Chapter 908 Oh, oh! I’m so embarrassed, my hand slipped!


The man on the left sneered twice, his deep and sharp eyes swept over Yin Zhi and others.

“Do you think you are smart?”

Yin Zhidao: “I’m asking you now-but I’m still happy to answer your question: Yes, we think we are very smart, why do you want to slap me in the face? Come on, welcome!”


Listening to this, it is domineering and arrogant enough!

Bai Feiyang didn’t want his own limelight to be robbed by Yin Zhi.

Otherwise his audience members will be unhappy.

The audience lords are worth seeing if you show up!

He waved the “Holy Sword of Physics” and shouted: “Stop talking about these useless! Answer the questions honestly. Otherwise, I will let you taste the power of the “Holy Sword of Physics” in my hand! Say!”

However, his fierceness was directly ignored by the two.

Lan Yun said: “Let me come! My’eye’ is a spiritual Yuling.”

Zhang Yiyi also said: “I have’Veritaserum’ here! I bought it in the’Game Mall’ and it’s absolutely easy to use!”

Hong Ye said: “I also have a very useful skill here…”


This is the posture of Eight Immortals crossing the sea to show their magical powers!

In fact, everyone has the idea of ​​”showing one’s hand”.

Yin Zhi didn’t fight or grab.

Anyway, as long as you can pry out information from their mouths.

But at this moment…

A terrifying coercion fell from the sky, instantly pressing on the bodies and hearts of everyone present!

In an instant, everyone’s complexion changed.

The pressure they felt on their bodies and hearts gave them the illusion of “the sky is falling down on themselves”.

At this moment, the sand on the surface of the desert under everyone’s feet jumped, and when they looked at it, it was as if the entire desert was boiling!

Bai Feiyang and others were almost unsteady.

“Depend on!”

“In this formation, is there a rhythm for a big boss to appear on the stage?”

Zhang Yi gritted his teeth and yelled.

Bai Feiyang also said: “Haha! It looks like it was a starter snack just now, this is the dinner!”

Those two “Holy Court Main Court” came to bear the same tremendous coercion. It can be seen from their expressions.

However, their eyes were excited and excited, and they looked at Yin Zhi and others as if they were dead.

Yin Zhi suddenly felt something – the same goes for everyone else. They all raised their heads to see a figure falling from the sky.

The fall is like a meteorite!

But the moment it fell to the ground, the figure stopped.

When others look at it, it’s like time has “paused” at this moment!

It was a burly man with a bald head like a big lamp under the sunlight.

He was shirtless, and the muscles on his body weren’t particularly strong, but they were clearly divided one by one-there were a total of three muscles on his chest, two chest muscles, and one abdominal muscle!

He was barefoot and wore a pair of loose white pants.

He just hovered just a few centimeters from the ground, and his body was full of majesty and vastness.

And his gaze is the unique gaze of a strong man overlooking an ant!

The two constrained “Holy Court Main Court” came to regain their freedom in an instant, and rushed to the bald man to salute.

Without waiting for them to speak, the bald man said coldly: “There is nothing. Return to the embrace of the “Holy Lord”.”

After speaking, he didn’t see any movement, and the two men and women instantly turned into a cloud of blood…

When this scene fell in the eyes of Ao Longtian, Bai Feiyang and others, they were shocked.

Ruthless enough!

He even killed himself and was crushed to pieces.

“one two three four five six seven……”

The bald eyes fell on Yin Zhi and the others, and counted every time they looked at a person.


“Humph, do you really think I don’t exist?”

But Yin Zhi could understand the meaning of what he said-what he said was that “splitting the organization” was too rampant!

When others heard it, they were a little confused.

“If you want to survive, answer my questions honestly.”

“If your answer makes me dissatisfied…”

“The fate of those two people just now is your role model.”

He is completely in a posture of “I will decide you”!


He pointed to a person casually-it was Liang Bufan, “Who gave you the system? And who brought you from another world to the ‘Endless Sea of ​​Universe’?”


Liang Bufan pressed his lips tightly, his soul trembled.

“I… I… don’t know…”

He didn’t want to be softened so easily, but he felt that Own’s brain and mouth were completely out of Own’s control.

“Gosh, what did I do?”

“I have recruited such a terrifying monster!”

“I knew this…”


Liang Bufan regrets extremely at this moment!

I regret that I should not engage in such a “traversing party”!

But, who knew there would be such a powerful enemy? !

The burly bald man said: “I’m not satisfied with this answer.”

Hearing this, Liang Bufan only felt a chill swept through his body, and said, “Don’t…”

In the next second, his whole person turned into a mist of blood-really like the two people before, no bones left!

This scene shocked everyone except Yin Zhi.

A cruel reality was before their eyes: the bald man was so strong that they were beyond their imagination!


The bald finger pointed at Ao Longtian again.

Ao Longtian shivered in fright, and knelt down with a “puff”?

Yes, Ao Longtian knelt down!

“I say……”

“I say!”

“Do not kill me!”

Stay in the green hills without worrying about no firewood!


The most important thing is to live!

As long as you can live, what is it to kneel down?

Ao Longtian hasn’t lived enough, the world hasn’t enjoyed enough wealth, and the grand vision in his heart hasn’t been realized. How can he die?

What’s more, even if he doesn’t talk about anything else, he doesn’t want to die!

Then he talked about his previous experience with Yin Zhi, naturally focusing on the “giant childlike face”…


Hearing this, Ao Longtian sighed in relief.

In the next second he heard the other person asking: “Who is the woman you are talking about? Where is she now?”

Ao Longtian’s heart jumped wildly, and said: “I…I don’t know…but! That Yin Zhi must know! He must know! I really don’t know!”

The bald man said, “Who is Yin Zhi that you are talking about? Where is he?”

Ao Long, Heavenly Stems, pours beans out of the bamboo tube and usually tells everything he knows.

“…I don’t know where Yin Zhi is.”

“But I know how to find him!”

“I know his woman…”

At this moment, a pitch-black stick hit Ao Longtian’s head.

puff! !

The head exploded like a watermelon.

Who else but Yin Zhi can start?

“Oh My God!”

“I’m so sorry, my hand slipped a bit!”

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