Chapter 946 Everyone, this is the end of the boring cat and mouse game!

Yin Zhi’s escape – and it was still a big fanfare, afraid that others would not know about the escape, and immediately stopped the two groups of fierce fighting.



At such a moment, the two sides fell into a very short dead silence.

do not fight!

After all, they are fighting here because of the ring.

Now that the master who owns the ring has run away, what else are they fighting?

At this time, a voice came from the dense rain forest: “Hahaha, chase me if you want the ring, whoever kills the ring will go to you! You idiots! Ahahaha !”

Extremely arrogant!

Be arrogant!

Ouyangtian looked at Gu Tong in front of him and said coldly, “Are you still fighting?”

Gu Tong said: “Huh, only fools! Chase me!”

With a loud shout, Gu Tong, a young man with two swords in black, turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

Naturally, Ouyang Tian was not far behind, chasing and killing Yin Zhi with the “Shadow Fang” and other elites from the “Heaven and Earth Guild”.

“I’m going to kill him by myself!”

“You must promise me that I will kill him myself!”

“Whether it is in the game or in reality.”

Xiang Ying…that is, the “Teeth of Shadows” gritted his teeth and uttered cruel words, and there was a bit of hatred between the teeth.

Ouyang Heavenly Dao: “Okay, I promise you.”

He only needs the ring in Yin Zhi’s hand. As for who killed him, Ouyang Tian doesn’t matter at all.

As a result, in the dense, humid and hot rainforest, a large group of people started chasing and killing Yin Zhi.

Not long after, they rushed out of this rainforest and plunged into a desert!

And unknowingly, the number and scale of the group are actually increasing.

This is the fact that all the forces that were originally hidden in the dark, or did not take action!

Among them, there is the “Shengshi Dynasty” team led by the “Knife Emperor” Duan Dao.

Lu Zhan and Ya Ya are naturally among them…

At this moment, those who can still catch up with Yin Zhi are no longer those small and medium-sized player clubs.

They no longer have the ability to catch up with Yin Zhi. No matter how unwilling they are, they can only give up desperately.

Now, more than 80% of these are the elite of the “Ten Guilds”!

The so-called “soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals”, with the end of Ouyang Tian, ​​the chairman of the “Heaven and Earth Guild”, the heads and brains of other large guilds are also dispatched.

One by one, they all put on a posture that they are bound to win for the “sixth mythical mission”!

Yin Zhi looked back and laughed “hahaha” again: “Come on! Hurry up! What are you doing slowly? The ring is in my hand, come and kill me if you want! A group of shrimp soldiers and crabs! Running! It’s all so slow, go back to grandma’s house and practice for a few more years. Slightly!”

He made it clear that he was teasing the chaser behind him.

Not surprisingly, Yin Zhi gained another wave of “killing intent”, which adds up to a million? !

Now Yin Zhi couldn’t recognize “hahahaha” and laughed, not to mention how rampant and owed he was.

Follow him to redeem 100 attribute points!

But when the “speed” increased to 200 points, the “death-finding system” came out again to be a demon.

“Didi! It takes 100,000 attribute points to continue to increase in’speed’!”

Damn, I should have guessed it!

“System, you can do it!”

Killing system: “Didi! This system has always been good!”


Yin Zhi spent 34 points on “speed”, and the remaining 66 points were added to “defense”.

Why add “defense”?

It is true that Ouyang Tian’s shot shocked him just now, and he still wants his own net worth and life to add a point of protection.

As for why he didn’t add “strength”, because he didn’t need to defeat the enemy at all for the time being!

Since there is no need to defeat the enemy, what is the use of adding “strength”?

Just make sure that your own speed is fast enough, just make sure that you resist beating, and when you earn enough “killing value”, when you want to add “strength”, let’s add it whenever you want!

In this way, time passed day by day while one person ran away and a large group of people chased and killed.

Large associations are different from small and medium associations.

If this is changed to small and medium-sized organizations, they may give up, but the large-scale organizations have no plans to give up at all. They have exhausted their methods and will not let go.

But because Yin Zhi’s speed is getting faster and faster, it is getting harder and harder to catch up with him.

The harder it is to track down, the stronger the hatred and killing intent of the group of people behind to kill Yin Zhi, and the more “killing value” Yin Zhi earns.

Up to now, there are more than six million “killing value” on Yin Zhi’s “account balance”.

But he was useless, but saved!


Because he knows that some of the guys behind have not done their best yet!

They are all consuming and comparing, and to see who can’t consume them, they are all waiting for an opportunity.

For this reason, even a lot of time was wasted.

There is only one ring, but there are a lot of people who want a ring. Who is it?

Therefore, among those “chasing soldiers”, even if they didn’t start a fight, they were actually engaged in a silent contest!

To know!

Running a club is not so easy.

That was all piled up with money!

Every day, those associations will lose a lot of money-they can do all kinds of things to make money, but now they have drawn a large number of elites, and they have made less money, and they are losing money!

No one wants to keep losing.

And when the operating situation becomes very bad and the costs and benefits are completely out of proportion, some people will definitely be unable to give up.

Dare to bet some, after all, the desperate people are few!

Everyone is smart…

Sure enough, in the next few days, some clubs withdrew one after another!

When he saw someone withdraw, Yin Zhi still shouted: “Don’t go! Let’s continue playing together!”

No one paid any attention to him.

Just like that, a few more days passed.

In the end, there were only three of “Wolf Race”, “Shengshi Dynasty”, and “Heaven and Earth Guild”—well, two for Zhun but, still biting on Yin Zhi.

Even the “Tianzhu Guild” ranked second among the “Ten Great Guilds” gave up.

The energy consumption is so large that a bunch of large guilds give up. Maybe Yin Zhi can become a myth in the “myth”…

But on this day!

As always, Yin Zhi fled between mountains and jungles and above the plains and hills.


A series of white beams of light descended from the sky, a total of twelve beams, instantly inserted into the ground, but surrounded Yin Zhi.

Yin Zhi didn’t stop in time, he was about to rush out from between the two beams of light. As a result, countless white hair as thin as the light beams shot out of the two beams, entwining Yin Zhi tightly, and unexpectedly turned Yin Zhi. Tied up!

He was taken aback and struggled hard, but he couldn’t get rid of it.

Immediately afterwards, the other ten beams of light also shot out hair-like light, which instantly wrapped Yin Zhi and dragged him to the center of the twelve beams.

A voice fell from the sky: “Everyone, the boring cat and mouse game, let’s stop here!”

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