Chapter 912 Daweiwei, encounter a hard stubble, lift the seal and let it go!

“so big!”

“Damn! This is too big!”

“Yangzi, adjust the lens, we can only see the legs from your angle.”

“How could it be so big? It’s too ridiculous!”

“What kind of fairy and monster is Dute!”

In Bai Feiyang’s live broadcast room, the “audience lords” all yelled in shock.

Although they have seen a giant before.

But once again, the “audience princes” are still shocked beyond words-let alone two super giants this time!

One of them is still female…

Some people even think: What should I do with such a young woman?

Hey, these “masters of the audience” of course have such idle thoughts, anyway, they are watching the show live, how much does the life and death of people like Yin Zhi have to do with them?

Of course, Bai Feiyang and others ran as far as they could.

But Bai Feiyang didn’t run far, so he ran back again, and said to Lan Yun and the others, “You leave me alone.”

Why did he run back?

Of course it is not to help Yin Zhi, but the “grandfathers of the audience” want to watch it up close.

For popularity, Bai Feiyang also fights!

Yin Zhizhi, who became a giant of the sky, felt that his body was filled with endless power, and this feeling was naturally great.


“Qing Yan” burned violently and violently.

At this time, Yin Zhi is a “fire man”!

The heat wave hits one after another, and the surrounding space is distorted by the burning.

The sand under Yin Zhi’s feet was directly burned into hard, pitch-black crystals.

“Daweiwei, encounter a hard stubble, lift the seal and let it go!”

Yin Zhi’s voice resounded through the world, and the whole world was trembling rumblingly.

“Dawei Tianlong Empress” heard the words and said: “Yes!”

The voice was not muted.

A wave of mysterious impulses swelled and spread around the huge body of the “Dawei Tianlong Empress”.

Immediately afterwards, a high-pitched, trembling dragon roar echoed between the heavens and the earth.

I saw that the dragons condensed from golden gas came out of the body of the “Dawei Tianlong Empress”, and then wrapped and hovered around her body!

A wave of power that seems to have been backlogged from the ancient wilderness erupts from the body of the “Dawei Tianlong Empress”, circulating and agitating in this realm!


Bai Feiyang and the others were directly crushed and collapsed to the ground.

At this moment, they were horrified to discover that own body was completely out of their control, and even their consciousness was dizzy and distracted, and there was a glare in front of them, and they couldn’t even see it clearly.


What a terrifying coercion!

Where is that burly bald head?

If he wanted to do it, he would have done it, but he would have been able to watch it in his spare time and with great interest-obviously, in his opinion, no matter what Yin Zhi does, it is not enough to pose any threat to him!

“It looks a little familiar… Have you seen it somewhere?”

He looked up at the “Dawei Tianlong Girl” and murmured.

As soon as this thought came up, the burly bald head remembered it in his heart.

His memory is naturally excellent.

However, he has lived for too long.

As long as you live, you will have memories. The longer you live, the more memories you will naturally have.

Even if the memory is very good, it is not easy to recall a specific segment.

“forget it.”

I can’t remember it for the time being, and the burly bald head doesn’t bother to waste this energy thinking about it.

Anyway, whether you want to get up or not, it has no effect on the result of “definitely death”.

He couldn’t recall it for a while, but the seven mysterious people who were paying close attention to the “split tissue” here recognized them at a glance!

“Tsk tut! Good fellow! It turned out to be her.”

“I thought she was dead, but I didn’t expect to be alive.”

“Where did that kid’s heaven-defying fortune come from?”

“Hee hee hee! Surprised, isn’t it? I was also surprised before. But he didn’t expect that he really dared to summon her out.”

“I was thinking about saving him. I still don’t want to save it now. It would be bad if’that guy’ touched us through her.”

“It makes sense. What a pity! What a pity! This is the result of thousands of calamities. I don’t know when to wait for the next one.”

However, Yin Zhi did not expect that his desperate bet and all the cards in his hole summoned the “Dawei Tianlong Empress”, but he changed some people’s minds.

It was intended to be saved before, but now it is not intended to be saved.

And in their opinion, even if Yin Zhi summoned the “Dawei Tianlong Empress”, he would still be defeated…

But even if he knew it, he didn’t care-he had never expected anyone to save him since he made his debut.

Just in time!

The seal of “Dawei Tianlong Empress” was completely lifted, and it became the “Three No Yuling” again!

In an instant, Yin Zhifu’s heart was so ordinary, he knew directly how to handle the “Dawei Tianlong Empress” who had returned to the “Three Noes”!


“Have fun!”

Yin Zhi roared, and a swell of dragon power like the sky fell toward the burly bald head on the ground.

The “Yu Ling Wanfa” of “Dawei Tianlong Empress” is “Longwei”!

Longwei, just like a dragon, can be big and small, can be imaginary and real, change infinitely, and immeasurably mighty!

The “Longwei” released by Yin Zhi at this moment is substantive. If there is an image, it is the Great Seal-Longwei Great Seal!

And because “Longwei” is biased towards the spiritual Realm, it can complement each other with the “Heaven and Earth” of “Tian Zhao”.

Therefore, in this wave of “Long Wei” by Yin Zhi there is also “Tian Di Nian”!

Yin Zhi was going to use this “Heaven and Earth Longwei Great Seal” to squash and crush the burly bald man!

boom–! ! !

A loud noise exploded, and the world trembles, as if to be broken.

I saw that the burly bald man raised his hands above the top, and he abruptly supported the “Longwei Great Seal of Heaven and Earth”! ?

That huge bang came from the collision of his hand with the “Longwei Great Seal of Heaven and Earth”.


He smiled faintly.


“But it almost meant it.”

It seems that he didn’t even exert much effort? !

But does Yin Zhihui end like this?

of course not.

He still has an afterthought!

Drink–! ! !

Yin Zhi yelled and hit it with a fist.

At this moment, Yin Zhi silently summoned the “Emperor Dali”.


What he needs most at this time is strength!

Needless to say, the “ten-thousand-fold power increase” of “Divine Power Caution” and the “Emperor Virus” will not be absent.

In the end, that huge fist banged on the “Longwei Great Seal of Heaven and Earth”.

burst! ! ! !

At this moment, the sound that erupted directly broke, turning into a huge but indescribable sound.

The burly bald man’s complexion changed and disappeared in an instant…

Because he was smashed into the ground by the “Longwei Great Seal of Heaven and Earth”!


Earth movement!

Mountain shake!

At this moment, if someone looks at it from outer space, they will see an incredible scene-the entire desert planet is shattered!

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