Chapter 872 I am so envious! When will I find my own mother…

“Holy Dragon Continent” northeast sea area…

There was a “puff” sound.

Tang Shihu fell into the sea and hit a huge splash.

For a while.

He floated out of the sea.

Good guy, Yin Zhi’s stick really knocked Tang Shihu from the inland into the sea.

“Old Demon!”

“You wait for me—wait!”

“If this hatred is not reported, I, Tang Shihu, swear not to be a man!!!”

The roar shook the sky, and even the sound of the waves was overwhelmed.

As a result, when he finished roaring, he looked around at a loss.

The sight is the endless blue sea and blue sky, Baiyun ticket.


The sea is all water!

Where am I?

He was completely lost.

What Tang Shihu didn’t know was that a century-long “Tang Shihu Drifting Journey” was waiting for him…

at this time.

Yin Zhi has returned to the “Yinquan Yudong” with his mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

Two years ago, after Cao Tianming completely settled on the throne of the State of Cao, the “Five Phoenixes of Yin Family” had resigned from the position of “State of Cao” and returned to the “Yinquan Yudong”. Don’t worry about things outside.

To this day, they finally waited for their man and their mother to return.

Early, they were already waiting at the entrance of “Yinquan Yudong”.

Waiting together, naturally, there are also the crystallization of them and Yin Zhiai, one by one next to their respective mothers.

Some are quiet, some are jumping around.

However, after five years, plus the “Yin Clan Five Phoenixes” is a practitioner again, so there is almost no change in appearance, and it is still as bright and dazzling as before.

Especially when five people stand for a shot, the impact… is simply not that big.

finally! !

“Tian Xing Shuo” descended from the sky and slowly landed in front of their eyes.

In an instant, the heart of “Yin’s Five Phoenixes” lifted up, and the eyes were shining, like morning stars in the sky.

“Mother, is Dad coming back?”

“What a weird thing.”

“Mother, mother, I want to fly too!”

They quickly calmed down their children.

With a sound of “chicks”, the hatch of “Skywalker” opened.

“Ha ha!”

“I’m back!”

Yin Zhi jumped out of “Skywalking Shuttle”.

“Big Brother!”

Yin Lixia’s eyes were rippling, and she was the first to fly over, and gave Yin Zhi a big hug.


The sound and strength of the impact seemed to squeeze Yin Zhi into Own’s body.

The four other people were not as bold as Yin Li Xia, but they were all overjoyed, their faces blooming like peach blossoms.

Seeing the man who was thinking about it, they also forgot the child for a moment.

Yin Lihua made a Wanfu gift and said, “Senior, you are back…”

Yin Lixiao cupped fist with both hands, and said: “Welcome the senior back home!”

Yin Lishi hugged his elbow and said, “After five years of waves, you still know how to come back.”

Yin Lishuang curled his lips and said, “Huh, just come back.”

Looking at their identical and stunning faces and listening to their distinctive words, Yin Zhi had a great heart.

If it weren’t for a pair of “mother-in-law’s eyes” staring behind him, he would have to have a big hug with the “Little Sisters” and maybe even eat the rouge on their lips…

In front of the mother-in-law, it’s better to settle down a little bit.

So he hugged the “Little Sisters” one by one.

Yin Lihua said to the children: “Children, call Daddy.”




In an instant, sparse, large and small, high and low sounds called “Daddy” sounded.

Looking at the ten own children in front of him, Yin Zhi only felt his heart melted.

For the time being, I left the “Little Sisters” and picked up the two children.

However, with a keen perception, he still saw strangeness in the eyes of the children, and even timidity.

A deep apology suddenly surged in my heart.

He thought of his childhood.

When I was young, didn’t my dad often stay away?

Until the death of my father, I’m afraid that the time I spent with him will not even last for a year. The real thing is to gather less and divorce more.

And now I am the same as my old dad…

In recent years, the children’s memories of their father have been completely blank.

Their childhood is gone forever.

The past will pass forever, and even if you want to make up for it in the future, there will be no chance.

If possible, Yin Zhi really accompanies them to grow up.


Thinking of “Holy Court”…

Yin Zhi knew that he was not destined to give the children a complete childhood.

Not strong!

Don’t get rid of the “Holy Court”!

What if I gave my children a complete childhood?

Maybe a catastrophe is imminent, they don’t even have a complete life!

It is true that I cannot give the children a complete and happy childhood.

But I have to do my best to give them a complete and carefree, peaceful and safe life for Wu You!

This is my responsibility as a man, husband, and father!

After thinking about this joint, Yin Zhi’s guilt was slightly reduced.

At this time, the Yin Li Huaqi Ai Ai, panicked and said: “senior…”

Not only her, but the other four “Little Sisters” also had similar expressions, staring straight at “Skywalker”.

Yin Zhi knew why they were so nervous and panicked.

Naturally because of the depth of field snow!

At this moment, Xue Shen Xue hasn’t appeared yet…

Yin Zhi can more or less understand Jing Shenxue’s heart.

Because of guilt.

Because she has no face to face her daughter.

Her condition was wrong along the way just now.

Especially close to nostalgia!

Regarding this, Liu Siya has been comforting her, but Yin Zhi didn’t say anything.

It’s not that he doesn’t care about it, but “the person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell”.

This is her own Karma, and she has to end it herself.

But now, it is not a problem that Xue Xue has not shown up.

Unexpectedly, our mother-in-law is still a good-tempered person, so twisted and entangled…

Just when Yin Zhi felt that he still had to act, Jing Shenxue was dragged out by Liu Siya.

On her face, you can see expressions that are too complicated to describe.



Such a complicated expression, I am afraid that even a queen-level actor will not be able to perform.

On the contrary, compared to the depth of field, Xue’s expression is too complicated to describe.

The reaction of the “Five Yin Sisters” is much simpler, only excitement and joy!


They cried with joy and rushed up together, enclosing the depth of field and snow in an instant…

Then, the six almost identical mother and daughter wanted to hug each other and cry!

Liu Siya who stepped aside also shed tears.

Her expression is as complicated as…

She also feels guilty about the “five sisters of the Yin family”.

Just because they “occupied” their mother for more than 20 years.

Fortunately, now their mother and daughter are reunited.

Looking at the six mother and daughter who were embracing and crying, Yin Zhi also felt sour in his heart.


“I really envy you!”

“When will I find my own mother…”

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