Chapter 860 Kill him! No matter who it is, I can’t stop me from seeing the “Holy Lord”!

at this time……

Wang Xinran is extremely angry!

Planning and preparing for a full ten years.

Just to suck up the vitality of Sage of “Blue Martial Saint Turtle”!

After sucking the vitality of Sage from the “Blue Martial Saint Turtle”, his own strength can become very strong.

At that time, you can go to the “Holy Court” to worship the “Holy Lord”!

But someone came to ruin her good deeds, and she also succeeded in interrupting her Sage’s vitality that had devoured the “Blue Martial Saint Turtle”.

How can she not explode with terrible anger?

In other words…

Wang Xinran is indeed a native of “Cangwu Continent”!

Then why did she become the “Holy Court Observer” again?

This is a long story-but it’s a long story short.

She was selected by the “Holy Lord” when she was very young.

Then the “Holy Lord” recruited her into the “Holy Court” in a way of dreaming, imparting doctrines and teaching cultivation.

After passing the test of the “Holy Lord”, she became the “Holy Court Observer”.

The so-called “observer”…

As the name suggests, there is no need to go into details.

Over the years, Wang Xinran has reported all kinds of big and small things about the “Cangwu Continent” to the “Holy Lord”.

But actually!

Wang Xinran has not really seen the “Holy Lord”.

Even if it is seen in a dream, it is only a very vague image.

Therefore, Wang Xinran has always been fascinated and dreamed of seeing the “Holy Lord” in reality.

Until a certain day.

“Holy Lord” suddenly gave her a task…

In detail, this task is somewhat religiously brainwashed.

To put it bluntly.

In fact, it is for Wang Xinran to set up a “swallowing heaven and eating earth” to devour Sage’s vitality from the “blue Martial Saint turtle”!

Naturally, how to arrange the “Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Array” was also given to her by the “Holy Lord” professor.

Wang Xinran, who was eager to meet and worship the “Holy Lord”, started her action!

Later, I ran into Dali Hepburn on the journey of searching for the formation location.

Joining the “Dead Poetry Society” after gaining the trust of Dai Li Hepburn is actually a dramatic coincidence…

Originally, Wang Xinran was planning to completely destroy the “Undead Poetry Society”.

But think of the mysterious person behind the “Dead Poetry Society”.

She dispelled the idea of ​​destroying the “Undead Poetry Society”, but continued to lurch.

The purpose, naturally, is to find the mysterious person behind the “Dead Poetry Society”, so as to solve the hidden danger once and for all!


She just waited for Zhao Zheng and Yin Zhi!

After seeing the strength of Yin Zhi-easily destroying the “annihilation mercenary group”.

Wang Xinran decisively adjusted the plan.

In the same way, tell the gang of Saibawang to “get into a dream” to advance the start time!

Wang Xinran is smart enough.

She has formulated two plans, one open and one dark, which is flexible and has a very high success rate of action!

By the way, it was Yin Zhi that she met.

Yin Zhi traveled directly to the future without clues and unknown truth-this is simply a cheating operation. He witnessed Wang Xinran jumping out and devouring the vitality of Sage of the “Blue Martial Saint Turtle”.

But I don’t know that she can’t kill.

I don’t even know how to beat her.


Yin Zhi has enough cards and strong enough.

In time, he used the “Xuanyuan Emperor Dao Sword” to open the protective barrier.

Otherwise, let Wang Xinran swallow the vitality of the “Blue Martial Saint Turtle”, the consequences would be disastrous!

However, even Yin Zhi stopped Wang Xinran in time.

She still swallowed a lot of Sage’s vitality, and her strength exploded!

Especially, it is different from the “tool people” of Saibawang.

They swallowed Sage’s vitality and could only temporarily increase his strength.

Wang Xinran has the method taught by the “Holy Lord”.

The vitality of the “Blue Martial Saint Turtle” has been completely taken as his own.

In short, her strength is permanent Ascension!

When her hatred and murderous intent towards Yin Zhi, who had badly done her own good deeds, was absorbed by the “finding death system”.

Directly produced 200,000 “super kill points”!

Now that the killing intent has occurred, how can it not be put into action?

“kill him!”

“Clear all the troubles!”

“The’Swallowing Heaven and Earth Great Formation’ is still there.”

“I can continue to devour Sage’s vitality!”

No matter who it is, I can’t stop me from seeing the “Holy Lord”!

With this desire and fascination, Wang Xinran’s action is full!

She did not summon Yuling…

Because she doesn’t need Yuling at all!

With the true, pure, rich and fresh Sage vitality, why does she need Yuling?

A sweet drink pierced the blue night sky.

Wang Xinran raised her left arm high, and then waved it earlier.

Holy Light Goddess·Holy Spear!


The dazzling white light fell from the sky like a spear, shooting straight at Yin Zhi, extremely fast!

How fast is it?

When Yin Zhi was almost on full speed, coupled with the “Time Lady”, he could only dodge in embarrassment.

Throwing left and right, rushing forward and backward, looked very dangerous.

Although Yin Zhi is now wearing the “Vientiane Buddha Sacred Battle Armor”-this is an artifact used by Sage!

But he didn’t want to directly carry the “light gun” that fell from the sky.

It doesn’t matter if it can be carried.

If you can’t hold it, your rhythm becomes messy, and you might be hanged and beaten.

“At this time, please come out’you’…”

A thought flashed through Yin Zhi’s mind.

He already knew who should be summoned.

But at this time.

Not waiting for Yin Zhi to summon Yu Ling out.

Wang Xinran suddenly appeared in front of Yin Zhi.

At this time, she has completely entered a special fighting state.

The eyeballs are gone, and there are only bright white eyeballs in the eyes.

On the contrary, her skin was red as a soldering iron, faintly steaming…

In this state, Yin Zhi has seen it in the people of the “Holy Court”!


“So fast?!”

Yin Zhizhen was taken aback. Minute

I’m afraid that the shuttle space is not so fast, right?

Holy Light Comes·Holy Fist!

Wang Xinran punched both punches at the same time.

Two fists condensed by the holy light blasted on Yin Zhi’s body!

A loud noise of “pong”.

The shock wave broke out and disappeared instantly.

But Yin Zhi has disappeared.

boom! ! !

A loud noise erupted from the ground.

It was like exploding a huge bomb.

In the mountains more than a hundred miles away, a huge “meteor crater” appeared in an instant!

You don’t have to think about it and know that the “meteorite” that smashed the “meteorite crater” was Yin Zhi…


Heartbroken pain!

Lying in the huge pit, Yin Zhi grinned in a cold breath.

“If it weren’t for wearing the’Vientiane Buddha’s Battle Armor’, I might have been blown by her directly.”

This thought flashed past Yin Zhi’s mind.


A sword-like white light shot from a distance, reflected in Yin Zhi’s pupils.

Stimulated by strong light.

Yin Zhi’s pupils shrank directly into needle points!

In the eyes of Zhao Zheng and Dai Li Hepburn.

Yin Zhi was stabbed by a huge “light sword” and disappeared without a trace…

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