Chapter 821: Don’t be proud of you! I’ll let you see how good I am!


“look at you.”

“That’s good, what are you doing with my “Qingqing”?”

He had to emphasize once again that “Qingqing” is “mine”!

Zhao Zheng hummed.

“Why don’t Qing Yan mention it?”

“Apart from Qingyan, what else is there to make me worry about you?”

“If you refuse to pass Qingyan on to me, then we have nothing to talk about.”

“When this’circular time and space’ disappears, I will kill you.”

Yin Zhi was not frightened at all.

Instead, he laughed.

“What a topic to talk about is like…”

“There is still a squeeze.”

“For example, my “Qingqing” can be brought out for a chat.”

Zhao Zheng raised his brows: “What do you mean?”

“I found an interesting situation.”

“My “Qingqing” Qingyan is somewhat similar to the “Phoenix Sacred Fire”.”

Well, a shameless and cheeky guy directly copied Wang Daosen’s discovery.

Zhao Zheng’s eyes flashed when he heard this, and his face was hateful…

She is the former lord of the “Emperor Qingyan”!

No one in the world knows the characteristics of the Qingyan of the “Emperor Qingyan” better than her.

Yin Zhi is not as good as her!

How could she not know that the Qingyan of the “Emperor Qingyan” is similar to the “Phoenix Sacred Fire”.

She just never thought that Yin Zhi would have discovered it too.

Just listen to Zhao Zheng said quietly: “So what?”

Yin Zhi had an expression of victory.


“I think I can use the Qingyan of “Qingqing” to deal with “Phoenix”!”


“I actually don’t have to give you the “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order”.”

This is what Wang Daosen thought of!

Zhao Zheng said: “Are you using me to get rid of it?”

Yin Zhi smiled.

“You’re not mutton, what are you doing if I shabu?”

“Don’t worry! I haven’t finished a sentence…”

“But I still decided to give you the’Phoenix Sacred Fire Order’!”

The meaning of what he said couldn’t be more obvious.

Look, look!

I can obviously be the deputy city lord by myself.

But I still decided to give you the position of Deputy City Lord.

How can I be sincere enough?

Zhao Zhengdao: “Huh! So I have to thank you for your generosity?”

“no, I’m fine.”

“Thank you for nothing.”

“This is also my apology.”

Zhao Zheng nodded…

Yin Zhi’s eyes lit up slightly.

“What you said makes sense.”

“I was almost moved by you.”

Yin Zhi’s expression froze.

“Almost being moved” does it mean “not being moved”?

“But you forgot that I am a woman.”

“Women are born with unreasonable power and freedom.”

“No matter what you said, I just won’t listen, I just won’t do it.”

“What can you do with me?”


Yin Zhi was speechless.

He secretly said badly.

“It looks like a mess this time.”

This “Qing Shidi” is really hard to do!


“I have put forward the conditions.”

“If you don’t agree, then we have nothing to say.”


Yin Zhi spread his hands.

“Really, there is a common enemy and a win-win situation, so I have to fight in a nest.”

“Look at the word, the ancients don’t deceive me.”

“In that case, I have nothing to say.”

“You can continue to kill me.”

Although it’s a pity…

But Yin Zhi did not regret it.

Earn a wave of “super kill points”, this is the real point!

Even if Yin Zhi did not forcefully kiss “Qing Shidi”, she finally agreed to cooperate with herself…

Then she and Wang Daosen confronted each other.

Just watch it by yourself?

So what did he come to this “Battlefield of All Saints” for?

Make a soy sauce?

The problem is that there is no soy sauce shop either—hahaha!


There really is a small shop selling soy sauce-the system mall, hahaha!

“But this time I won’t stand still and let you kill you.”

While speaking, Yin Zhi showed strong confidence.

This confidence is of course derived from the “infinite loop of time and space.”

And 19,400 “Super Kill Points” on the “Super Kill Points Balance”!

Zhao Zhengdao: “Really? Then I’ll come to learn and teach your brilliant tricks.”

After that, she looked at “Emperor Qingyan”.

“Qing Yan, I didn’t expect that we would become enemies one day.”

Empress Qingyan: “…”

Her expression is also not good-looking.

Obviously she is not willing to be an enemy of Zhao Zheng.

But she now has Yin Zhi as the center of everything.

If you must fight, you can only fight.

But immediately Yin Zhi patted the “Emperor Qingyan” on the shoulder.

“You go back and rest.”

After that, he disbanded the “Emperor Qingyan”.

Zhao Zheng pointed to the “sign of heaven.”

“You’d better disband the’Tian’s Omen’ too.”

“The’Omen of the Sky’ that was in its heyday was not an opponent.”

“Do you expect a sealed ‘Sky Omen’ to defeat me?”

“Tian Zhao”‘s face immediately darkened…

Yin Zhi smiled and waved his hand.

“I disbanded’Qing Qing’ because of her relationship with you back then.”

“Never mind the ‘Sky Omen’.”

“She is indeed in a sealed state now. But…”

“Can’t I lift her seal?”


Yin Zhi spent 5,000 points each to completely lift the last seal of the “Shenhe Three Artifacts”!

“Balance” minus 15,000!

For a moment!

The dazzling crystal-like light bloomed on the body of “Tian Zhao”.


The “Xihe Three Sacred Artifacts” fell off from the “Tian Zhao”.

Yin Zhi quickly disbanded the “Shenhe Three Magical Weapons”.

“Ukiyo-e scroll” still lives in his hidden “Jiao”-Su Qingqiu!

But absolutely nothing!

Even if something goes wrong, you can recycle it…

Wait for the dazzling crystal light to fade away.

A brand new “sign of the sky” appeared in front of Yin Zhi’s eyes-the sign of the sky was still the sign of the sky, but her clothes had completely changed.

Before it was wrapped in “Ukiyo-e scroll”.

Now he is wearing a certain religious uniform with a Sacred style and a holy temperament!

“Finally free!”

“I am free at last!”

“Yo roar!!”

Tian Zhao jumped directly, the childishness did not match her dress at all.


Then she pointed at Yin Zhi in a menacing posture.

“Be nice to me in the future!”

“Think of me when you don’t fight.”

“Have you heard?”

“Otherwise I will leave.”

“This’infinite loop of time and space’ can’t hold me back.”

“Quickly promise, no, quickly swear!”

She is now completely “Three Wu Yu Ling”!

“Depend on!”


“I thought that even if it failed, she could circulate, but I ignored that she might not be affected by the’infinite loop of time and space’.”

One hundred secrets!

A hundred secrets!

If I still can’t beat it by any chance, then my 15,000 points just now are not in vain?

And also completely lost control of the signs of the sky…

Tian Zhao looked at Zhao Zheng without waiting for Yin Zhi to swear.

“Don’t be smug!”

“Back then, I deliberately released water.”

“The woman Tian Zhaohui cheated on me and sealed me up. Of course, I cheated her at the most critical moment.”

“I will let you see how good I am!”

Zhao Zheng: “…”

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