Chapter 806 What are you talking about? Are you going to help me to your room? What do you want to do?


“You are so amazing!”

Yin Zhigang entered the house.

Liu Siya screamed and rushed up.

It was the announcement of the whole city just now, and she naturally heard it too.

“Ha ha!”

“Don’t adore brother-in-law too much!”

Yin Zhi laughed and touched Liu Si Yafei’s head.

Liu Siya suddenly angered.

“Brother-in-law, your hair messed up again.”

The slightly resentful tone and look in his eyes suddenly made Yin Zhi a little bit crisp.

That youthful and lively!

It’s almost overflowing.

Although Liu Siya’s actual age is a bit older than it looks…

Princess Elysée came up.

“Zhi, congratulations on your triumphant return.”

Her jewel-like eyes were transparent and shining, and they looked so good.

Yin Zhi took her hand and kissed the back of her hand.

Although I know this is a courtesy.

Liu Siya on the side still curled her lips.

The dinner this evening was quite hearty.

Naturally, he returned home to celebrate Yin Zhi’s triumph.

At the same time, I wish him victory tomorrow.

However, these sumptuous delicacies are not purchased with “Samsara Points”.

It came from Jing Shenxue’s mother-in-law.

Yin Lishuang’s cooking enlightenment is the depth of field snow.

Think of Yin Lishuang’s cooking skills.

Does the mother-in-law’s craftsmanship need to be said more?

Originally, Yin Zhi thought that even if he wanted to celebrate, he could just spend some money to buy it.

Spend some “Samsara points”, what kind of food can’t be bought?

The mother-in-law did not agree.

Straightforwardly said, “I can’t help the others, it’s okay to cook a meal.”

Yin Zhi did not insist.


After eating the first bite of the dish, Yin Zhi couldn’t help but admire: “Mother! It’s so fragrant!”

Everyone was feasted on this dinner.

During the celebration, everyone also drank wine.

Normal drinks are definitely boring.

For their strength, ordinary wine is just as tasteless as water.

It is better to drink boiled water directly.

So Yin Zhi used his “Samsara points” to buy a jar of “Big Dream Qianqiu Brew”.

This wine is mellow and sweet when drunk, but the staying power is fierce.

Jing Shenxue only drank a couple of times, and when Jiujin came up, she became dizzy.

Fortunately, this wine is only intoxicating and does not hurt the body.

Liu Siya drank the fiercest.

It’s not that she drinks well.

The wine is delicious, and the mood is high.

Drinking, drinking too much without knowing it.

When the dinner was over, Yin Zhi was a little dizzy.

Let alone the other three women.

“It seems to have drunk too much…”

“Unexpectedly, the stamina of this’great dream’ is so strong.”

He stood up, his mind was dizzy and his body was slightly shaken.

He tried to love Lixie and the others, but they were all drunk.

“Big Dream Qianqiu Brewed” has a strange effect.

What is it?

Drinking can make people have dreams!

Therefore, whether it is Elysée, Liu Siya, or Jing Shenxue, there are sweet smiles on their faces.

I don’t know what beautiful thing I dreamed of…

Can’t let them climb the table all night, right?

As the only one who is still sober.

Of course something has to be done.

Yin Zhiben wanted to drag them up with his mind.

The result is probably the cause of drunkenness, and the power of mind is not strong at all.

Hold up the snow in the depth of field.

As a result, her thoughts dissipated, and she almost fell to the ground.

Yin Zhi’s eyes were quick and he reached out and caught her.

“It’s so light!”

Feeling the touch of physical contact, one or two thoughts flashed in Yin Zhi’s mind.

Then he shook his head and mumbled “What do you think? Don’t look at who this is.”

Yin Zhi held Jing Shenxue upstairs, opened her room with his butt, and put the person on the bed.


Suddenly, Yin Zhi heard Jing Shenxue talking in her sleep.

It’s just slurred and can’t hear what is being said.

With a hint of curiosity, Yin Zhi lowered his head and leaned in to listen.

After listening for a while, he finally barely heard what Jing Shenxue was talking about.

“Msang Gong…”

“Msang Gong…”

“I’m so… I’m so happy… Hi…”

Yin Zhi was shocked.

It’s really hard for people not to think about things like “I’m so happy” in dreams.

“I go!”

“It turns out that the mother-in-law still has such a fierce side!”

Tsk exclaimed.

Yin Zhi left Jing Shenxue’s room and gently closed the door.

Back in the living room on the first floor, Yin Zhi carried Alice upstairs again.

After a while, he went down to the first floor again.

There is also a sister-in-law lying there.

Just as Yin Zhi was about to pick her up, Liu Siya opened his eyes.

The sudden opening of his eyes scared Yin Zhi a little.

Liu Siya stared with difficulty, tilted her head, and showed a drunken smile.

“Brother-in-law, hum hum…”


She made a face that thought she was vicious.

In fact, it’s not fierce at all.

“Are you going to take advantage of me while I’m drunk?”

“Frankly explain! Be frank and lenient! Hehehehe…”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “I want to take advantage of you, so I have to wait for you to get drunk?”

Liu Siya bit her mouth and said, “Uneasy bad brother-in-law.”

She stood up on the table, shaking her head.

Yin Zhi said, “Do you want to help you back to the room?”

“Brother-in-law, what are you talking about?”

“You want to help me to your room?”

“Hmph, what do you want to do?”

“I won’t let you succeed.”

“You bad brother-in-law.”

With that, she patted Yin Zhi.

It’s because Yin Zhi is now strong enough!

Otherwise, how can I resist Liu Siya’s shot?

You must know that Liu Siya inherited Liu Guangxiu’s strength!

Once upon a time, Liu Guangxiu was a strong man on the same level as the “Deputy City Lord”.

However, he was still retreated one step at a time.

Looking at Liu Siya’s shaky appearance.

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

“I mean, do you want me to help you to your room?”

“Not to my room.”

Liu Siya waved her hand and said, “I don’t want…”

I didn’t finish talking.

She didn’t stand firm as soon as she took a step, and she fell down.


Liu Siya gasped for the hot alcohol, and fell onto Yin Zhi.

“have to!”

“You really don’t need my help.”

“You need me to carry it.”

As he said, he put Liu Siya on his shoulders.


Yin Zhi murmured to himself.


“You make such a sound, it’s easy to make people think about it, don’t you know?”

He carried Liu Siya to her room and put the person on the bed.

He straightened his waist as soon as he lay on the bed and sat up.

“I want hush hush… hush hush…”



You mean urinating, right?

Just urinate when you urinate, and “hush”.

Yin Zhi muttered to himself.

Liu Siya stood up, swaying drunk steps.

As a result, he stretched his legs without taking a few steps, making a gesture to untie his pants…

Yin Zhi’s face changed.

Isn’t it?

Is this going to be solved in the room?

Is it too wild?

However, in the next second he felt that Liu Siya’s perception was confused.

Then a question posed in front of Yin Zhi…

What to do?

Let’s take care or don’t care?

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