Chapter 836 I am now the noble “Phoenix incarnation”! How can you allow you to be presumptuous?!

I hope I think too much…

Yin Zhi thought so.

If something really happened, Yin Zhi will deeply blame and guilt for it!

After all, he made Liu Siya the “Deputy City Lord”.

Yin Zhi never denies own selfishness.

And this thing is obviously not very glorious.

But this is the end of the matter, it is useless to think too much!

If something happened to Liu Siya.

Yin Zhi is trying his best to save and make up.

to this end!

Yin Zhi did not hesitate to spend all his “super kill points” on the “Soul Empress”.

Before it was “simulating ancient battlefields”.

He also moved out of the “Empress of the Soul Suppression”.

Work with the “Emperor Qingyan” to peel off the “Phoenix Brand” in the “Phoenix Sacred Fire Order”.

It failed.

The reason for the failure is simple, it is still too weak!

Weak, we must become strong!

“Super kill points” do not need to save.

Anyway, there are two “big fat pigs” Wang Daosen and Zhao Zheng!

The power of the “Soul Empress” who has obtained nearly 50,000 “super kill points” has skyrocketed.

A small step towards the “Three Wu Yu Ling”-about 1%.

The “Empress of Soul Suppression” immediately performed the “Soul Searching Technique” on Liu Siya!

With the intervention of the “Soul Empress”, Liu Siya was naturally unable to be clear halfway through.

About three hours later…

“Soul Empress” ended the “soul search”.

“There is a’bird-shaped brand’ in her soul.”

“It’s exactly the same as what I saw in the token before.”

“And this and that ‘bird-shaped brand’ has merged with her.”

“It is temporarily impossible to tell whether it is harmful or beneficial.”

The “bird-shaped brand” is undoubtedly the “Phoenix brand”!

Is the “Phoenix Brand” and Liu Siya’s soul completely integrated?

The current situation obviously closed with the situation Wang Daosen had said before.

seeing is believing!

Wang Dao Sen Cheng did not deceive me…

Jing Shenxue hurriedly asked Liu Siya about the situation.

Yin Zhi understood her nervousness-he was also nervous, so he relieved her.

Soothes the snow in the depth of field.

Yin Zhi asked if the “Soul Empress” could separate or even eliminate the “Phoenix Brand” from Liu Siya’s soul.

“Although the ‘Phoenix Brand’ merges with Liu Siya’s soul.”

“But after all, it’s not born as one.”

“Theoretically, the two can be separated.”

In theory?

That is not necessarily slightly!

Yin Zhi summoned the “Emperor Qingyan”.

He also tried to peel off the “Phoenix brand” in Liu Siya’s soul.




Failed again and again!

“Emperor Qingyan” said distressed: “Every time it’s a little bit worse.”

Yin Zhi said: “Don’t worry, you can’t be anxious.”

The distressed expression on the “Emperor Qingyan” face is not diminished: “If only I can become a little stronger, it will be fine.”

“Emperor Qingyan” can become stronger by absorbing flames.

Of course ordinary flames are not good.

At least it must be on the same level as “Xiantian Qingyang”!

But where is he going to find a flame of the same grade as “Xiantian Qingyang” right now?

Just in time!

“Soul Empress” said: “She is trying to wake up.”

Yin Zhi’s heart shuddered.

How will Liu Siya wake up?

do not know!

Since I don’t know…

Then go to “Future” to see!

Yin Zhi summoned the “Emperor of Time”.


Liu Siya woke up.

Then she unceremoniously launched an attack on Yin Zhi.

The shot is cruel, decisive, and ruthless!

Yin Zhi supported hard, but he was lost?

“You are so bold!”

“On the previous friendship, I’ll call you brother-in-law.”

“But you attacked me unexpectedly?”

“How dare you act on my soul!”

“Do you think I’m still that weak Liu Siya?!”

“I am now the deputy city lord of Phoenix City, the’Phoenix Incarnation’. How can I let you be presumptuous!?”

“I will burn you to ashes with the’Phoenix Holy Fire’!”

Facing the “Phoenix Flame” released by Liu Siya.

Yin Zhi was finally defeated!

From the future back to the present!

Yin Zhi’s face was very ugly.

Although this result is unexpected.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Liu Siya’s soul is definitely dominated by the “Phoenix Brand”!

In the “future”, Liu Siya gave him almost the same feeling as Wang Daosen.

This is definitely not the real Liu Siya!

Yin Zhi boldly guessed.

The so-called “Vice-City Lord” is actually a puppet of “Phoenix”!


It is simply the external incarnation of “Phoenix”!

In “Future”, Liu Siya mentioned that she is the “Phoenix incarnation”.

what should I do?


A flash of light flashed in Yin Zhi’s mind…


Phoenix torch!

In the “Future” battle with Liu Siya, isn’t she using the “Phoenix Flame”? !

What if the “Emperor Qingyan” swallowed the “Phoenix Sacred Fire”?

There is a lot of gambling on this road!

But the question is, do we have other options?

In that case…

Let’s do it!

“Mother, I’ll take Siya out for a trip.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there, it’s okay!”

“You wait for me at home.”

After all, Yin Zhi picked up Liu Siya and walked away.

Jing Shenxue chased to the door, but she could no longer see Yin Zhi.

A cloud of darkness lingered between her eyebrows.

On the way Yin Zhi left “Phoenix City”, he thought of Zhao Zheng.

Want to find her together?

This idea was quickly rejected by him.

He felt that when he cooperated with Zhao Zheng, he could “wave a wave” when the wind was “downwind.”

Once “headwind”, the ghost knows what will happen.

If you do something by yourself, let’s solve it by yourself!

Yin Zhi carried Liu Siya to the exit of “Phoenix City”.

He saw Chaxu, Yingliang, and Yongcao again.

At this time, the eyes of the three people looking at Yin Zhi and Liu Siya were completely different.

The reason is self-explanatory.

When it was heard that Yin Zhi was leaving “Phoenix City”, the three of them certainly opposed it!

However, Yin Zhihu moved out of Liu Siya, the “Deputy City Lord”.

Although Liu Siya is unconscious now, she can’t stand Yin Zhi’s superb acting skills.

After some negotiations, the Chaxu trio didn’t dare to offend the new “Vice-City Lord”, and still opened the city gate.

Leaving “Phoenix City”, Yin Zhi is in the vast and profound Universe.

He watched Liu Siya fly all the way.

I don’t know how far it has flown.

Until Liu Siya can no longer be suppressed!

Liu Siya opened her eyes suddenly.


A force burst out of her body.

Yin Zhi was hit by the force and flew out.

The planets and Galaxy within a radius of more than a dozen light-years were shattered by that force!


“What a courage!”

“Calling you brother-in-law is in the old friendship!”

“How dare you attack me and even try to encroach on my soul!”

“who do you think You Are?”

“I am the noble ‘Phoenix incarnation’ now!”

“How can you allow you to be presumptuous?!”

Yin Zhi was not surprised at Liu Siya’s appearance at this time.

He knew that he was not facing the original Liu Siya, and there was no wave in his heart.

“Phoenix incarnate?”

“Hey, what I did was the incarnation of Phoenix!”

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