be so strong?”

Tools, weapon type Yuling, demon sword to kill!

Rarity… one star of the Holy Spirit!

This is the handed down imperial spirit of the “Meichuan Family”.

It is a real heirloom!

It is the foundation of the “Meichuan Family”!

“My’Monster Knife Killing’ tells me.”

“It likes your flesh and blood very much!”

“It’s an honor for you to rush.”

Yin Zhi looked down at the stab wound on his chest.

Although it is healing, the speed of healing is very slow!

Being pregnant with the “Emperor Virus”, this situation is obviously not right.

“It seems that the knife can swallow cell vitality!”

Besides, Yin Zhi really couldn’t think of other possibilities.

Hey, do you think this will kill me?

You just contributed 35 million “killing points”!

What are you waiting for?

Unlock new poses-well, new skills!

“Emperor of the Dark Night” happens to have a skill that can deal with this situation right now.

“Hey Hey hey!”

“Fight as long as you fight.”

“Can you force me less? It’s noisy!”

“Is it getting older and talking a lot?”

Mei Chuan “humph” coldly.

I see when you can be proud of it!

Step forward and display skills.

Heavenly Dog·Hitomi shadow clone!

Demon Blade·Outer Wind Thousand Kills!

In an instant, Mei Chuan was divided into ten in Yin Zhi’s eyes!

Ten Meichuan came straight to him.

At the same time, “Demon Knife Killing” bloody and vomiting, Killing intent surges.

“Oh oh! It coincides with me.”

“Fission, Battle of the Shadows!”

The name of the second move was called out from Yin Zhi.

The seventh-level skill “Fission, Battle of the Shadows” is used.

Just in time!

“Demon Blade·Outer Wind Thousand Kills” also slammed in front of Yin Zhi.

But seeing bloody knives and lights intertwined horizontally and horizontally.

If this is chopped, it will be cut into pieces directly!

For Yin Zhi…

If it is cut into pieces by the “Monster Knife Thousand Kills”, it is still very dangerous!

Don’t forget, it can swallow the cell vitality in the wound.

Cell vitality decreases, self-healing speed decreases, immortality and disability!

Obviously, this “Meichuan family” is not just a name.

This Meichuandang did not become the owner of the Patriarch for no reason!


Seeing “Ge Biwang” was about to die under “A Thousand Kills of the Demon Sword”.

Mei Chuandou who was watching the game suddenly yelled.

But then his smile froze.

Because the smashed “Ge Biwang” turned into a shadow and disappeared? !

at the same time.

Nine “Ge Biwang” emerged from the ground!

He actually can do the avatar technique?


“Fission, Battle of the Shadows” is the clone skill.

And he is not an ordinary clone skill!

It has two special effects.

First: The Shadow Battle clone possesses a part of the strength of the deity!

Second: After the Clash of Shadows is broken up, the damage suffered will be transferred!

This part of the energy will be transferred to other clones to enhance the strength of the clone.

When the last clone was blown up.

The superimposed energy will be transmitted to the deity.

So that the deity has a powerful energy!

The nine avatars matched the ten avatars of Meichuan Dang at the same time.

A moment of contact.

Yin Zhibian was stunned-those clones who loved him were all fake!

It’s all exposed as soon as you fight.

“Heavenly Dog·Hitomi Shadow Clone” is just a few real visual illusions.

One-on-one combat is a magical skill.

One-to-many is instantly invalidated!

The “Battle of Shadows” immediately rushed to the real Meichuan.

Huh huh!

“Demon Knife Killing” smashed indiscriminately.

Seemingly chaotic, but in fact the sword is exquisite!

The eight “Battle of Shadows” were instantly smashed into six!

The remaining two combat power surged, one left and the other doubled Mei Chuan.

Naturally, the deity of Yin Zhi couldn’t be idle.

He walked around behind Mei Chuandang and punched him in the head again.

The result is the same as before.

Mei Chuan was beaten into a phantom.

Then fly a brand new Meichuan Dang appeared again!


“No matter how many times you hit me, it’s in vain.”

“In this world, the truth and the false are all controlled by me!”

This is the ultimate skill of “Blood Eyed Heavenly Dog”…

“Heavenly Dog·Virtual Dream Site”!

All harm to own is a false dream.

The damage to the enemy is 100% real!

With such magical skills, Mei Chuan Dang believes that he is invincible.

But his words made Yin Zhi’s heart move.

“Is this world…?”

At the right time, the other two “Battles of Shadows” were also blown up.

Mei Chuan smiled “haha”.

“You are the only one left!”

At this time, Yin Zhi felt a surging force pouring into his body.


He continues to vent!

“You said’this world’ right?”

“Then I will break this world!”

The sky must be unbreakable.

Then it can only break the ground.

Immediately Yin Zhi yelled, and a fist hit the ground.

Rumble rumbling! !

Ten second-level earthquake broke out suddenly.

The mountain shook suddenly, and the house collapsed and cracked.

There is no complete ground within a hundred meters!

Mei Chuan’s face suddenly changed…


Yin Zhi yelled.

“There are some left!”

“All back to you!”

There is still more energy accumulated in the “Battle of Shadows”!

Following him, he rushed to Mei Chuan in an instant.

A slap on his face.

Snapped! ! !

Mei Chuan fell directly to the ground.

Yin Zhi is ready to fight again.

But I didn’t expect that Meichuandang didn’t disappear?

It was lying on the ground and convulsed uncontrollably.

Immediately, his sword, one dog and two Yulings disappeared…

Yin Zhi suddenly became a little confused.


“what’s the situation?”

“I’m… I won?”

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