Chapter 825 Asking Who Am I? Then I’ll Tell You Sincerely! It’s Your Grandpa And Me!

Our Sanwu Yuling was originally Sage’s Fate Soul…

Regarding the information that Tianzhao inadvertently revealed.

Still such heavy information.

Of course Yin Zhi heard clearly and remembered clearly!


The way Tian Zhao was covering his mouth tightly.

It has been explained that at the moment, I don’t want to dig out more substantive information from her mouth.

In this way, Yin Zhi certainly won’t be entangled in this matter.

It’s a matter of priority!

Let’s first solve the “important” and “urgent” issues in front of you!

Will it be long in Japan…

In the future, there will be time to fix the signs of the sky!

Since Tianzhao’s “Heaven and Earth Mind” is no longer bound by any suppression.

With the magical mystery of “Heaven and Earth”.

Tianzhao quickly found the location of Zhao Zheng and Wang Daosen!

It is impossible to specifically lock them both.

But the battle between them inevitably broke out with great momentum and movement.

Wherever the movement is bigger, where Zhao Zheng and Wang Daosen are sure to be!

Yin Zhi immediately went to the target place…

During the period, Yin Zhi also asked Tianzhao to find Liu Siya!

As a result, Yin Zhi approached the place where Wang Daosen and Zhao Zheng were fighting.

Tian Zhao did not find Liu Siya either.

This “simulated battlefield of all saints” is really much bigger than imagined!

Now that it is close to the battlefield.

Yin Zhi could only temporarily put Liu Siya aside.

One approach.

Yin Zhi felt the restlessness and Death in the air.

Just in time! !



A deafening, loud noise that seemed to burst the skull came from a distance!

Yin Zhi only felt qi and blood churning, and his ears buzzed.

See you!

A disc-shaped shock wave was released from a distance.

Its potential is ruining the world!

this moment.

The entire “Battlefield of All Saints” seemed to be trembling.

Gives a sense of shaky feeling.

Where the shock wave passed, everything turned into nothingness!

All the gravel and hanging mountains are gone.

And those broken rocks and hanging mountains outside the disc-shaped shock wave.

It was not immune to disaster.

Invisible swords slashed on it, leaving a mess of traces!

Even if he was far away, his instincts were not good.

Danger is approaching!

He quickly urged “Tian Di Nian” to form a protective barrier.

His instinct is right!


On the barrier of “Tiandi Nian”, there were traces of horrifying swordsmanship.


Messy and dense!

If it weren’t for the “Heaven and Earth Mind” barrier to protect it.

Those Dao Gang and Sword Qi will hack Yin Zhi’s body properly.


“It’s really fierce!”

That is to say, the signs of the sky are now completely unblocked.

Otherwise, just rely on the intensity of the previous “Heaven and Earth Mind”…

He has now been taken away by a wave.

“Life, it really is a gamble!”

“If you win the bet, it’s smooth sailing!”

“If I hadn’t made a wave of’super kill points’ from Zhao Zheng.”

“How can I perform on stage in this big show?”

There was nothing wrong with that kiss!

it’s easy to see.

Yin Zhi has found ample excuses for own “playing a rogue”.

With a bit of emotion.

Yin Zhi went straight to the center of the shock wave just now!

One approach.

He heard Wang Daosen’s voice…

“Fang Master Zhao, how?”

“With my ability, I am qualified for you, right?”


“With our blood, the son born out must be the best and most perfect in these heavens and all realms!”

“He will be the true choice of heaven!”

Yin Zhi’s eyelids twitched.

What this said…

Could it be Zhao Zheng that was defeated?


Zhao Zheng lost…

She lost a move!

Because of the lack of stamina of that move, Wang Daosen was crushed.

The masters make a move, sometimes the victory or defeat can be in an instant!

Why did Zhao Zheng’s move lack stamina?

Because her trick was “Xuanyuan Po Tai Xu”!

You Dao is all about it, and then it fades again.

“Xuanyuan Po Taixu”‘s strongest blow has already been fed to Yin Zhihe “Circulation of Time and Space”.

When it comes out again, the natural stamina is attenuated and the confidence is insufficient.

Lose one move and lose the whole game.

But Zhao Zheng is obviously a person who refuses to admit defeat-especially now she can’t lose!

She grinned.

I don’t know what she did…

The “Xuanyuan Emperor Dao Sword” in his hand suddenly trembled violently.

In an instant, the “buzzing” trembling sound filled the space between heaven and earth.

Sword Qi is circulating and sputtering one after another.

More and more, and more and more dense!

Zhao Zheng’s voice resounded across the sky.

“Don’t you hear that it’s better for jade to be broken than for tiles!”

“Wang Daosen, you are so ugly!”

“Want to go to me? There are no doors!”

Wang Daosen’s voice sounded: “Don’t think about it!”

Obviously, he already knew Zhao Zheng’s plan-she would die together!

Yin Zhi also felt Zhao Zheng’s death will clearly from the loud shout and sword groan.

“Depend on!”

“Even to die together…”

“She’s going to die like this?”

“Eternal Empress” is going to die at this moment? !

I can’t!

Yin Zhi doesn’t care if the relationship is not deep after changing someone else.

But Zhao Zheng alone!

Even if the relationship is not deep, Yin Zhi does not want her to die.

This is the only “Eternal Female Emperor” who has created the unification of the “Seven Continents”!

This woman who has appeared in history textbooks and various film and television literary works since she was a child!

If you really die here…

Absolutely not!

Totally unacceptable!

She can die!

But Yin Zhi felt that she should die more heroically and meaningfully.

the first time!

For the first time, Yin Zhi had a strong impulse to save people, not for the purpose of profit.

How to save people?

Saving people at this time is undoubtedly very dangerous!

The danger not only originated from Wang Daosen, but also from Zhao Zheng who was about to save.

One is not good, but will take own life into it.

It must be the most stupid to rush up and shout “Stop”…

Yin Zhi’s attention was instantly noticed when his thoughts turned around!


“Then I’ll have a ‘stealing the sky and changing the day’!”

Old Zhao, old Zhao.

I will use the “super kill points” you gave me to save you!

He immediately used half of the remaining 8000-well, he still had to save half for his own use!

Yin Zhi stroked his finger…

A summoning circle suddenly appeared!

A woman in a black tuxedo, a black top hat, and a walking stick walked out.


The Magic Empress!

One of the previous 16 consecutive draws!

“Is this the stage where I performed?”

“not bad!”

“Magic Empress” said so.

In an emergency, Yin Zhi said immediately: “Please start your performance!”

The ultimate skill of “Magic Empress”, “Stealing the Sky and Changing the Day”, display it!

As soon as the cane in her hand turned, it turned into a black cloth.

After that, she pinched the black cloth and shook it again.

The black cloth instantly became larger, covering the sky and the sun.

Under the black cloth, it was pitch black, and I couldn’t see my fingers.

“who is it?!”

who is it……

who is it……

Wang Daosen’s roar erupted and echoed in the darkness.

Ask who am i?

Since you asked, then I will tell you sincerely!

“it’s me!”

“It’s your grandpa and me!”

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