Chapter 834 What a special thing! You wait for me! It will be long in the future, let’s settle this account slowly!

How can Yin Zhi not hear the irony in Zhao Zheng’s words?

In his opinion……

“Yin Zhi, Yin Zhi, you are such a good man” This sentence can be completely “Chinese translation” in four words-you scumbag!

Of course he knew why Zhao Zheng said that.

Isn’t it what she thinks.

I knew that the “Vice-City Lord Throne” was prickly, but I didn’t sit, but I pushed Liu Siya out and sat there!

Of course he was too lazy to explain too much.

If you misunderstand, just misunderstand it.

“Hey, I’ve always been a good man-still a peerless good man!”

With that said, Yin Zhi turned into a “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order” by magic.

As soon as the “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order” appeared, it immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Liu Siya widened her eyes and said, “Brother-in-law, is this…”

Yin Zhi nodded.


“‘Phoenix Sacred Fire Order’. As long as you keep it for twelve hours, you can become the Deputy City Lord!”

Probably because Yin Zhi forcibly stripped the “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order”.

Even if the “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order” was held by Yin Zhi at this time, it did not blend into his body and soul.


Yin Zhiqing explained the issue of the “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order” clearly and plainly…

Except for Zhao Zheng, who had already known it a long time ago, the others were taken aback.

did not expect!

It surprised me that!

There is such a big hole in it…

The soul should be enslaved by the “Phoenix”?

If you don’t know this.

Everyone snatched the “Phoenix Flame Order” in a vague way.

Even if someone eventually becomes the “Deputy City Lord”.

But at the same time he became a slave of “Phoenix” without knowing it!

Is this really good?

I’m afraid it varies from person to person.

Some people think it’s bad, but some people think it’s good.

But the taste of being calculated without knowing it is undoubtedly very uncomfortable!

Yin Zhi immediately said: “However, after becoming the’Deputy City Lord’, we can leave and go to any world at will, besides…”

He briefly talked about the benefits of becoming a “Vice-City Lord”.

“Siya, brother-in-law, I don’t want my soul to be held by others.”

“So I don’t plan to be this’Deputy City Lord’.”

“I’ll just ask about your wishes. Think about it clearly, whether you want to be this ‘deputy city lord’.”

“If you don’t want to, just talk to your brother-in-law.”

Liu Siya pursed her lips and asked, “Brother-in-law…do you want me to be?”

Yin Zhi waved his hand.

“Don’t ask me. Ask yourself.”

“When you want to be it, it’s not the right thing if you don’t want to be.”

Liu Siya blinked her black shiny eyes.

This look really makes people’s hearts tremble.

“Then if I’m in danger, brother-in-law, will you protect me?”

Yin Zhi said, “Of course! It’s worth talking about!”

Liu Siya listened, bit her lower lip, and made up her mind: “Brother-in-law, I’ll be it!”

Ling Feng beside Zhao Zheng gave a sneer.

“Yin Zhi, you are really embarrassed.”

“I don’t want to jump into the pit.”

“But push the woman into the pit-admire it, not admire it!”

Yin Zhi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

But Liu Siya couldn’t bear it.

“I do!”

“Want you to talk more here?”

After being choked, Ling Feng shrugged.

Zhao Zheng said: “Ling Feng, one person is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, what do you mix with?”

Ling Feng Lian said: “Yes, yes. Blame me. Blame me for being nosy.”

Seeing Liu Siya promised without thinking, Yin Zhi shook his head.

“Don’t rush to answer.”

“Don’t influence your decision just because of me.”

“Think carefully before making a decision.”

Liu Siya looked serious.

“Brother-in-law, I figured it out…really!”

“And I believe brother-in-law, you will protect me, right?”

“Brother-in-law, give it to me!”

With that, she stretched out her hand to grab the “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order”.

One catch one!

The “Phoenix Holy Fire Order” immediately hung in front of her.

And Liu Siya was also wrapped in Phoenix-like arrogance just like Yin Zhi before.

Liu Siya “wow wow” was amazed.

At the same time, everyone also received a prompt from “Phoenix”…

The followers of Zhao Zheng looked at Zhao Zheng.

Zhao Zheng smiled slightly.

“Then I would like to congratulate Miss Liu on becoming the new deputy city owner of Phoenix City in advance.”

“let’s go.”

After speaking, Zhao Zheng turned around and left without even looking at Yin Zhi.

Ling Feng and others glanced at the “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order” with complicated expressions, and followed Zhao Zheng.

Yin Zhi was secretly relieved.

If Zhao Zheng didn’t come to grab, there would be no need for violent scramble and conflict between them.

It’s inevitable that people will die when they fight.

Although Yin Zhi and Zhao Zheng are “not you ** I or I ** you”.

But Zhao Zheng also said that private matters are private matters, and public matters belong to public matters.

There is still room for cooperation between the two parties.

But if it kills…

If the enemy is tied to death, then it can only be a mortal enemy.

Yin Zhi retracted his gaze watching Zhao Zheng and turned to Liu Siya’s body.

He touched Liu Siya’s head.

“Do not worry.”

“Brother-in-law will definitely not let you do anything.”

Liu Siya nodded vigorously, “Hmm”, her eyes filled with trust in Yin Zhi.

She has unreserved trust in the “brother-in-law”.

After all, if it weren’t for “brother-in-law,” she wouldn’t know how many times she had died.

Don’t trust who “brother-in-law” trusts?

Looking at her trustful eyes, Yin Zhi couldn’t help but lose his heart.

On impulse, he lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Liu Siya’s eyes widened in surprise, then she closed her eyes softly, and hugged the firm and broad back of her “brother-in-law” tightly, intoxicated…

the other side.

“Helper, what shall we do now?”

“If you have any tips and tricks, please tell them quickly.”

Zhao Zheng glanced at him.


“You want to sell your own soul and sit on the throne of the’Deputy City Lord’?”

“Or do you want me to sell my own soul?”

Ling Feng hurriedly said, “No, no. I don’t mean that to help the lord.”

Seeing the gang master so calm, there must be more far-reaching plans.

The gang leader is indeed the gang leader, so I sighed!

Ling Feng made it up again by himself.


Zhao Zheng found a place with beautiful scenery.

I started drinking tea leisurely again.

The other followers looked at each other, but no one said a word.

Under Zhao Zheng’s calm “prestige”, there was an unwilling and unhappy heart.

“It’s the first time I have suffered such a big loss when dealing with so many people.”


“Yin Zhi, wait for me!”

“It will be long in the future, this account… let’s settle it slowly!”

That’s what I thought in my heart.

But she knew that a more realistic question lay before her eyes-how to cooperate with Yin Zhi!

Now it is almost certain that Liu Siya becomes the “Vice-City Lord”.

The “Cangwu Continent” he was going to save the “Cang Martial Saint Turtle”, he had to rely on Liu Siya who became the “Vice-City Lord”.

And Liu Siya made it clear to obey Yin Zhiyan!

So in the final analysis, I still have to seek cooperation with Yin Zhi.

“Feng Shui takes turns!”

It was Yin Zhi who asked her to cooperate before, but now it’s completely upside down.

Zhao Zheng knew that it was his own character that caused the current situation…

But does she regret it?

No, she doesn’t regret it!

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