Chapter 903 You are a madman! Your whole family is a madman! Believe it or not, I sue you for slander?

“Hmm, it makes sense.”

“Why don’t you do it?”

“This time it’s supposed to be a gathering for those of us who are passing through, chatting, and drinking tea.”

“This is also very good!”

Yin Zhiyou wandered around, leaning on the sofa comfortably, with an indifferent attitude on his face.

Lan Yun said: “I have a suggestion-how about lottery? Who is the boss, it’s all luck!”

Zhang Yiyi: “Ha, good! This can be there!”

The more you pull, the more outrageous!

Still drawing lots?

Ao Longtian, who had just sat down not long ago, stood up and said, “Since we can’t agree, there is no need to waste each other’s precious time.”

At this time, he really wanted to say “Insufficient and conspiracy”!

Hong Ye picked up the computer too, “I think so too.”

There are still more than two hours to play with one hundred thousand words, time is running out!

Bai Feiyang said, “Eh, don’t you? How long will it take to leave?”

Hong Ye said: “Don’t talk too speculatively. If you don’t break up, are you sitting here with big eyes and small eyes?”

But Liang Bufan said: “Everyone, please treat this gathering carefully. Don’t wait for something to happen, it’s too late to regret it.”

Ao Long Heavenly Dao: “It’s a pity that some people just have a fluke, and they won’t shed tears if they don’t see the coffin.”

After all, his feet have already stepped out.

Bai Feiyang said: “Hello? Isn’t it? Really leaving? Don’t tell me!”

At this time, some of the “Masters of the Audience” were already yelling and cursing uncomfortably.

Originally, they were also looking forward to the exciting scenes of this “traverser gathering”.

That’s the result?

Move your mouth and leave?

What about saying good “looks good”?

Is there anything more boring than this?

“All right!”

Suddenly, Liang Bufan sighed and surrendered.

“be honest!”


When he opened his mouth, he attracted the attention of others.

What the truth?

Liang Bufan said: “Didn’t I say that a very strong person directly broke my own system? Actually, I didn’t escape—I wanted to escape, but failed. As for the result…”

Zhang Yiyi asked: “How was the result?”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Could you be beaten up by him?”

Liang Bufan’s face blushed and said, “Almost…”


Hey, I’m afraid I was beaten up badly, right?

Lan Yun murmured to herself, and then said: “Why didn’t he kill you?”

Liang Bufan said: “This is the crux of the problem: He didn’t kill me! He simply took pleasure in the abuse of the traversers.”



Yin Zhi complained secretly.

Without such a bloody mouth.

What do I mean by “rejoicing in the abuse of those who travel through”?

I am not a pervert.

You don’t mess with me, I’ll beat you up when I’m full?

However, he guessed Liang Bufan’s intention… This was creating conditions for the establishment of the “traverser group”!

What conditions?

Common enemy, huge external threat!

Yin Zhi secretly pondered to continue sabotage.

Ao Longtian moved in his heart and asked, “Principal Liang, who is that person?”

Liang Bufan sighed and said, “Yin Zhi!”

Ao Longtian was shocked.

It turned out to be him? !

Liang Bufan continued.

“As for who this Yin Zhi is, you can check it online.”

“Once he was a man of the world.”

“Later, I offended the’Holy Court’ and fled.”

“Now that the’Holy Court’ disappears, he is back again.”

Hong Ye’s expression turned dark all of a sudden, and said, “Principal Liang, what do you mean? Knowing that someone is targeting the traversers, you still called us with a big fanfare?”

Damn it!

Zhang yelled one by one.


“In case he also saw your post, don’t we want to be caught in a pot?”

Liang Bufan said: “Even if I don’t find you, that Yin Zhi will find you sooner or later. Even if you don’t die, you will have to peel off—just like me! Is this what you want?”

Lan Yun said, “I didn’t provoke him.”

Liang Bufan “hum” sneered.

“Did I provoke him?”

“Who is Yin Zhi? You can find out by searching the Internet.”

“He is a complete lunatic!”

Yin Zhi heard this and said to himself: “Hey! You are a madman! Your whole family is a madman! Believe it or not, I will sue you for slander?”

However, Liang Bufan’s words made Lan Yun, Zhang Yiyi and others frowned.

If it’s a lunatic…

That’s really not easy.

Liang Bufan said: “One man is small, and all will come together! That’s why I want to make everyone anxious. I don’t believe it anymore. With the power of us traversers, would I still be afraid of him alone?”

Yin Zhi curled his lips and said, “Principal Liang, let’s not say whether Yin Zhi is a lunatic. Wouldn’t you be dragging us to avenge you? What kind of grudges do you have with Yin Zhi… that’s all from your side. . If you tell a lie, then we were miserable by you?”

Liang Bufan said: “I can swear by my personality! What I said is true! If there is half a false statement…the sky is thundering! It’s not a good death!”


“The sky thunders?”

“Don’t die?”

Yin Zhi looked at him with a playful expression.

“Is that what you said?”

“All of you here are witnesses.”

“When the time comes, it will be thundered and you will die, so don’t call it wrong.”

Seeing Yin Zhi’s smiling expression, Liang Bufan suddenly became a little bit embarrassed…

At this time, Ao Longtian sighed and spoke again.

“What I said before…”

“Correct it a bit too.”

“I fought with that strong man, and the result was not that I narrowly won, but…”

Frankly speaking, he was very unwilling to slap his own face.

But this is the end. In order to get this “traversing group” up, he can only tell the truth-slap himself in the face.

Even so, he hesitated, only feeling hot on his face.

Hong Ye said, “Boss Ao, did you get beaten up too?”

Ao Long Heavenly Dao: “After all, it’s an ugly thing… After you change you, surely it won’t make you public, right?”

This is human nature, understandable!

Ao Long Heavenly Dao: “Guess who that person is?”

Liang Bufan said, “Could it be Yin Zhi?”

Ao Longtian nodded, and a strong hatred spurted out of his eyes-everyone present could see that the hatred was not pretended.

“It’s not him, who else?”

“First it’s me, then Principal Liang, then what?”

He looked at other people.

“Who is the next person he has to clean up?”

Now, except for Yin Zhi’s deity, the faces of everyone else became serious.

Obviously, Yin Zhi’s brutal beating of two traversers in succession still attracted their attention.


Hong Yegang wanted to ask “Are you against Yin Zhi”.


A sudden tremor broke out.

Then the lights in the “Emperor Room No. 1” went out instantly.

Even the night lights and moonlight outside were gone.

The whole room is black and out of sight…

“what happened?!”

In the next second, the dazzling white light instantly filled the entire room!

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