Chapter 906 The enemy will definitely attack Liang Bufan and them behind the scenes, let’s be the oriole!

Being scolded by “Li Dingtian”…

Of course the faces of Ao Longtian and Liang Bufan were not pretty.

Especially Liang Bufan!

He stared at “Li Dingtian” fiercely, as if he wanted to see him thoroughly.

However, no matter how he looked at it, all he saw was Yin Zhi’s face.

This intensified his negative sentiment towards “Li Dingtian”.

“alright, alright!”

Lan Yun quickly jumped out to make a round.

“Everyone, calm down.”

“Don’t fall into the enemy’s tricks.”

“If we are really fighting each other and fighting each other, that would be truly stupid.”

Zhang Yiyi also said: “Yes, yes! Now we are all trapped in this place, let’s quickly find a way to return to’Endless Zhouhai’. Brother Hong…”

In Zhang Yiyi’s view, since Hong Ye can tell that everyone has come to another universe, maybe he has a way to return to “Endless Sea of ​​Universe.”

But before he could continue, Yin Zhi interrupted him.


“You said it is light.”

“It wasn’t you who dared to die just now-sorry, I’m a little excited, I hope you understand and understand Long live, right?”

“If it weren’t for Brother Bai, I would be dead now.”

“When a person dies, no one cares if I die unjustly.”

At this time, Yin Zhi was like an angry bull that had been stimulated, and his momentum was fierce.

“No matter what you think.”

“Anyway, I don’t want to team up with these two.”

“Damn, maybe they’ll be stupid to death at some point, and there’s nowhere to go.”

Ao Longtian stared at “Li Dingtian”, it was Yin Zhi no matter how he looked, and said, “How do you prove that you are not Yin Zhi?”


Yin Zhi burst out laughing.

“Have you heard?”

“Have you heard? Is this a question asked by a normal person?”

“I want to prove that I am not someone.”

“Then Boss Ao, how do you prove that you are not Liang Bufan? I really doubt it, without the system, just rely on your mind, tusk tusk…”

Ao Longtian anger started from his heart and said, “Enough!!”

Liang Bufan said with a sullen face, “Mr. Li, I was too impulsive just now, forgive me…”

He didn’t want to lower his head, but for the sake of the overall situation, he had to lower his head.

Yin Zhi curled his lips secretly.

Even if you apologize, you are boring, can you not be positive?

“Apologizing is useful, why should the police do?”

“Or I will also give you a few big moves, almost killed you, and then apologize to you, would you accept it?”

“If you accept, then I will accept too.”

Ao Longtian squinted his eyes and said, “Li Dingtian, I think you are here to make trouble, right? It’s not over yet?”

Hey, you are really right!

I’m here to make trouble, how can I drop it?

Yin Zhi spread his hands, shrugged, and smiled.


“I became a troublemaker instead.”

“Then what else do I have to say? If anyone of you thinks that I am unreasonable, unreasonable, or small-minded, then I have nothing to say.”

“This is not a question of the Three Views, but a question of the brain.”

He pointed to own head.

“Sorry, I don’t associate with stupid people-as I just said, I don’t want to be stupid and embarrassed by others.”

“Brother Bai, how about we form a team?”

Bai Feiyang blinked and said, “Yes!”

The style of “Li Dingtian” is in harmony with his temper, but Ao Longtian and Liang Bufan, he doesn’t want to get in touch very much.

I always feel that these two people are holding the air there-two people who both think that they are the protagonists and want to control everything, can it be wrong?

The temperament revealed by their every move can’t be concealed from Bai Feiyang’s perception.

Yin Zhi looked at Lan Yun, Zhang Yiyi and Hong Ye, and asked, “My fellow colleagues, how about you?”

Liang Bufan said angrily: “Li Dingtian, you are splitting up! We are now going to be united, but you want to separate us, what do you intend to do?!”


“Are you good at pinning hats? As soon as you speak, you say I want to split up.”

“Sorry, I don’t want to split, I just don’t want to be with stupid people.”

As soon as Yin Zhi’s words fell, he received a prompt from the “finding system”.

“Didi! You got 50,000 points of murder from Liang Bufan, please check!”


He smiled.

“You want to kill me?”

“Hey, guys, he really wants to kill me!”

“My system is a “death-seeking system”! As long as someone wants to kill me, I can receive a prompt and I can also receive a killing point. The stronger the killing point, the better the killing point.”

“He gave me nine quadrillion (nonsense) killing points!”

“Principal Liang, how much do you want to kill me?”

“In this way, I will not even dare to team up with you-I can’t afford to offend, I will say goodbye!”

Bai Feiyang “Tsk Tsk Tsk” endlessly.

“Nine petaflops! Fierce!”

“Obviously it is an own problem, I want to kill someone else, I can’t afford it either.”

“What about you? Are you with them, or with us? Or form a team by yourself?”

“If you want to be with us, just follow.”

He left after speaking.

Lan Yun sighed with her forehead.

How come it’s like this?

Just when she hesitated, Zhang Yiyi had already left a sentence of “I’m going over there”, and drove the “Ancient War Bear” towards Yin Zhi.

He who likes to play games knows better than anyone the scary of a pig teammate…

Of course, it is too early to say that Liang Bufan is a pig teammate, but he does have the potential of a pig teammate-hands-on and no-brained, but a typical sign of a pig teammate!

Hong Ye mumbled, “Impulse is the devil”, and also chose Yin Zhi’s side.

In fact, he has resentment towards Liang Bufan.

Okay, what do you call us together?

It’s okay now, but for some reason, I traveled to another Universe time and space.

That’s all!

We are not a timid person.

But your Liang Bufan’s performance is too bad, right?

Seeing a person like Yin Zhi, he attacked to death.

As long as you use your brain before you do it, you won’t get what it is now. If Liang Bufan knows what Hong Ye is thinking, he will definitely be depressed and irritable.

Don’t hurt if you stand up talking!

Daddy and Yin Zhi have a hatred against him, okay? !

Seeing that the general trend has been achieved, Lan Yun spread his hands and said, “The minority obey the majority.”

Also choose Yin Zhi.

Seeing Yin Zhi and the other five people leaving behind, Liang Bufan gritted his teeth bitterly.

Of course he focused on “Li Dingtian”…

“Li Dingtian!”

“Li Dingtian!”

Of course he blamed everything on “Li Dingtian”.

It was because of him that the situation was very good, but it turned out to be what it is now.

Ao Longtian was also bitter in his heart.

I had known that he would never bring “Li Dingtian” into the “Tian Jiulong Club”.

What should we do now?

Keep up?

He can’t pull down this face.

At the bottom of the huge sandpit, there are only two people who hate “Li Dingtian” with big eyes and small eyes…

Yoonji and the others?

After walking far, Yin Zhi stopped.

“The enemy will definitely attack Liang Bufan and them behind the scenes.”

“Let’s be oriole!”

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