Chapter 823 Brother Zhao is outrageous! I knew that the Lord Zhao was good at this bite, so I will drag it until now?

“What happened?”

“do not know……”

“Do not talk!”

Those followers of Zhao Zheng naturally do not know what is happening in the “circular time and space.”

They see.

It’s just that the “gang lord” and Yin Zhi kissed together.

It seems that even the “gang lord” is addicted to kissing…

The two kissed for half a minute, almost thirty seconds.

Thirty seconds!

This time is quite long for them.

But during the period they watched.

Don’t dare to move!

“Fangzhu” didn’t move, how dare they move?

What if the “gang master” enjoys it?

Who dares to mess around and ruin the good deeds of the helper?

Then a moment of effort.

The two people kissing together suddenly disappeared.

One flew out.

One hangs in the air.

Therefore, those followers safely did not know what happened.

I kissed it a second ago.

How come there was a fight in the next second?

Is it because the host is slow to respond?

But it’s too slow!

Just when these followers were muttering in their hearts.

“Eat my sword again—”

Zhao Zheng shouted.

Jiao drink moves the sky!

The ancient brass sword in his hand was released, flying around her spirally, hanging nine feet above her head.

The golden Sword Ray bursts into the sky!

The Sword Ray was absolutely condensed into a huge ancient sword, about a hundred feet long.

Directly pierced a hanging mountain above his head.


That huge ancient sword slashed down-Xuanyuan opened the world!


Zhao Zheng’s trick took so long to come out—in fact, it only took one second.

But even this second is enough time to run to the horizon.

But Yin Zhi did not run, let alone hide.

He just stood still on the edge of the cliff.

As if waiting for the sword to look down.

Is Yin Zhi not dodge or hide?


Can’t ear!

A powerful invisible force pressed him and made him immobile.

If it hadn’t been for “Heaven and Earth Mind”, he felt that he would be crushed into thin slices again…

It’s like in “Circulating Time and Space”.

But he feels that own “Heaven and Earth Mind” is stronger than the invisible force that oppresses own!

If it is simply a confrontation between the two, he will definitely win.

But Zhao Zheng smashed it down with a sword.

After weighing the pros and cons, Yin Zhi decided not to do any dodge, and he insisted!

He stretched out his hands.

“Nian Di Nian” surged and condensed into a pair of huge hands!

The intention couldn’t be more obvious.

“Heaven and Earth?”

“What I cut is heaven and earth!”

Zhao Zheng’s voice echoed between heaven and earth—no, it was a shock!

“Didi! You got 10,000 super kill points from Zhao Zheng, please check!”

Yo West!

If there are “super kill points” in the account, we won’t lose money!

A sword “Xuanyuan Kaitiandi” slashed down in anger!

Everywhere Jianfeng passed, the space was cut open and divided into two.

Yin Zhi raised his hands high and clapped his hands together.

Just clamped that huge ancient sword in the “Heaven and Earth Nian Palm”!

For an instant.

Yin Zhi only felt a huge pressure falling from the sky.

He even felt that the whole sky had collapsed, pressing on him.

And the strange thing is.

The weight of the sky did not weigh down on the ground.

It just pressed on Yin Zhi’s body.

I saw…

The giant sword split the pair of “Heaven and Earth Palms” little by little, and slowly slashed towards Yin Zhi.

Slowly return slowly.

But it is downward at a constant speed.

It seemed that it was only a matter of time before the sword hit Yin Zhi’s forehead.

“come on!”

“Hold it!”

“Can you do it? No, let me come!”

Tian Zhao cheered Yin Zhi on the sidelines.

There is no doubt that she is powerful, after all, she is the “Three Wu Yu Ling”.

But her power is shown through Yin Zhi, and she will be discounted…

The “Three No Yuling” is different from other general Yuling.

She can completely move away from the master.

Strictly speaking, she has no master at all at this time.

Let Yin Zhi use his own power completely because he is his own man…

If a man can’t do it, he can only do it by himself!

Yin Zhi gritted his teeth and laughed “Hey”.

“Can I…”

“You don’t know yet?”

Men, how can women say that they can’t do it? !

The spirit broke out instantly.

The strength of “Tian Di Nian” depends on the amount of Mental Energy.

Yin Zhi’s spirit exploded, and “Heaven and Earth Reading Palms” instantly swelled!

Under his control, “Heaven and Earth Nancy Palms” changed from holding a sword to holding a sword.

“Give me……”


Yin Zhi yelled, “Heaven and Earth Reading Double Palms” and twisted vigorously.


There was a cracking sound.

Following the huge sword, Yin Zhi used “Heaven and Earth” to crush it abruptly.

Broken fragments shot in all directions, destroying a large group of hanging mountains and gravel around.

It was the followers of Zhao Zheng who fled in fright, lest they be affected.


“Take the opportunity to hit it!”

Tian Zhao shouted.

But Yin Zhi didn’t move.

Hit it?

How to make money after hitting it-super killer?

Yin Zhi does not have any plans to fight Zhao Zheng to the death.

Taking the opportunity to make money is the most important thing.

Beat Zhao Zheng?

This is not Yin Zhi’s goal.


Let me put it this way.

Yin Zhi still hasn’t regarded Zhao Zheng as a real enemy!

Wang Dao Sen is like that!

Because of personal likes and dislikes, the relationship with the sister-in-law and mother-in-law.

It is impossible for him and Wang Daosen to cooperate.

But Zhao Zheng is here…

He felt that he could be rescued again.

“Beating deserves it.”

These words fell in the ears of Ling Feng’s followers, but they understood Yin Zhi very well.

They resented what Yin Zhi did.


I still admire his courage, and admire him for having tasted the kiss of the “gang lord”.

Tianzhao was annoyed when he heard it.

“I think you either have a fever or are screaming!”

“Would you like to wait until I withdrew my strength and let you be hacked to death by her?”

Yin Zhi didn’t even think about it and said, “Don’t!”

“Then go!”

“Use my power to defeat her!”

“Then strip her naked and do whatever you want!”

Yin Zhi suddenly looked at the signs of the sky with a strange look.


Tian Zhao, when did you learn so badly?

Who did you learn it for?

Is it Amaterasu World?

Well, it must be!

Yin Zhi automatically filtered someone…

Tian Zhao urged: “Look at what I am doing? Come on!”

Zhao Zheng’s voice came: “Want to fall in love with me? It depends on your ability!”

Talk about it.

She was carrying the “Xuanyuan Sword” of the Three Wu Yulings and was ready to attack again.


“Ha ha ha ha!”

A “haha” laughter came from the sky.

Hearing this voice, a name popped up in the minds of everyone present…

Wang Dao Sen!

Yes, the one who came is Wang Daosen!

“Fang Master Zhao is really bold!”

“I knew that Gang Master Zhao had a good mouthful.”

“Will I drag it to now?”

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