Chapter 943: Trash! What use do you have other than doing things with my pretensions?!

“Holy Light City”!

In the most central office.


“He appeared in’Golden Bar City’?”

“Hehe, then his courage is really not so big.”

“Such an interesting person, I want to meet him.”

It was a woman who was talking, looking at her forty years old, wearing a white glowing, full of religious uniforms of the same majesty.

What’s more peculiar is that she has no eyebrows, and there is a mysterious red pattern in the center of her forehead.

who is she?

It is the holy seat of the “Holy Court”, the head of the “Myth” Ten Guilds, Nasha!

Yes, as soon as you see the word “Holy Court”, you can guess the heel of this guild-it is the agent supported by the “Holy Court” in the “Jizi World” in “Endless Universe Sea”!

As the leader of the top ten “myth” guilds, the strength of the “Holy Court” is beyond doubt.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Yiqi Juechen – even if the strength of the nine guilds behind is combined, compared with it, whoever is stronger and weaker is probably 50-50%.

This is not a foolish talk!

There are six “mythical missions” in the “myth” game, and each one corresponds to a myth system.

Today, five “mythical missions” have been completed, and three of these “mythical missions” have been completed by the “Holy Court”!

Of the six “mythological systems”, three are already in the hands of the “Holy Court”!

Its strength is vaguely imaginable.

But “Holy Court” is obviously not satisfied with this.

What it wants is to complete the “final task” and become the god of this “mythical world”!

So it needs to continue to grow its own power.


This “sixth mythical mission”, “Holy Court” is also determined to win.

“Pass my order!”

“Send the’Sacred Judging Corps’ out!”

“Never let that ring fall into someone else’s hands-this mission can only succeed, not fail!”

One person shouted, “Yes!” and disappeared instantly.

Nasha stood up, left her magnificent and Sacred holy throne, and came to the balcony, overlooking the magnificent world in front of her.


“such a pity!”

“No matter how true this is, it is false…”

Her hand gently fished in front of her, as if she was going to fish for something, but she didn’t fish for anything except air.

“Virtual things can’t be grasped at all!”

“One day I will leave this false world and seek truth and truth.”

“And this day will never be too far away.”

at the same time.

“Tianzhu Guild”, “Wolf Clan”, “Li Dynasty”… and so on, the player guilds ranked in the “Mythology”, each sent their own elites, striving to obtain the “sixth mythical mission”. “The key clue.

And those small and medium-sized player guilds, even idle individual players, have also squeezed into the excitement.

People often have a bit of luck!

It’s like buying a lottery ticket, knowing that it is impossible to win a first-class prize, but many people buy it. Isn’t the picture a “lucky chance” or a “just in case”?

What if?

What if I just won the first prize, what if the key clue to the “sixth mythical mission” falls into my hands?

Therefore, Yin Zhi relied on his own power to stir almost the entire player in the “Mythical World”…

“He is there!”

“Hurry up, don’t let him run away!”

“Leave the ring and spare you not to die!”

“watch out!”

“What nonsense, kill the matter!”

“Haha, he just ran out of the city. He didn’t even have a’professional’. I think he can live for a few days.”

Yin Zhi ran ahead and ran out of the “Golden Ba City” all the way, and after crossing a plain, he was loaded into a dense forest all the way.

Along the way, Yin Zhi did not forget to provoke the chasers behind: “Come on! Come chase me! Seeing that, the ring is in my hand, whoever killed me is it! What are you waiting for? !”

Naturally, his “account balance” grew steadily.

As for what some people say “he doesn’t even have a career”, he knows what it means.

After leaving the “novice village”, the player must go to the “ministerial office” to choose his own profession-swordsman, knight, archer, mage, etc.

After you have a profession, you will have a variety of skills, and you will have all the powerful “professional skills” to play in the “mythical world”, otherwise a wild monster in the wild can easily kill you. dessert.

As soon as Yin Zhigang entered the “Golden Ba City”, he was targeted, and then he was hunted down all the way. Under the encirclement of the crowd, he ran out of the “Golden Ba City” in a panic and entered the wilderness. “Choose a career.

If you don’t even have a career, let alone “vocational skills”. Isn’t that a weak bird?

Such a weak bird that can’t be weaker can make the people who stare at him happy-it feels too good to kill, but it is also anxious, and I am afraid that others will be preempted by others.

At this time they didn’t think about what to do after grabbing the ruby ​​ring, anyway, let’s talk about it!

And their mentality made Yin Zhile’s mouth close to ears.


Too much!

Isn’t this a windfall, is it just a huge wealth?

Yin Zhi added some points to his own attribute while chasing and killing the evaders by various forces, which was not too high.


When receiving the new notice of “Death System”, Yin Zhi’s good mood suddenly broke, and he spit out: “System, system, you are really a big profiteer! I despise you strongly!”

It turned out that when Yin Zhi’s attributes such as strength and speed reached 100 points, the “Death Hunting System” told him that the next 1 attribute point needed 10,000 “killing value” to redeem!

This time is good, the original “balance” was enough to buy a few hundred attribute points of “killing intent”, and you can only buy dozens of points at once.

How can Yin Zhi not be depressed?

The reason given by the “death system” also seems to be somewhat reasonable: the stronger the host, the slower the growth rate and the higher the value of the required attribute points! The price of this system has always been fair, and the host is not deceived, please rest assured that the host consumes.

Rest assured to consume?

Ha ha!

Thank you so much!

But no matter how depressed Yin Zhi is, since the “finding death system” is so stipulated, what else can he do besides obediently doing it?

“Fortunately, we provoke enough people this time.”

“Otherwise it’s really not enough.”

“Hmph, do you think I don’t have ‘professional skills’ and you’ll take me for granted?”

“It surprised you all when I saw me!”

the other side.

Ouyang Tian, ​​the chairman of the “Heaven and Earth Guild”, appeared beside Ouyang Chen.

“elder brother……”

Snapped! !

Ouyang Tian slapped Ouyang Chen unceremoniously.


“Except for doing things wrong with me, what use is there for you?!”

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