Chapter 910: Did you make a mistake? I fisted as hard as I could, and it turned out to be like this?


Seeing “Li Dingtian” who disappeared in an instant, Bai Feiyang and others were shocked and even fearful.

I thought he had any reliance on daring to be presumptuous…

But I didn’t expect it to be so vulnerable.

Even the person who was punched by others disappeared.

And Lan Yun, who has “chi Yin and blood pupils”, is even more shocked.


Because she “sees” Yin Zhi.


Outer space…


Yin Zhi was punched into outer space by the opponent.

That distance, more than a million meters? !

I couldn’t imagine what it would be like when that punch fell on me-I was frightened just thinking about it.

Because Yin Zhi is wrapped in the “Holy Battle Armor of the Ten Thousand Buddhas” at this moment.

So she didn’t know that “Li Dingtian” had been beaten up.

But knowing and not knowing seem to be the same, anyway, it seems to her that the “Li Dingtian” is already dead and can’t die anymore.

But Lan Yun and the others did not notice that the burly bald man frowned slightly, and squinted his eyes-he did not have the “chi Yin and blood pupils” such as Yu Ling, but he was able to move into outer space with his naked eyes. Yin Zhi saw it clearly.

So why does he frown?

It’s just because the “Sacred Battle Armor of the Ten Thousand Phases of the Buddha” was not smashed by one’s own punch.

This is surprising.

Although the punch just used only 30% of its strength, the armor couldn’t stand his own punch.

Even if it is the “Holy Spirit Nine Star Imperial Spirit”, it will be broken up on the spot.

Could it be a terrific baby?

The burly bald head was moved.

Even if he is “Ashen”, but only as “Ashen”-Sage can hardly be truly desireless, let alone him as “Ashen.”

For baby, who doesn’t want it?

As soon as the burly bald head raised his hand, he pointed it obliquely to outer space, and then grabbed it like an eagle claw with his five fingers!

The “Holy Battle Armor of the Ten Thousand Buddhas” that originally flew in outer space was dragged back by an invisible force.

It’s too late, it’s fast!

In the blink of an eye, “Li Dingtian”, who had disappeared from the eyes of Bai Feiyang and others, reappeared, and as soon as he appeared, his neck was pinched by his burly bald head, like a chicken.

But at this moment…

The “Holy Battle Armor of the Ten Thousand Buddhas” disappeared again.

But this time it didn’t disappear suddenly, but slowly faded, and finally disappeared completely without a trace.

what happened?

Why did it disappear again?

Bai Feiyang and others were amazed.

The thick eyebrows of the burly bald head also picked up.


The burly bald head seemed to feel something, he turned around in an instant, and then kicked out, kicking into the air…

Pong! ! !

The metal impact erupted instantly.

A figure flew out of the air and fell more than ten meters.

Isn’t it the Yin Zhi wearing the “Holy Battle Armor”!

This burly bald head is obviously difficult to use a special force technique.

Otherwise, Yin Zhi won’t just fly more than ten meters, maybe go straight to outer space.

“not dead?”


The burly bald said with interest.

But it just “has a little meaning”.

Because of the existence of the “Yu Ling”, resurrection from the dead is not uncommon.

At this time, the “Emperor Dali” has already put on a Sage treasure, “Seven Hateful Fists”!

The combat effectiveness is naturally improved.

Coupled with “Tian Di Nian” and “Qing Yan”, there are also the blessings of “Divine Power Precepts” and “Speeding Precepts”…

By the way!

In view of the strength of the opponent, Yin Zhi has already spent his blood to strengthen the “Divine Power Ring” and the “Speeding Ring” at this moment.

At this time, they can already give Yin Zhiwan a power and speed increase!

And these only happened in a flash.

It can be said that Yin Zhi’s “extremely serious boxing” is the most powerful blow he can display!

At this moment, Bai Feiyang and others could perceive the terrifying power erupting from Yin Zhi, and they were shocked.

“My God! How could he be so strong?”

“It’s also a traverser, isn’t this gap a bit too big?”

“It must be because he crossed over before us, and it’s okay to pay me back!”

Bai Feiyang and others swiftly moved away from the battlefield, but they had their own thoughts in their hearts.

Then, they saw Yin Zhi’s fist hit on the burly bald chest…





Bai Feiyang and the others stopped suddenly, staring at the scene in the distance dumbfounded.

Is it something extraordinary that happened?

Not really!

But nothing special happened!

Yin Zhi’s terrifying punch hit the burly bald man, which was nothing special.


Nothing unusual!

It’s almost like a weak and feeble “small fist punching the chest.”


What is going on?

That looked scary punch, and it turned out to be like this?

This is too…the thunder is heavy and the rain is a bit smaller, right?

Not only Bai Feiyang and the others were shocked, but Yin Zhi himself was shocked.

“It’s impossible!”

“Have you made a mistake?”

“I fisted as hard as I could, and that’s the result?”

The burly bald man looked down at Yin Zhi, his eyes were completely looking at an ant.

“Is that just such a little strength?”

“I thought you could make me take a step or two. Now it seems that I overestimated you.”

After that, the burly bald man stretched out his hand towards Yin Zhi.

But it’s going to pinch Yin Zhi’s neck again!

Of course Yin Zhi would not stand still.

He immediately displayed his fastest speed-“Queen Speed ​​Empress” was also summoned by him.


The seemingly sluggish hand actually gave Yin Zhi an inescapable feeling.

He immediately gave up relying on speed dodge, and instead used the “Time Acceleration” skill of the “Emperor of Time”!

In the next moment, Yin Zhi’s eyes widened and his feet hung in the air: “Eh!?”

It was actually the hand of the burly bald man who grabbed Yin Zhi’s neck and picked him up…

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