Chapter 878 Who am I? I am no one, just a enthusiastic and good citizen!

Ao Longtian’s voice was very soft and gentle.

Coupled with his friendly smile and gentle eyes.

The words that came out of his mouth were still very contagious and credible, and immediately calmed the nervous hearts of Yin Busi and Yin Bunian.

They glanced at each other, and Yin Busi, who was still a little more courageous, asked, “Is my mother really at your house? But my mother didn’t tell me.”

Ao Longtian smiled slightly and said, “Of course! How could Uncle lie to you? Go and go to Uncle’s house together. If it’s late, your mother will be worried.”

With that said, he stretched out his hands towards Yin Busi and Yin Bunian.


Yin Zhi secretly gritted his teeth.

God knows how much will he used to control himself without a slap to slap Ao Longtian’s face.

But if you really do this, it will definitely scare the two “little padded jackets”.

It would be terrible if they completely corrupted their beautiful image in their hearts.

not worth it!

Not worth it at all!


Looking back to clean up you!

Yin Zhi secretly made up his mind.


“Boy, courage is really big enough, even my baby girl, right?”

“If you don’t beat you back, even your son won’t recognize your son. Daddy will give you the last name!”

Although he did not slap Ao Longtian’s face, he still stretched out his hand and patted Ao Longtian’s shoulder.


“You said their mother was in your house, do you have any evidence?”

“Little Sister, there are a lot of bad guys now.”

“Don’t believe the words of people you don’t know, do you know?”

After speaking, Yin Zhi looked at the security guard.


“what’s wrong with you?”

“Seeing a person who is not a parent wants to take away two cute little sisters, are you completely invisible?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

The security guard took a breath… his face twitched.


A little security guard himself, how can he dare to care about “the second richest real dragon”?

You can really value me.

The security guard felt angry when he thought about it this way.

Who are you?

Why did you pull me in?

Ao Longtian stood up and sighed, “Unfortunately, it’s a piece of ‘f*ck’ and it’s soiled.” He took off his coat and threw it to a maid.

“Lost it!”

Yin Zhi frowned.


He felt that my hands were dirty, and his clothes were soiled when he patted his shoulder, so he just lost it.


He laughed.

This is so good!

“If I use this hand to touch all the clothes you are wearing.”

“Are you going to get naked?”


Ao Longtian frowned slightly, and immediately stretched out.

It’s just a small person.

Why should I have general knowledge with him?

The own grade was downgraded for nothing, and it was not worth it.

At this time, which servant had already lost his clothes and walked back.

Ao Long Heavenly Dao: “Ahu, please have a cup of tea for this gentleman.”

“Yes, boss.”

The maid took out a stack of checks, “brushed” and wrote a few strokes on it, tore it off, and handed it to Yin Zhi.

“This is the boss who asked you to drink tea. Take it.”

With her tone and demeanor, she almost said “Look at you, pitiful, get out with the money”.

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

one million?

How about sending a beggar?

Besides, do I look so poor?

Just don’t want to buy this “all over the sky without clothes” on my body.


Some rich people should really throw them back to school to receive some ideological and moral education.

Really think that daddy is the best in the world with a few bad money?

Can’t it be a little low-key?

I didn’t even say that I was the man who was “the richest man in the real dragon”!

Yin Zhi accepted the check and bounced it “pop”.

“Don’t drink the tea.”

“Go back to donate to charity and do good every day.”

“But the name of the donor, of course it was written on me!”

Ao Longtian only assumed that he hadn’t heard Yin Zhi’s words at all, and he wanted to coax Yin Busi and Yin Bunian away.

Still not giving up?


Daddy doesn’t seem to bear it anymore.

“Hey, I said, you are determined to take away these two lovely children, right?”

“Who the hell are you special?”

“What qualifications do you have to take away other people’s children?”

“Do you want to kidnap?”

Yin Zhi was annoyed, and Ao Longtian was even more annoyed.

I don’t know anything to promote!

“Friend, if I were you, I would leave immediately with the money and enjoy life comfortably…”

Yin Zhile interrupted him directly.

“Enjoy life?”

“Hey Hey hey!”

“Only this million?”

“Are you kidding me? Right, you must be kidding me!”

“My meal costs tens of millions.”

“One million? You can’t even drink soup.”

Yin Zhi’s voice is not small.

What he said fell on the ears of those who followed Ao Longtian, and he immediately drew a few ridicules.

Tens of millions for a meal?

Really blow!

Why don’t you say that one meal eats up the GDP of the “True Dragon Kingdom” for one year?

Yin Zhike doesn’t care what others think.

He pointed to Ao Longtian: “If you continue to take them away, I will call the police.”

Following him, he pointed at the security guard again.

“You are also responsible!”

“Knowing that he is not the parent, I still watched him, why, he didn’t dare to stop him when he was rich, right?”

“Who comes to this’first-child’ to go to school, who doesn’t have much money in the family?”

“Today someone can take away other people’s children, will someone else do it again tomorrow?”

“Join the fun around.”

“You think about it for yourself, and you can’t worry about sending your own child to the first child?”

These words touched the heart of the people around to join in the fun.

As Yin Zhi said, who doesn’t have much money yet?

Maybe not as rich as Ao Longtian.

But what about it, compared with the safety of my own children, money is a shit!

“What he said makes sense…”

“This is to talk to the principal of’Yiyou’.”

“Security is a top priority!”

“The security guard is too irresponsible.”

Hearing these words, the security’s forehead suddenly seeped cold sweat.

If someone really stabs today’s affairs to the principal, don’t do it as a security guard yourself.

He rushed up quickly and stood in front of Yin Busi and Yin Bunian.

“Mr. Ao, you can’t take the child away.”

“The school has regulations that only relatives of the child can pick up the child.”

“If it is entrusted by the child’s parents, the child’s parents need to contact the teacher.”

Ao Longtian’s face suddenly became dark…

He turned to look at Yin Zhi.

“Didi! You got 30,000 super kill points from Ao Longtian, please check!”

Huh? !

Yin Zhi was surprised.

In this “True Dragon Kingdom”, someone can produce 30,000 “Super Kill Points”?

It’s incredible!

In terms of strength, it is already comparable to Zhao Zheng and Wang Daosen!

He can do whatever he wants in the “Seven Continents”!

This Ao Longtian is a bit interesting…

“After talking for a long time, who are you?”

Ao Longtian looked directly at Yin Zhi for the first time.

This guy dared to ruin my good deeds, really damn it!

Yin Zhi said: “Who am I? I am no one, just a enthusiastic and good citizen!”

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