Chapter 863 I am the devil? Compared with you, daddy is simply the virgin!

There is nothing special about Yin Zhi’s “big move”…

Still the same!

It is to drag Wang Xinran into the deeper sea!

After finishing the “Holy Light Coming·Purification”.

The pressure of this million meters of deep sea water squeezed her body in all directions without dead ends.

If she hadn’t had enough Sage’s vitality in her body, she would have been squashed long ago.

Now even if she was not squashed, she felt that she was going to be squashed.

She immediately rushed to the surface!

The speed of ascent is also very fast, and it is ten thousand meters in the blink of an eye.

How could Yin Zhi make her wish?

His speed is much faster than Wang Xinran!

As soon as the distance shortened, a large piece of “water tentacles” shot out, entwining Wang Xinran tightly.

Wang Xinran naturally struggled with all his strength.

She does everything possible, isn’t Yin Zhi not?

“Frozen Empress” once again used “Frozen World”, while freezing Wang Xinran, while freezing the waters above her head.

The weight of the solid ice, coupled with Yin Zhi driving the sea water to pull the ice down, is Wang Xinran, who is still committed to breaking the ice, who is his opponent?


Or is it that the time for her to gain Sage’s vitality is too short!

To acquire a brand new and powerful force, it is difficult to exert its true power without familiarity and experimentation for a certain period of time.

At this time, Wang Xinran urged Sage’s vitality to perform “Holy Light”, which was too singular and rigid.

It’s far better than Yin Zhi give full play to the strengths and advantages of each Yuling, and then take advantage of the location to defeat her to death!

If Wang Xinran was given more time, she might not be able to create more ways to use Sage’s vitality.

Unfortunately, she did not have “more time”.

At this time, no matter how Wang Xinran struggled, she couldn’t change the fate of being dragged into the deep sea.

Because of the anger, Wang Xinran, who was in the pitch-black environment where he couldn’t see his fingers, finally grew fear in her heart!



The two sources of human fears are now occupied by Wang Xinran, which can be described as a detailed “cause of all people”.

“Am I going to die like this?”

“Not reconciled!”

“I don’t want to die!”

“Save me… “Holy Lord”, save me…”

At this moment, she seemed to only pray to the “Holy Lord” and ask for help.

Click! !

A faint and dull cracking sound sounded.

That was the sound of Wang Xinran’s ribs being broken under water pressure.


Even with the Sage Holy Element Protector.

Wang Xinran also couldn’t hold up the deep sea pressure that was millions of meters deep.

Not to mention!

At this time she was still being dragged deeper by Yin Zhi.

This is to squash and crush her completely!

By this time, Wang Xinran had forgotten what “Holy Lord”.

Reaper’s footsteps are step by step after all.

She even wanted to open her mouth to call for help to Yin Zhi.

It turned out that she did not open her mouth.

With a single mouth, the water from the deep sea poured into her mouth!

It is a moment of effort.

Wang Xinran was crushed by the deep water.

All the cavities in the body are completely filled!

The whole person is like dough rolled by a rolling pin.

When the internal and external pressures reach the same level.

The deep sea pressure stopped her mercilessly.

“This is dead?”

Yin Zhi stopped.

Wasn’t it possible to resurrect when you died before?

Good to die!

At this time Yin Zhi changed his mind again-this pig, don’t raise it!

In case she invites the “Holy Lord”…

Am I looking for death?

Although I often habitually look for death.

But we don’t really want to die!

It’s also very particular about who is looking for death. It’s a technology life.

Looking for death to the “Holy Lord”?

Forget it.

What’s more, Wang Xinran is dead to ensure that his mission is completed!

Yin Zhi was not bad as expected.

Wang Xinran also seems to have some kind of immortality.

After she was squashed and flattened for a while, she was resurrected!


It was resurrected the first second, and was squashed and flattened the next second.

Then he was resurrected again, and then squashed and flattened again.

in this way!

Resurrect from the dead, and die again.

She used the skill of “repeated horizontal jump” between death and life…

This is simply the real version of “Survival”.

It was Yin Zhi who was shocked when he saw it.

I can’t help but he is not afraid!

Because he also has the ability to come back from death.

If that day, I will also fall into the state of Wang Xinran, and come back from the dead, and come back from the dead…

“It’s not as good as dying…”

An idea came to Yin Zhi’s mind.

However, it seems to be dead.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but shudder.

do not!


When it comes to that point, you will definitely die happily.

Of course it is better not to fall into that situation.

Yin Zhi hesitated for a while, then swam to Wang Xinran’s side.

He was a little curious about why Wang Xinran could die and be resurrected.

I am because of the “Emperor Virus”.

What about her?

What’s the reason?

There is always “the emperor virus” in her body, right?

It’s worth exploring!

It happened that Wang Xinran was resurrected again.

She opened her mouth and shouted “kill” and was crushed to death.


Who to kill?

Kill you or kill me?

Yin Zhi didn’t care about her, inquiring, inquiring…

Did not explore a reason.

Yin Zhi thought about it for a while, then took Wang Xinran to float upward.

Until it floats to a place where the pressure is not enough to crush her to death.

Then he used the “Sea Empress”‘s other ultimate skill “Sea Bubble”.

As soon as the “Undersea Bubble” opened.

There is a spherical water-free space under the deep ocean.

“Cough cough cough-cough cough!”

Wang Xinran coughed desperately and choked the water in his body.

A dazzling flashlight beam hit her head.


“It’s not bad to live and die, right?”

“You said that if I build a large metal prison that is strong enough, and then throw you in, let you sink and sink, sink to the bottom…”

“Hey, isn’t it fun?”

Wang Xinran trembled after hearing it.

The pale face that had been soaked in sea water was even whiter now.


“You devil!”


Yin Zhi shook his hand and gave Wang Xinran two big ear scrapers.

That’s a crisp and loud.

Oh shit!

Don’t think that I couldn’t do it after a period of ambiguity.

Talking about love also has to deal with people and things.

When I see beautiful women, I can’t tell the difference between indiscriminate and indiscriminate?

Yin Zhi couldn’t save effort with this slap.

Wang Xinran’s pale and white cheeks immediately turned red – when bleeding came from the beating, they naturally turned red.

“Am I the devil?”


“Did you say it wrong, or did I hear it wrong?”

“If I want to do it, I will kill you.”

“And you?”

“Suck the ‘Blue Martial Saint Turtle’, hundreds of millions of creatures on the entire continent will sink into the sea, how many deaths will you count?”

“I am the devil?”

Yin Zhi lifted his foot and kicked Wang Xinran.

“I’m going to the devil of f*ck!”

“Go to the devil of f*ck!”

“Compared with you, daddy is simply the Virgin-no, I am a man, I should be the Holy Father!”

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