Chapter 838: Phoenix Big sis, let us applaud for reunion!

In a trance…

Yin Zhi really felt like chocolate on an iron plate, melted!

Since last time swallowed “Xiantian Qingyang” in “Qingyang Fire Sea”.

He experienced this taste again.


It’s so uncomfortable!

It’s easier to die than this!

In fact, Yin Zhi felt right.

His body is indeed melting like chocolate on an iron plate…

Even if the “Emperor of Life” injects vitality into life, it will not be able to reverse the tendency of him to melt.

Seeing this, Tian Zhao naturally became nervous.

Don’t just die like this?

You still owe me ten “octopus balls”!

Tian Zhao is different from general Yu Ling.

However, the “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” are far less than the “Three Wu Yulings”.

She has full subjective initiative and independence!

See Yin Zhi’s situation is not good.

Tianzhao immediately used his brain to think about countermeasures…

Still have to think?

Isn’t it enough to just copy the last solution?

Do what you want!

Tianzhao immediately stretched out two white jade-like hands, mobilizing “Tiandi Nian”.

Huh! !

The relic in Liu Siya’s body that was not affected by the “Phoenix Sacred Fire” instantly shattered…

“The sign of heaven!”

“what are you doing?!”

“You dare to mess around, I will never forgive you!”

How can Tianzhao be threatened by “Phoenix”?

“Hehe, sorry, Phoenix Big sis.”

“He is the one I like.”

“I can’t help you hurt him.”


The ten invisible “heaven and earth threads” shoot out from Tianzhao’s fingertips.

Then it entangled Yin Zhi and the flesh of “Phoenix”.


At this time, “Phoenix” was able to break free from Yin Zhi’s “hugging”.

But one is entangled by “the heaven and earth reading silk thread”.

“Phoenix” will distract and fight against them.

So break free!

“Phoenix” yelled angrily on the spot.

Tianzhao can only be ignored, continue to operate.

at the same time.

She drove a thought into Yin Zhi’s mind…

But “Phoenix” who finally understood Tianzhao’s intention screamed.

“Tian Zhao, dare you!!”

“I want to kill… Ow!”

“Phoenix” yelled suddenly.


Tian Zhao crossed his left and right fingers, clasped his palms and clasped his hands tightly.

this moment.

“Phoenix” only felt a stream of heat injected into his own body.

Hot and hot!

Obviously not afraid of flames, even afraid of heat?

and also……

Isn’t this my “Phoenix Flame”? !

Do not!

It’s not just the “Phoenix Sacred Fire”, it also contains other things, specious.

But the content of the “Phoenix Sacred Flame” is at least 90%!

The “Phoenix sacred fire” released by my master actually returned to my body?

And through a special route…


Out of anger!

“Damn it!!!”

“The sign of the sky, I want to kill you—um!”

The yelling mouth of “Phoenix” was blocked by another mouth…

“Didi! You got 150,000 super kill points from Phoenix, please check!”

at this time.

Like a fish swimming in the water, Yin Zhi heard the prompt from the “death hunting system”.

However, he was unwilling to rejoice at this moment.

Let’s get through the current difficulties first…

Otherwise, no matter how many “super kill points” there are, there is another fart!

Tian Zhao “hehe” smiled.

It was definitely a sneer that succeeded in a prank.

“Phoenix Big sis, remember that I was not afraid of you before.”

“Am I afraid of you now?”

“Let us applaud for reunion!”

Then she really clapped her applause…

At a certain moment.

There is a long chirping of birds!

The momentum seems to spread the sound to every corner of the Universe.

I saw a “blue flame bird” flying out of Yin Zhi’s body, with a graceful posture, and then got into Yin Zhi’s body after spinning around.

Follow the sound of “bear”!

A cyan flame burst out of Yin Zhi’s body!

In an instant, it became a confrontation with the red “Phoenix Sacred Fire”.

Since it is a confrontation, either the east wind will overwhelm the west wind, or the west wind will overwhelm the east wind.

At the beginning, “Qingyan” was also oppressed by the “Phoenix Flame”.

But with the “green inflammation” swelling a little bit.

Gradually, it became evenly matched with the “Phoenix Flame”.


The swelling trend of “Qing Yan” did not stop there.

Some time later.

“Qingyan” completely reversed the situation and killed the “Phoenix Flame”!

During the period, the “Phoenix Torch” obviously made a counterattack, but it ended in failure.


The universe was originally filled with the red “Phoenix Flame”.

All of a sudden, the world is green!

Needless to say, “Phoenix” was defeated.

Finally, “Phoenix” can speak too.


“how so?”

“The sign of the sky… the sign of the sky, you…!”

But the tired spirit did not affect her eruption of monstrous anger.

Blame her!

It’s all because of her!

Otherwise, how could I lose? !

Tianzhao “hum” smiled.

“If you blame it, blame yourself.”

“Who made you rush and be too arrogant.”

“He’s not that foolish.”

“I’ll guard you early!”

After speaking, Tianzhao’s words changed.

“Looking at the previous friendship, I’ll give you a piece of advice.”

“Be soft when you should be soft.”

“Otherwise, what will happen to you? Although I know, I don’t bother to care about you.”

Her remarks resulted in “Phoenix” glaring.

With that look, I can’t wait to slash the sky with a thousand swords.

Just in time!

Yin Zhi suddenly opened his eyes.

After a moment’s trance, those eyes became clear and transparent.

Looking at the “Phoenix” in front of him, Yin Zhi smiled.

He was laughing, but his eyes were fierce and cold.

“Phoenix” saw Yin Zhi’s appearance, and his heart trembled.

“I will be afraid of him?”

“It’s ridiculous!”

“I’m “Phoenix”! I’m Sage!”

“How can I be afraid of a mortal?!”

Just when “Phoenix” cheered for himself.

Yin Zhidi pinched her chin.

“Phoenix” trembled all over, and said, “What are you going to do?”

As soon as she opened her mouth, her fear was exposed.

Yin Zhi asked without a smile, “What do you think I want to do? Huh?”


His fingers crossed the “Phoenix”-to be precise, the edge of Liu Siya’s jaw, to the neck, and then to the chest.

Obviously it is the same person’s body, but at this moment Yin Zhi has a different feeling.

Shame, make “Phoenix” cheeks red!

“I’ll give you a chance—just one!”

“Get out of my lovely sister-in-law’s body.”


“Trust me, what I have is the means and ability to let you taste a different taste of life.”

“Phoenix” didn’t even think about it, and said, “Never!”

Yin Zhi raised his brows: “Oh?”

“Phoenix” flinched visibly, then gritted his teeth.

“My soul has completely merged with her soul…”

Yin Zhi interrupted her directly.


“Don’t tell me this nonsense.”

“Be more correct, don’t think I’m a fool, okay?”

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