Chapter 809 The death-finding system has been upgraded! Ha! It seems that you have to die as much as you like!

What the hell?

“Death system”?

I also have a “finding system”?

The above is naturally Yin Zhi’s complaint.

But it’s not all complaints.


“Don’t you know?”

“If you don’t speak up, I almost forgot your existence.”

This is not what Yin Zhi said casually.

He really almost forgot that he still has a “death-finding system”.

Can this be forgotten?

As long as the time is long enough, of course you can forget it!

According to the time of “Phoenix City”, he only spent twenty days.

But Yin Zhi has experienced “Samsara time and space” one by one.

The time he experienced subjectively was far more than twenty days.

Don’t say anything else…

He spent thirty years in the first “Samsara Time and Space”!

The rest of the time doesn’t count, even he can’t figure it out himself.

Anyway, it’s very long, very long!

For such a long time, it is normal for Yin Zhi to forget the “finding death system”.


“Don’t the host know the reason why a good meal is not afraid of being late?”

Yin Zhi curled his mouth.


“People are starving to death, can the ghost eat the best meal?”

“Don’t chirp.”

“Hurry up and tell me what is different after the upgrade.”


The “Death System” will tell Yin Zhi the contents of the upgrade…


The “killing point” will be condensed into “super killing point”-the abbreviation of “super high energy killing point”.

One trillion “killing points” can be condensed into a little “super killing point”!

The “super kill point” has almost the same effect as the “kill point”.

But there is one difference-and the biggest difference!

“Super Kill Point” can be directly used for Ascension Yin Zhi’s combat effectiveness…




and many more.

Although only temporarily Ascension.

The more “super kill points” consumed, the stronger the combat power Ascension, and the faster the same “super kill points” will be consumed!

This obviously skips the “Yu Ling” and directly buffs Yin Zhi…

It’s just that the combat power through Ascension is permanent.

I can only say that both have their own advantages and disadvantages.


Naturally, the “premium store” opened.

The things sold inside are all artifact-level things.

Eating, dressing, sheltering, transporting, doing (fighting), everything is complete.

There are even “fortune bags” for sale?

Able to open treasures that are not available in the “Premium Store”!

Of course, now you have to use “super kill points” for settlement.

Nothing in the “premium store” is cheap.

The lowest-priced product also has 100 “super kill points.”

To convert it, doesn’t it mean that one trillion is needed? !

Yin Zhi sighed: “Really expensive!”


The upgraded “death-finding system” allows Yin Zhi to visually see the “growth progress bar” of “Yu Ling”.

“Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling also has room for success!

The final stage of its growth is naturally the “three no imperial spirits”!

Before, Yin Zhi didn’t know how far his Yuling was from the “Three No Yuling”.

But now he can see it intuitively.

The other “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” will not be mentioned for the time being.

The “Emperor Qingyan” is very close to becoming the “Three Wu Yuling”!

From the “growth progress bar”, it looks like 20%.

I won’t mention anything else, they are all below 5%…

I want to cultivate all the Yulings into the “Three No Yulings”, and there is a long way to go.

But the future can be expected!

Think about bringing a bunch of “Three Wu Yulings” with you in the future…

Just thinking about it makes me feel exciting and enjoyable!

“Haha! Looks like you have to die again.”

Yin Zhi thought so.

And he always does whatever he wants!


“Look at who this is!”

“Isn’t this everyone from the “Tianhan Club”?”

He put on an expression of beating.

“Why did you go to Vice City Lord Wang?”

“You actually got mixed up with the person who killed your’Boss Liu’.

“Don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

“It’s too late to quit now.”

“Otherwise, I’ll be beaten and cry again later-I’m serious!”

The sharp-eyed Yin Zhi had seen Bo Kuituo and others a long time ago.

Now in order to “super kill point”, naturally there is a wave of ridicule.

Don’t you keep them just to “raise pigs”!

If you don’t sharpen your knife at this time, when will you wait?

Not to mention that Yin Zhi now has empty pockets, a pauper!

as predicted……

“Didi! You got 60 super kill points from Bo Kuituo, please check!”

“Didi! You got 50 super kill points from Liu Si, please check!”

“Didi! You get…”

Originally, Yin Zhi only had a “balance” of 0.43.

Now all of a sudden the “balance” has become 619.43.

Although it is a “super kill point.”

But Yin Zhi still murmured: A little bit less!


Bo Kui Tuo’s temper, how could he be stimulated by Yin Zhi?

The mad beast generally growled before it broke out.

The Willow next to him was still dragging him.


“What are you in a hurry?”

Although she can’t wait to rush up and fight Yin Zhi desperately…

But the time is not up.


Must endure!

For revenge, these people have made enough preparations.

There was even the mental preparation to spare everything, including life.

The “plan” must not be broken here!

But did Yin Zhihui just let them go?

Facing Bo Kuituo’s wide-eyed eyes.

“What are you looking at?”

“What are you doing with such big eyes?”

“Who wouldn’t stare at it?”

“There’s something to come up and do a fight!”

He stretched out a middle finger.

“Believe it or not, now I can crush you with one finger.”

“A simple idiot with hair on all fours!”

“Except for a bit of brute force, what use do you say you have?”

“Liu Guangxiu’s old turtle grandson has yours, and he deserves to fail.”

Soon he pointed at Liu Si again.

“And so are you.”

“Before you played the snack machine, maybe I really followed your way.”

“It just happens that you put on a high-pitched air that will surely kill me.”

“what’s the result?”

He patted own face, the meaning couldn’t be more obvious-face!

“So, Liu Guangxiu’s resurrection failed. You pig-like guys have made great contributions!”

“I doubt if you have defected long ago and deliberately let Liu Guangxiu fail.”

“a ha ha ha!”

Yin Zhi thrust in his waist and laughed exaggeratedly.

Arrogant can’t do.

But this kind of arrogance fell in Wang Daosen’s eyes, and what he showed was an expression of appreciation.

Zhao Zheng had a look of “You are so boring.”

How could Bo Kuituo bear it?

Yin Zhi’s words scratched his soul like a steel brush.

With a loud roar of “Ahhhhh”, his figure instantly swelled to ten meters, and then he rushed towards Yin Zhi.

“I’m going to kill you!”

However, just when he rushed past Wang Daosen.

A loud “bang” broke out!

Bo Kuituo fell to the ground…

Wang Daosen said: “There will be opportunities in the next moment. What’s the urgency now?”

It was Wang Dao Sen who defeated Bo Kuituo!

Just at this time.

A voice rang in everyone’s minds.

“The battle for the deputy city lord, start now!”

A red vortex appeared in front of them…

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