Chapter 922 is finally dead! Yin Zhi is finally dead! This is really an eye-opening for the ancestors!

On the island.

Inside the palace.

Zhao Junlin is enjoying the meticulous service of the concubine and the maids, and that attitude is not to mention more carefree and comfortable.

Yin Zhi really didn’t guess wrong…

But after Zhao Junlin realized that the restoration of the country was completely hopeless, he was completely desperate, even crazy.

Just one day.

Suddenly, his heart was blessed, and his inspiration flashed in his mind-since I can’t unify the seven continents as a great emperor, can’t I be a little emperor?

When it was he, he laughed “hahaha”, proud of his cleverness and wit.

Do what you want!

He immediately squeezed out the little bit of the “Zhao Family” that has been stored for thousands of years, found a small island in the high seas, and built a scaled-down and condensed version of the “Xianyin City”, the imperial capital of the Qing Dynasty. “Xianyin City”.

After the city was built, he used all kinds of tricks and tricks to get a group of people from the “True Dragon Kingdom” and all over the world and stuffed them into the “Xianyin City” to serve as his subjects.

Why do you want to get people from all over the world?

Of course it is to show the atmosphere of “unity”!

When Zhao Zheng unified the “Seven Continents”, the “Qing Empire” was full of rivers and rivers, what kind of people didn’t there?

Such and such, really let Zhao Junlin do it!

In the end, he ascended to the throne on this small island and proclaimed himself emperor.


Didn’t he pass the “throne” to the previous “prince” Zhao Haolong?

Cough, is there?


Emperor Zhao Junlin said nothing!

For these years, Zhao Junlin was in Xianyin City, the capital of the small “Great Blue Empire”-and the only city, enjoying the happy life of being an emperor.

Live and kill!

The harem is full!

Wine Pond Meat Grove!

Hahaha, don’t be too happy!

At this moment, Zhao Junlin is humming a little song.

Suddenly, he became interested and said: “Ai concubine, come and play a nice song for me.”

A seductive and sexy stunning woman said: “Yes, Your Majesty!”

She went to fetch Xiao.

This woman was originally a small star in the second and third tiers.

At first, she thought that Zhao Junlin was a lunatic-what age is this, and he is still the emperor?

But after a long time… she said: “These days are so fragrant!”

Can it not fragrant?

Beautiful clothes and jade food!

Open your clothes and stretch out your hands!

The maid serves everything, and she only needs to serve the “Your Majesty” Zhao Junlin, but when she actually serves him, isn’t she happy?

How can there be such a happy life before?

Today, she has been immersed in the “Emperor’s Dream” weaving by Zhao Junlin.

And also incarnate as the protagonist of “Gong Douju”, fighting wits and courage with those women in the harem, it is simply fun.

“Ai Concubine” went and fetched a flute made of the best black jade bamboo, leaned to his mouth and blew away.

Suddenly, the voice of lavishness sounded in this “Hall of Nourishing the Heart”.

Zhao Junlin closed his eyes, shook his head and hummed the rhythm with a face of enjoyment.

Suddenly a eunuch stepped in with small steps.

Yes, how can there be no eunuch as an emperor?

This is the standard configuration since ancient times.

An emperor without eunuchs is incomplete and more imperfect!

So Zhao Junlin forcibly cut off some men… and became the eunuch who served him.

The eunuch walked up and said: “Your Majesty, report from the gate of the palace, saying that there is a person who claims to be’Zhao Haolong’…”


“Who are you talking about?”

Zhao Junlin asked loudly.

Zhao Haolong?

Zhao Haolong!

This is not my son… Isn’t this my emperor, my prince?

In an instant, the memory that was almost forgotten by him came out of his mind in an instant.


“I remember!”

“I asked him to go to the’Holy Dragon Continent’ to destroy that…”

Thinking of the bad memory, Zhao Junlin’s fat face suddenly trembled.

What did he think of?

He thought of his favorite queen…

The queen she loves the most has left herself, in order to kill that Yin Zhi, she feeds the tiger with her body!

My queen…

My favorite queen!

Zhao Junlin obviously forgot that he took the “Queen” out to perform the so-called “beauty trick”.

The distressed Zhao Junlin kicked “Ai Concubine” with a furious expression on his face.



“Go, declare in, declare in!”

What “love concubine”, what palace lady, all left in a hurry.

I have been serving Zhao Junlin for several years. I naturally know his temper. From time to time, he will be furious, beat and scold and even kill him, like a crazy…

This made them deeply realize what is called companionship like companion tiger.

Zhao Junlin’s face was uncertain.

Five years!

Waited for more than five years!

Now that useless evildoer finally came back. And when he comes back, it means to bring back the result of the action.


Still failed?

Zhao Junlin was both looking forward to it, but also extremely nervous.

If it succeeds, then everyone is happy, but if it fails…

Soon, a young man who had walked in the dust had walked in.

It is Zhao Haolong!

The Zhao Haolong who used to study at “Sacred Heart University” with Yin Zhitong, and then took his “mother” to the “Sacred Dragon Continent” to perform “beauty tricks” against Yin Zhi!

Of course, in the end, his “beauty trick” was to lose his mother and break down…

But Zhao Junlin didn’t know it.

Looking at Zhao Haolong in front of him, Zhao Junlin laughed “hahaha”.


“Just come back! Just come back!”

“Quick! Tell me quickly, is Yin Zhi’s rebel who killed a thousand swords dead?”

“Say it!”

He was obviously anxious, very, very anxious.

Zhao Haolong looked at Zhao Junlin in front of him, his mouth groaned.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be like this…

I didn’t expect this to be what he asked when he opened his mouth…

If I said no, how would he react?

When Zhao Junlin saw Zhao Haolong not speaking, he suddenly changed his face and said, “What are you doing in a daze, just say it!”

Could it be…


This idea was rejected by Zhao Junlin as soon as it came up.

Do not!


This absolutely can’t!

Zhao Haolong looked at Zhao Junlin’s appearance, his throat slid up, and said, “Yin Zhi…he is dead.”

Boom! ! ! !

Upon hearing this, Zhao Junlin felt thunderous in his ears and directly shocked him.


Really dead?

“Ha ha!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Zhao Junlin laughed openly so that the whole body was trembling.

But he was so excited.


“Finally dead! Finally dead!”

“This is really an eye-opener for the ancestors!”

Worth it!

Once Yin Zhi died, all his efforts were worth it!

For a moment, Zhao Junlin felt relaxed and transparent…

“By the way, where is your mother?”

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