Chapter 874 What do you fight? Are you all fed up?! Go back!

On this day, Yin Zhi left “Yinquan Yudong”…

But he didn’t have anything to do with the “Five Yin Sisters”.

The reason is naturally that they don’t want them to worry too much.

Now the “Five Sisters of the Yin Family” are completely in a state of seclusion without asking the world.

Still don’t let the outside world disturb their peaceful life.

Today, it is the day when the Three Kingdoms war broke out between “Cao Guo” and “Liu Guo” and “Sun Guo”-Yin Zhi used “Shan Hai Yin” to see it clearly.

The so-called “chaotic war” is a very chaotic situation.

On the surface, “Sun Guo” and surrendered to “Cao Guo”, the two companies joined forces to destroy “Liu Guo”.

But in fact, it was “Sun Guo” and “Liu Guo” who conspired to attack “Cao Guo”!

Among them is the shadow of Rivers and Lakes Sect.

Therefore, the situation of “Cao Guo” is very bad, but they themselves know nothing.

The entire “Cao Guo”…

Go up to the monarch Cao Tianming and the Manchu civil and military.

The little pawns and ordinary people at the bottom.

It is an unstoppable trend for both the capital and the “Cao Guo” to complete the unification of the “Holy Dragon Continent”!

Without knowing that the catastrophe is imminent.

And Yin Zhi, naturally, can’t ignore “Cao Guo”.

The reason is public and private!

Yu private.

Cao Tianming is his disciple as well as the disciple of the “Little Sisters”.

If something happens to him, he can’t bear it, and the “Little Sisters” can’t live in peace of mind.

Yu Gong.

Yin Zhi thought of Zhao Zheng’s ambition to unify the “Endless Sea of ​​Zhou”!

She has the “Ninth Five-Year Supreme System”, and the unification of “Endless Universe Sea” can greatly increase her strength.

As an ally against the “Holy Court”, Yin Zhi naturally hopes that Zhao Zheng will become stronger and stronger.

Since Cao Tianming has a tendency to unify the “Holy Dragon Continent”, let him unify the “Holy Dragon Continent” first.

Let Zhao Zheng pick the fruit again in the future…

When Yin Zhi rushed to the battlefield of the “Three Kingdoms Melee”, the war had come to an end.

Looking down, there are three colors on the battlefield, namely red, yellow, and blue-the colors of the soldiers and the flags.

The red one is “Sun Guo”, the yellow one is “Liu Guo”, and the blue one is “Cao Guo”.

at this time!

Red and yellow have formed a pinch and strike against blue.

The situation on the blue side is already pretty bad.

If this continues, the red and yellow sides will inevitably encroach and strangle the blue side!

The shouting and killing burst into the sky.

Yin Zhi hovered high in the sky, even if he was not open to perception, he heard clearly.

“Three nests of ants are fighting…”

As his strength became stronger, Yin Zhi’s mood naturally changed drastically.

He even unconsciously regarded the people below as ants.

Just in time, Yin Zhi’s eyes narrowed.

Because he saw a group of people killing Cao Tianming.

With that look and style, you can tell at a glance that he is definitely a member of Rivers and Lakes!

In this “Three Kingdoms melee”, there is still a fourth party involved-the Rivers and Lakes Sect forces!

Yin Zhi even suspected that they might be behind the scenes…

The three-way melee of the “Three Kingdoms” is bound to be severely injured.

Only then will Rivers and Lakes Sect have a chance to re-emerge and re-dominate the “Holy Dragon Continent”!

“If this is really the case, it would be a big drama!”



Because I’m here, whether it’s a big battle or a big show, it’s all here!

Yin Zhi summoned a “holy spirit nine-star female emperor”-super giant female emperor, from “Bailian Draw”!

“My little Big Brother, do you want to be bigger?”

“Let Big Sister help you.”

“No matter how old it is, Big Sister can help you handle it.”


Listening to the soft voice of “Super Giant Empress”, Yin Zhi was a little bit contemplative.

These “Holy Spirit Nine Star Female Emperors”, as long as the “intimacy” is increased, all of them are super juicers…

Because Yin Zhi wants to upgrade all of them to “Three No Yuling”.

In order to prevent them from becoming the “Three Wu Yu Ling” and then pat their buttocks and leave, Yin Zhi worked hard on Ascension and their “intimacy”!

In other words…

“Raiders” so many “Nine Star Female Emperors”, does Yin Zhi have enough time?

Of course it is not enough under normal circumstances.

But doesn’t Yin Zhi have the “Ukiyo-e scroll”?

Isn’t there a “time female emperor”?

Just plan and manage time carefully.

There is still enough time to deal with more than one hundred to the “Nine Star Empress”.

If someone presented Yin Zhi with a “time management master” medal, he would definitely accept it.

Coupled with the nourishment of “Pill Doctor Empress”.

Enough energy is enough, completely able to withstand…

It’s just that the difficulty is not enough for outsiders.

Fortunately, the harvest is huge!

Yin Zhi is bitter in it, but also happy in it.

Suffering is not enough for outsiders, and happiness is not enough for outsiders…

“Super Giant Empress”!

Just by listening to this name, you can guess her role-to make the master bigger!

Not a huge Yuling, but better than a huge Yuling!

“Ha ha!”

The words of “Super Giant Empress” made Yin Zhi laugh twice.

“Come on then!”

“Super Giant Empress” skill, “million times bigger”, use it!

This is not her “ultimate skill.”

People’s “ultimate skill” is “million times bigger.”

Yin Zhi hasn’t unlocked yet…

Why not unlock it?

“Super kill” is not enough!

As the skills are displayed.

In an instant, Yin Zhi’s figure began to grow bigger-so much bigger!

It only takes a few seconds.

He became a giant more than 18,000 meters high.

Fortunately, the “all over the sky without clothes” he wore was also the “Holy Spirit Nine Stars” Yuling, otherwise he would have to be broken.

Otherwise, he will be completely exposed.

Cover the sky!

Really obscure the sky!

His shadow directly enveloped the entire battlefield.

“what happened?”

“It’s suddenly dark…”

“Look! What’s that?!”


The commotion exploded in the entire melee battlefield in an instant!

Then they saw Yin Zhi’s huge stature like the heaven and earth.

In that instant of effort, the people who were still fighting for the first second stopped and then looked at the giant suddenly appearing in horror.

The pressure like a mountain weighed on all the people present, making them terrified, how could they even have the slightest strength to fight?

Who the hell is that? !

Many people don’t know Yin Zhi, but some people recognize him.

For example, Cao Tianming…

Covered in blood, he shouted in surprise “Master!”

Another example is Liu Tongsen, the fourth prince of “Liu Guo”…

Another example is Sun Xiangxiang, the princess of “Sun Guo”…

There were other people who also recognized Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhifu’s son opened his mouth and yelled.

“What to fight?”

“Aren’t all the ones who have eaten enough to support?!”

“Go back to me!”

“Go back to each house and find each mother!”

“Otherwise I will send you to reunite with your clan!”

The sound of thunder fell from the sky, and everyone who shook was trembling…

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