Chapter 827 Old Zhao, I have a plan to defeat that guy. Can you do it?

Fight hard!

Wang Dao Sen once performed the “Devil God Transformation”…

Zhao Zheng and Yin Zhi were in a hard fight!

Even if Zhao Zheng had the “Xuanyuan Emperor Dao Sword” in hand.

Even if Yin Zhi is accompanied by signs of heaven.

There are also a group of “Holy Spirit Nine Star Female Emperors” taking turns to help out.

He couldn’t stand Wang Daosen with a single blow.

This guy!

I don’t know how many years he can win and sit firmly in the position of “Vice-City Lord”.

Sure enough, it’s beyond imagination!


It deserves to be the strongest person cultivated by the “Phoenix City” against the “Holy Court”!

As for the “Three No Yuling” that does not live up to its name?

This is a big misunderstanding!

“Xuanyuan Emperor Dao Sword” is a weapon.

How much power can be exerted depends on the owner who holds it!

Zhao Zheng is naturally not weak.

But if you compare it with Wang Daosen who is in the state of “Devil God Transformation”, it is a weak side.

And what about the signs of heaven?

What a coincidence!

Wang Daosen’s “lawless power” seems to be just enough to restrain “the heaven and the earth”!


“Lawless Divine Art” has a restraining effect on attacks such as laws.

“Tian Di Nian” is undoubtedly a legal method!

Since being restrained, the power and effect of “Tian Di Nian” is naturally weakened a lot.

In this way, how can Yin Zhi and two of them not fall into a hard fight?



Swords collided.

Kick his chest.

Zhao Zheng and Yin Zhi both flew out.

A big pit was blasted out on a huge floating mountain.

How old is it?

Almost hollowed out half of that floating mountain!

Although it was blown out of a big pit.

But there was no sign of breaking the mountain when it was suspended.

no doubt!

Wang Daosen’s control of power has reached its peak.

Never waste a little bit of strength.


Yin Zhi spit out blood.

How hot is it?

It vaporized into a blood mist as soon as it exited.

If it weren’t for the timely treatment of the “Emperor of Life”, I’m afraid I would die.


It’s just “killing one life”.

It is still very difficult for Yin Zhi to be killed.

Even if he died, the “Emperor Qingyan” could make him reborn from the ashes.

And the “Emperor Virus” can also bring him back to life…

“Aren’t you very tugged before?”

“That’s it?”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes when he heard what Zhao Zheng said.

“Don’t talk about me.”

“You are not much better by yourself.”

The two people said a word.

Wang Daosen appeared in front of them.

“If you have any other cards, just show it.”

“If not, then this battle can be over!”

Hole cards?

Yin Zhi was very depressed.

The 4000 “super kill points” left over before have been used for Ascension’s combat effectiveness.

The result failed to defeat Wang Daosen.

In the end, there is still only the “Dawei Tianlong Empress”…

Say it!

Other “Holy Spirit Nine Star Female Emperors” are not suitable?

Except for a “time female emperor”, other uses are really limited.

Yin Zhi’s uncomfortable “100-refining steel to strengthen method” has also failed this time.

And what makes him most depressed.

But Wang Daosen hasn’t produced him any “super kill points” from the beginning to now-really not at all!

The reason why I can intervene in the battle between them.

Or because I made a wave of “super kill points” from Zhao Zheng before…

Now the “super kill points” are used up.

Wang Daosen does not produce “super kill points.”

You can’t squeeze from Zhao Zheng again, right?

“and many more!”

“Zhao Zheng…”

“Wang Dao Sen…”

Yin Zhi suddenly had a bold idea!

“Old Zhao, I have a plan.”

“I can defeat that guy.”

“But it needs your great and full cooperation.”

“Are you doing it?”

Zhao Zheng looked at him suspiciously…

Wang Dao Sen is very confident!

Confident that he did not attack at this time.

Of course, he never thought about killing Zhao Zheng and Yin Zhi.

After all, one is a mother-in-law, the other is a child!

He heard Yin Zhi say “I have a plan to beat that guy”.

Instead, there was interest.

Instead, he wanted to see what the “one strategy” Yin Zhi was talking about was.


Before Zhao Zheng responded to Yin Zhi, he spoke first.

“Fang Master Zhao, you might as well cooperate with him.”

“I want to see what the trick is that can beat me.”

Yin Zhi glanced at Wang Daosen with weird eyes…

Then he said to Zhao Zheng: “Have you heard? Even he asked you to cooperate with me.”

Zhao Zheng said: “Just tell me.”

Yin Zhi waved to her.

“come here.”

“I will tell you secretly.”

“Can’t let him hear. He won’t work if he hears.”

Zhao Zheng narrowed his eyes: “What tricks are you going to play again?”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

“Big Sister, we are fighting!”

“If you lose, you will be arrested, and I will call my father!”

“Can you be more straightforward and serious?”

Zhao Zheng pursed his lips.

Soon she walked to Yin Zhi under Wang Daosen’s gaze.

After hesitating for a moment, he moved his ears.

Yin Zhi leaned close to her ear and said in a very soft voice, “My trick is…”


Yin Zhi hugged Zhao Zheng and kissed him forcefully.


Zhao Zheng’s eyes widened suddenly.

There was a heavy squirt from the nose with a “huh”.

Then he struggled desperately and hard.

But Yin Zhi had already prepared.

“Tian Di Nian” directly imprisoned her, making her unable to break free.


This damn trash!

At this time, you still take advantage of my old lady? !

Once is not enough, come again for the second time! ?

Damn it!

Damn it extremely!

Mother, I must kill you!

Zhao Zheng almost exploded.

“Didi! You got 12,000 super kill points from Zhao Zheng, please check!”


Twelve thousand points?

“Old Zhao” This is completely irritated by me…

But no way!

In the current situation, you can only put it to death before you can live!

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of Wang Daosen who had been staring at them.

He was taken aback first.

Immediately, the red and black smoke coming out of his seven orifices was directly sprayed.

It’s almost like a volcanic eruption or magma ejection.

That is anger!

How dare that kid…


It is tolerable, which is unbearable!

“court death–”

A roar suddenly erupted, echoing through the heavens and the earth, resounding through the sky.

“Didi! You got 25,000 super kill points from Wang Daosen, please check!”

Upon hearing this reminder, Yin Zhi burst into laughter “hahaha” in his heart.

Treacherous plan…no, clever plan, the clever plan succeeded!

Thirty-seven thousand “super kill points” were credited in an instant!


“Thirty-seven thousand’super kill points’ are all for you!”

“Hurry up and give me strength!”


Just in time.

Wang Daosen’s anger cut has already fallen towards Yin Zhi’s back!

He has completely dispelled the idea of ​​accepting Yin Zhi as his son.

Instead, the killing intent is strong to the extreme!

At this moment, Yin Zhi only felt a ray of cold behind him…

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