Chapter 940 I bet you have the beauty of the country and the city, and I bet that I can resist your beauty!

“Ha ha ha…”

Yin Zhi smiled, this is another “What are you talking about?”

Okay, okay, I can’t blame him. In fact, I feel that what I just said is too shocking and incredible.

Lu Zhan’s reaction like this is completely normal.

Not only Lu Zhan, but also the masked and white beauty Yaya on the side looked at Yin Zhi with a strange—maybe it was a “caring neurotic” look.

“Didn’t you hear me?”

“Then I’ll say it again.”

Lu Zhan waved his hand and said, “No, no, you don’t have to say it again, I heard clearly. I’m just…too shocked. So I ask you seriously: Are you sure you want to have the last “Mythical Mission” ‘The news of the key props spread out?”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “It is certain and sure.”

Ya Ya couldn’t help asking: “Are you crazy?”

It’s no wonder that she would ask such a question. It was indeed what Yin Zhi had done before, and what she had just said was no different from a lunatic.

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “No, no, I am normal, and normal can no longer be normal. But, I am an adventurous person and like to challenge myself. This time, I want to challenge the world! Haha, this is not The game world? Playing games, of course, is the most important thing to be happy.”



Both Lu Zhan and Yaya opened their mouths, as if they had something to say, but they couldn’t say a word.

Because what Yin Zhi said…to a certain extent, it makes sense.

Let’s play games!

Of course how to be happy how to play.

However, is this game called “Mythology” really just a game?

This is not a real game at all, it is essentially another world, another real world!

It is so presumptuous and offends players all over the world. If someone finds out his position in the real world, who can protect him?

At least the “Prosperous Dynasty” he is in is definitely not guaranteed!

Is it really good to play “Myth” with the mentality of playing games like this?

Yin Zhike did not think so much like Lu Zhan and Yaya. His idea was very simple, and it couldn’t be simpler-by attracting the pursuit and killing of the entire group of players in the “myth” to earn a huge amount of “killing intent” Value”, and then become stronger, stronger, stronger!

“How about it?”

“Can you meet this requirement of mine?”

“Of course, I will bear the consequences and have nothing to do with you.”

“Oh yes, one more thing!”

“When your ‘mythical mission’ reaches the final stage, I will participate!”

“On these two points, if you have done it, I will give you this ‘ring of the embers’.

Joining the “Mythical Mission” is exactly what it should be!

Yin Zhi guessed that this task should – no, it would definitely involve the “Wisdom Lord”.

And one of his goals in entering the “Myth Game World” this time is to find the “Wisdom Lord” and complete his test!

Lu Zhan and Yaya looked at each other, exchanged their eyes, and then Lu Zhan said: “This matter is too big for us to be the lord. Can we wait? I’ll ask the person who can make the decision.”

Yin Zhi said: “It should be, it should be.”

Lu Zhan said, “Yaya, then you can talk with this Mr. Yin here. I will ask the ‘boss’.”

Ya Ya’s dark and beautiful brows wrinkled slightly. Of course she was unwilling, but she nodded and said, “Go and come back soon.”


Yin Zhi said another sentence, saying, “That’s right! Let’s say ugly things first. If it pits me in the end, then I won’t be polite.”

Lu Zhan “haha” smiled and said, “Don’t worry, our’Prosperity Dynasty’ has always kept our promises the most. If you are really worried, we can sign a contract later. Wait a minute.”

After that, Lu Zhan went underground.

He really feels relieved to leave Yaya next to a man like Yin Zhi…

At the same time, a gust of wind blew over, setting off Yaya’s white dress and black hair. This scene fell in Yin Zhi’s eyes, and it added her somewhat ethereal temperament.

It just so happened that Yin Zhi was in a downwind direction, so the wind rolled up a scent of fragrance from Ya Ya and rushed to Yin Zhi’s face.

Youxiang blew his face, and Yin Zhi couldn’t help taking a deep breath, his face filled with intoxication.


Naturally, this scene didn’t escape Yaya’s eyes, her brows that had not yet unfolded became more frowning.

Yin Zhi “haha” smiled and said, “I’m sorry, I’m a bit rude, but it’s so fragrant, I can’t help but want to smell it.”

He was so frank and straightforward, but he was a little sincere, but it made Ya Ya feel a little bit sorry, and her brows stretched out and said, “It’s okay…”

Followed Yin Zhi and chatted with her.

It’s just that almost all Yin Zhi is talking alone.

Ya Ya is still the same, neither enthusiastic nor indifferent, that is, every time she speaks, she never speaks more than ten words.

On such a day, it would be impossible to talk to someone else.

But who is Yunzhi?

Some of his talk is topical, and he will never let the atmosphere cool down.

It’s a little weird that he did it, but Ya Ya did it…

If someone changed someone like Yin Zhi and talked endlessly in front of her, she would have already felt the extreme, and maybe she would just leave.

But now that Yin Zhizai talks endlessly, there is no plan or rejection in my heart, and I even feel… feels good?

How could this make Ya Ya, who has always been reticent, secretly surprised.

What’s wrong with me?

She couldn’t understand.

While talking, Yin Zhi asked: “Yaya Miss, I guess you must be so beautiful, that’s why you wear a veil, right? I understand this completely. After all, the beauty of a woman is sometimes a disaster. If Yes, who wants to live in secret all day long.”

Ya Ya heard the words, and a few ripples rippled in her heart, and said: “You are serious. I just don’t want to show my true colors simply.”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Miss Ya Ya, I can tell, you are insincere.”

Yaya: “…”

Yin Zhi said, “Miss Ya Ya, how about we make a bet?”


Yin Zhi said: “I bet you have the beauty of the country and the city, and I bet that I can resist your beauty.” When he said this, he was confident—of course, even Su Qingqiu’s. Even beautiful women can’t hold him down, so I don’t believe that there is something more beautiful than Su Qingqiu in this world!

Ya Ya opened her mouth, she was speechless about Yin Zhi’s inexplicable “gambling”.

How can I answer this?


Lu Zhan suddenly appeared at this time and relieved Ya Ya, “Good news! Our boss agreed!”

With that said, he took out a scroll and said: “This is the’Promise Keeping Contract’! Take a look. Our boss has already signed it.”

Yin Zhi grinned and said, “No. Because…I’m not afraid that you will break the contract.”

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