Chapter 881 Don’t worry, you are gone, I will take care of your wife and daughter!


Damn it!

After hearing Yin Zhi’s words, Ao Longtian, who already had an evil fire, suddenly became angry.


He asked the driver to stop the car, and then said to Ao Jun, “Dad has something to leave, you should go home first”, and he pushed the door to get out of the car.

Yin Zhi stretched out his hand and squeezed Ao Jun’s chubby face, and then got out of the car.


The door closed firmly.

Ao Longtian straightened his clothes and said, “Where do you want to die?”

Since the face is torn, of course you don’t have to be polite.

Ao Longtian made no secret of his killing intent on Yin Zhi.

Even one person enjoys two peerless beauties…

Even I, Ao Longtian, don’t have such benefits. Why are you kid? !

At this time, Ao Longtian had changed his mind.

Before Yin Zhi appeared, he also wanted to bring Yang Feiyue and Changze Yali into the house through pursuit.

But now, Yin Zhi’s appearance made him burn with evil fire.

After killing Yin Zhi, he is going to obtain Yang Feiyue and Changze Yali with strong means-this is the natural spoils of the victor!

Yin Zhi “hehe” smiled.

“Yes, very confident.”


Yin Zhi directly took out the “Ruyi Scepter”.



“It’s not bad here.”

“Of course it’s not the place to bury me. It’s the place to beat you up.”


Ao Longtian’s heart was burning with evil fire.

Is there no blazing evil fire in Yin Zhi’s heart?

Family members are always the inverse scales in people’s hearts—except for certain improper beasts!

This Ao Longtian dared to calculate his own baby daughter…

Damn it!

Of course he could guess that Ao Longtian’s fundamental purpose was Yang Feiyue and Changze Yali.

This is of course even more intolerable.

That is to say, I happened to be back today!

What if?

What if I didn’t come back today?

Ao Longtian is “True Long Second Rich”!

He is even more a powerful Spirit Guardian-his strength is on the same level as Zhao Zheng and Wang Daosen.

If he wants to resort to coercive measures.

Don’t say “True Dragon Kingdom”.

No one can stop him in the entire “Seven Continents”!

Then the fate of Yang Feiyue, Changze Yali, and her two baby daughters…does you need to say more?

It is tolerable and unbearable!

Before it was at the door of “Sacred Heart First Child”, there were two little cuties watching, Yin Zhi endure.

But now, forbearance f*ck’s forbearance, can’t bear it!


Ao Longtian was taken aback, and subconsciously glanced around.

Although it is not the city center of “Sacred Heart City”, it is also very close to the city center.

At this time, it was the peak time for commuting, and there were busy traffic and people coming and going on the road.

Is he crazy if he does it in the city?

Although Ao Longtian claims to be invincible in the world…

But he is very clear that own strength has huge flaws and instability.

Once he does something blatantly illegal, causing a huge adverse effect, his strength will be greatly reduced!

So, where does his strength come from?


Ao Longtian is also a traverser, and a traverser with Gold Finger-he naturally thinks that he is the protagonist!

“Passenger” + “Gold Finger” = “Protagonist”, there is nothing wrong with this formula!

His “Gold Finger” is “daddy rich system”.

The biggest feature of this “system” is that the richer the host, the stronger the strength!

Relying on the “daddy rich system”, Ao Longtian built a huge business empire in less than five years and made a lot of money.

And this “a lot of money” has created Ao Longtian’s almost invincible strength!


The “daddy rich system” has a pitfall, which can be described as “getting money and losing money”.

What is money?

Credit carrier issued and endorsed by the state!

The country recognizes that a bottle cap can be used as money.

On the contrary, the country does not recognize that real gold and silver are broken stones.

Based on this, Ao Longtian’s combat effectiveness is actually very unstable.

Today, the value of money has risen, and his combat power has become stronger.

Tomorrow the money will depreciate and his combat power will weaken.

And if he breaks the laws established by the state, his assets will be frozen.

Or the social image collapsed, causing people to reduce or even stop buying other company’s products.

This will inevitably lead to a substantial weakening of Ao Longtian’s “money capability”.

Because of this, even with the combat power of Transcendent, Ao Longtian is very peaceful on the surface!

Of course, he was very depressed.

Obviously he has great strength, but he can’t do whatever he wants, and can only hold back. It is not too uncomfortable.

However, “daddy rich system” is like this!

No matter how depressed he is, he can only pinch his nose to recognize it.


Ao Longtian could only spend his excess energy and time on eating, drinking and having fun.

He will use all means to get any woman he likes.

Some methods are gentle, some are tough.

So much so that now he can’t even count how many women he owns…

But no matter how many women there are, Yang Feiyue and Changze Yali, he is bound to win!

Of course Yin Zhi must die!

But absolutely can’t die on this bustling street.

In case of a big trouble, own “Shenlong Group” will be over!

“It’s better to change place.”

“I know there is a treasure land of Feng Shui.”

“Guaranteed to be good for the children and grandchildren.”

“Don’t worry, you are gone, I will take care of your wife and daughter!”


Yin Zhi laughed three times, but there was no slight smile in his eyes!

“You still think about who you should look for to take care of you for the rest of your life.”

After all, he disappeared instantly.

Ao Longtian’s expression changed.

A thought flashed in his mind: “He really wants to do it in the city?”

Immediately after him, a cruel expression flashed in his heart: “Fight and fight, who is afraid of whom?!”


I must create an illusion of justified defense.

In this way, the responsibility is not on me.

“Fight him a few times first, and then fight back!”

The Ruyi Scepter in Ao Longtian’s heart made a sound of abacus.

He is even a little proud…

In his mind, he had already thought about the headline of the newspaper tomorrow.

It’s called “Crazy gangsters attacked with sticks in the street, Ao Longtian bravely saved the innocent when he saw righteousness.”

at this time.

Pong! ! !

The big black stick hit Ao Longtian’s head fiercely.

There was a “boom”.

Ao Longtian fell directly to the ground and smashed a hollow and broken pit on the concrete floor.

Two loud noises immediately attracted the attention of surrounding pedestrians.

what happened?

Where is that loud voice?

Just when people were looking for the source of the sound, the “pong” sounded again!

The pedestrian vehicles next to Yin Zhi and Ao Longtian naturally saw him swinging a stick and smashing people at the first time, and they quickly avoided.

Seeing that the stick fell firmly on Ao Longtian’s head, they all felt a pain in their brains.

Enthusiastic people quickly call the police…

Others took out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos.

There are even more talks.

Yin Zhi didn’t care about other things, and beat Ao Longtian with one thought.




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