Chapter 816 Haha! God helps me too! Yin Zhi, you are really a great gift from God!

“…Then let’s have fun.”

After hearing this, Yin Zhi, who was already prepared, moved instantly.

Infinite loop time and space-display! !

I saw it.

A transparent crystal-like sphere spreads around with Yin Zhi as the center.

It was like a shock wave of an explosion.

Extremely fast-faster than the speed of light!

Wang Daosen was about to be shrouded in it.

As a result, within that minute, Wang Daosen suddenly retreated and disappeared instantly.

The crystal sphere actually went empty? !

In an instant, it swelled to its limit, and then dissipated…

“Isn’t it?”

“So close!”

“Beyond the speed of light!”

“Hidden by him?”

A shock and disbelief flashed through Yin Zhi’s mind.

Yin Zhi thought of many possibilities.

The only thing I didn’t expect was the result of “infinite looping time and space” being hidden away…

Immediately afterwards, a danger broke out in Yin Zhi’s heart.

The danger of death!

A knife suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Then he cut at himself in a particularly slow and slow gesture!

Such a slow speed-slower than a snail crawling, it should have been able to escape easily.

However, Yin Zhi found out that he couldn’t move?

Do not!

It’s not immobile!

But the speed at which you move is even slower than the speed at which the knife cuts down? !

Day, how is this possible?

How did he do it?

Is the flow of time slowed down?

Space imprisoned action?

But… it doesn’t seem to be!

Also, the opponent does not seem to be using Yuling skills!

Yin Zhi didn’t feel a trace of Spiritual Qi fluctuations at all.

“Does this want me to greet Death in the long wait?”

“Don’t think about it!!”

Yin Zhi shouted inwardly.


“Give me speed!”

“Speeding quits” a thousand times faster…

“Emperor Virus” makes every effort to strengthen the speed…

There is also the acceleration of the time of the “Time Empress”…

In addition, there are some speed-up treasures that I have obtained in “Samsara Time and Space”…

All means that can be accelerated are used.

At the same time, the “Zhen Tian” of “Heaven and Earth” is also used to suppress the opponent’s speed with all his strength!

The effect is immediate!

Yin Zhi’s speed was obviously much faster.


Yin Zhi’s speed has become faster, and Wang Daosen’s sword has also become faster! ?

OK? !



I speeded up too early, giving the other party time to react…

Yin Zhi immediately used the “Time Backward” of “Time Empress”!

He wants to rewind the time before the “infinite loop of time and space” is used.

It turned out that there was no way to go back to that time!

It’s obviously a few seconds, but it can’t be traced back?

As if a few seconds have been stretched into hours!

In the end, it only went back one second…

That is the moment that the knife suddenly appeared!

“no solution anymore.”

“Only a gamble!”

In this way, after an extremely long wait.

Just when the knife was about to hit own.

Yin Zhi once again showed all the speed increase!

This time it finally escaped successfully.

But Yin Zhi did not breathe a sigh of relief.

Gritted your teeth…

He gathered his whole body strength, grabbed the “Ruyi Scepter God Needle Iron” and swept over!

Hit it straight with one knife and one stick.

Pang Dang——! ! ! !

The loud noise of the metal impact erupted.

An extremely powerful shock hit, and the mighty force knocked both Yin Zhi and Wang Daosen out.

It’s just that Wang Daosen only retreated more than a hundred meters.

And Yin Zhi…

I was knocked out and disappeared!

He turned into a straight line, running through all obstacles all the way.

Eventually shot into a floating boulder tens of millions of times larger than him.

This time I didn’t shoot through, but Yin Zhika was inside…

When he crawled out of the hole he shot out.

Wang Dao Sen is already in front of you!


Yin Zhi was silent.

this moment.

He felt that he hadn’t underestimated Wang Daosen.

But I really overestimated myself.

Thinking that he is also a “thousand star king”, plus various “holy spirit nine-star female emperors” Yuling, can compete with Wang Daosen…


The other party exists, but I don’t know how much time is super super strong!

Even if own “actual age”—refers to the time experienced in the “Samsara time and space”—is not small. Thousands of years may be a little bit.

But compared with Wang Daosen, I’m afraid I’m still an “infant”, right?

Wang Daosen really seems to be “playing” with Yin Zhi.

Obviously there are plenty of opportunities to do it, but he doesn’t move.

“How did the cut I feel just now?”

“This is my own “Lawless Power”!”

“The cut just now was called the’Lawless Sword’.”

“Under the urging of “Lawless Power”, Wanfa in the world, the rules of heaven and earth, can be destroyed and despised!”

“Do you want to learn?”

“Be my son, and I will teach you.”

His face still has admiration for Yin Zhi!

I was able to escape own “Imperial Sword”, and gave myself a stick…

Not bad!

Worthy of being the boy in my photo!

In other words…

Was Wang Daosen merciful with the cut just now?

not at all!

If Yin Zhi is dead, he is dead.

Now that he is alive, he is more qualified to be his own son!

Yin Zhi grinned.


“It sounds amazing.”

“But I’m not interested.”

“You have your magic skills, and I also have my tricks.”

Say it!

With a sound of “bear”, Qing Yan burst out from Yin Zhi’s body and surrounded Yin Zhituan.

A heat wave with terrifying heat spread around Yin Zhi as the center.


Wang Daosen’s eyes flashed, and there was obvious interest on his face.

“You Qingyan…”

“It’s somewhat similar to the “Phoenix Sacred Fire”…”

Yin Zhi’s heart moved.

Similar to the “Phoenix Flame”?

Wang Daosen looked contemplative, and soon his eyes flashed-he seemed to have thought of something.


He looked up to the sky and laughed, very happy.

“This is what God helps me too!”

“Yin Zhi, you are a great gift from God!”

“bring it on!”

“Be my son!”

“Let’s control’Phoenix City’ together.”

“After getting rid of the’Holy Court’, you and my father and son will be able to dominate all realms and become the eternal holy!”

Yin Zhi said: “No matter how many times you say it, my answer will not change—reject!”

Wang Daosen held his head proudly.

“You can’t refuse.”

“Because no one can reject me!”

Speaking of this sentence, the image of a tyrannical tyrant is fully revealed.

Stop talking!

He slightly lifted the indifferent knife in his hand.

“Just for fun.”

“Now, I will be a little more serious.”

“You have to be careful.”

Looking at him, Yin Zhi secretly cursed.

“Do you want f*ck to do that?”

“You came to be a bit murderous!”

“How can I become stronger if you don’t kill me?”

I have no choice but to do it…

As for how to do it, I don’t know—Malgobi’s, let’s talk about it!


It’s a coincidence.

What a coincidence!

A piece of time and space flowed out randomly between the two of them…

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