Chapter 933 Good f*ck! Good f*ck! Nihao Ma! What nonsense? Hit if you want!


500 points?

Should be enough, right?

Yin Zhixin said: “System, these 500 points of killing intent are all added to the’speed’!”

Death-finding system: “Didi! As you wish.”

In the next second, Yin Zhi felt a gust of breeze penetrate his body, and drilled everywhere in his body, which was extremely comfortable.

It turned out that in order to adapt to the current world, the “killing intent system” adjusted the rules, and the “kill intent value” can be directly used to increase attributes-not temporarily, but permanently!

The attributes are divided into six items: life, energy, strength, speed, defense, and perception!

These six attributes directly determine the level of combat effectiveness.

According to the exchange rate given by the “Death-seeking System”, 100 points of “killing value” can be converted into 1 attribute point, which can be added to the six attributes at will.

Yin Zhi hasn’t had time to see the specific attribute data of own-too late, so he simply added all the 5 attribute points he exchanged to the attribute “speed”!

For nothing else, just to be able to win the attack, in order to be able to escape!

Yin Zhi never thought it shameful to run away.

Stay in the green hills without worrying about no firewood!

Let’s not dispute the spirit of this moment.

Of course, running away is the last choice. If you can’t run away, then of course you won’t run away.

“What did you say?”

Yin Zhi smiled and repeated Ouyang Chen’s words, and the next second he roared with anger on his face.

“What did I say f*ck!”

“Grass your mother!”

“Don’t take a piss to take pictures of yourself?”

“Run me here to pretend uncle.”

“How old are you? Let me ask you? A fool!”

“Say I snatched your monster, right? I even snatched your monster, how can you drop it? You came to bite me!”

Yin Zhi’s sudden violent roar shocked Ouyang Chen and his group.

Following Yin Zhi, angrily pointed at the followers who followed Ouyang Chen, expanding the scope of the attack.

“And you!”

“Follow an idiot, you are also a group of idiots-foolish idiots!”

“Do you want a face? What about your dignity?”

“It’s all eaten by dogs!”

“Or you are just getting enough shit!”

“Playing a game will follow someone else’s ass and eat farts. If I were you, I would be ashamed and killed. A bunch of scumbags of improper sons of man!”

How poisonous is Yin Zhi’s tongue?

On the spot, the scolding gang blushed and turned into anger.


“court death!”

“Destroy him!”

Everyone glared with anger, murderous.

Didn’t they know that by following Ouyang Chen’s ass, he was a dog?

However, we can be dogs, but we don’t allow others to say it—just as if others don’t say it, they are not dogs.

Now that Yin Zhi has mercilessly uncovered the last fig leaf of their dignity and personality, how can he not be violent?

“Didi! You got 300 kill intent points from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 200 points of killing intent from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 400 points of killing intent from an unknown object, please check!”



Good guys!

“Many people are powerful”, Yin Zhi gained a total of 4,200 “killing intent points” as soon as he slipped down.

Nothing to say!

All add “speed”.

This time I added 42 points directly!

With a strong clear stream hitting his body, Yin Zhi even had the illusion that his body would float.

“Huh! Huh! Huh!”

Ouyang Chen was about to breathe fire with anger.


“Very good!”

“now that……”

Yin Zhi refused to let him go on, and directly interrupted strongly: “Okay f*ck! F*ck okay! Nihao Ma! What nonsense? Hit if you want! You stun me! Pooh!”

“Didi! You got 800 points of killing intent from an unknown object, please check!”

Ouyang Chen’s face was red as if it was about to burn, and he yelled at Yin Zhi angrily.

“Kill him for me!”

“Destroy him—”

“I want to kill you to delete your account!”

“Don’t let me find you in the real world!”

“Otherwise I will make you regret coming to this world!”

He was already out of anger.

And I had already wished to slash Yin Zhi’s stubborn followers, and couldn’t wait to launch an offensive against Yin Zhi.


“Kill him!”

“Let him see how good we are!”

All of a sudden.

Knife chopping!

Sword thorn!


Sharp arrow!

All kinds of attacks fell on Yin Zhi.


A fireball exploded first, and its power was comparable to a high-explosive grenade.

But Yin Zhi had already avoided it.

At this time, he used his own speed. In his eyes, the enemy’s movements were immediately much slower.

“Ha ha!”

“Can escape!”

“It’s a piece of cake!”

As a result, as soon as he thought about it, Yin Zhi suddenly felt it and hurriedly fell to the side.

Turning his head and looking around, he saw a dagger stabbed where he was just now.

If it doesn’t fall, a hole in the back of own’s head may be pierced, and my heart will suddenly feel lingering.

“Unexpectedly, there is also such a fast person on the other side.”

“Don’t be careless, let alone underestimate the enemy!”

“You have to deal with it carefully.”

Yin Zhi immediately calmed down and got serious, dodge the enemy’s attack with all his attention.

Ouyang Chen shouted from the side: “Quick! Kill him for me! Quick! What do you guys do for eating? A dozen people can’t kill him!”

Yin Zhi also dodged and laughed “haha”.

“Yes, yes.”

“What do you eat?”

“A dozen people can’t kill me.”

“Even if you are a dog, you are not a qualified dog!”

As soon as the words were spoken, he reaped another wave of “killing value”, and then exchanged 29 attribute points.

This time he didn’t increase “speed” all the time.

Because the “speed” is enough right now, he only added 9 points, leaving 20 points to add “strength”!

After a scorching hot stream, I have always felt that my strength has increased a lot.

Immediately “haha” laughed and said: “You have played enough? Then it’s my turn, right?”

It happened that a stick holding a black iron rod smashed over. Yin Zhi hid, cut a knife on his wrist, and the man let go of his hand in pain.

Yin Zhishun grabbed the black iron rod in his hand.

“Let me teach you, stick, that’s how it is used!”

After that, he swept out a stick.

With a “bang”, a short and thin boy who stabbed behind Yin Zhi was stunned.


“This voice doesn’t work.”

Still, the sound of “Ruyi Scepter” hitting people is more pleasing to the ear.

Why, I can’t get it out now.

“Hey, let’s make a living.”

Immediately afterwards, the black iron rod danced “huhuhu”. It was a swing from the left and a smash to the right, while the shadows of the rod flew, one by one fell to the ground.

Some were directly fainted, while others were broken legs and fell to the ground and could not get up.

Ouyang Chen looked at the scene in front of him, suddenly startled and angry.


“I raised you a bunch of trash!”

“Young Master Ben!”

The cold light flashed, and a sword was in hand!

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