Chapter 948: Break Free! Hahaha!

Drink! ! !

A loud roar suddenly erupted, and the sand around the shock bounced.

At the same time, it smashed into the foreheads of the people who were fighting fiercely like a sledgehammer.

In an instant, Yin Zhi attracted their attention, and even forced them to temporarily stop fighting.

I saw…

The dense white silk thread was pulled apart by Yin Zhi, flying all over the sky like catkins, and then dissipated into nothingness.

And the twelve white beams of light were shattered like glass, scattered on the ground, and the white light disappeared.

An elite knight of the “Holy Court” exclaimed: “Impossible! The “Sacred Tribunal of Heaven and Earth” actually…”

It was dismantled with bare hands? !

This is incredible!

How can it be unbelievable?

The fact is happening right now!

Having regained his freedom, Yin Zhi twisted his waist, stretched his legs, stretched his arms, his eyes swept across a large group of people in front of him, and said, “Hey hey, ignore me, right?”

He raised his middle finger towards everyone in front of him, and then squeezed his fist.

“Now I will let you taste the taste of my iron fist!”

“This is the punishment for ignoring me!”

“I promise……”

He was still saying this, and the elite knights of the “Holy Court” turned their spears and launched an attack on him.

But seeing him pick up the knight’s spear in his hand, he cast a trick “Holy Spear Penetration Technique” at Yin Zhi!

With a “hey” smile, Yin Zhi stepped out without dodge and slammed the knight’s spear with a sharp light.

Unbiased, the knight’s long spear collided with Yin Zhi’s fist.

Boom! ! !

A loud noise broke out, and the white light burst.

The light that burst in an instant even the eyes that pierced and fell into blindness for a short time.

People who were a little farther away were fine. They clearly saw that the knight’s long spear was smashed by Yin Zhi’s fist and scattered!

The fist following Yin Zhi hit the knight in the face.

With a deafening sound of “pong”, the knight who was beaten was forced off the assembly line on the spot…

“I didn’t even finish speaking before I started, is it polite?”

“Since you are not polite, then I am not welcome!”

“Look at the punch!”

He appeared in front of a “templar knight” in an instant, with another violent punch in the face.


Force offline.


Another forced offline.

Pong pong pong!

Three in a row, forced offline almost at the same time.

“Hahaha, cool!”

As if it was Yin Zhi’s “personal show” alone, he stretched out his arms and laughed.

“Don’t stand still.”

“What’s the point of hitting me alone?”

“Come on! Let’s go together!”

“I am alone, hitting all of you!”

Looking at the infinitely arrogant Yin Zhi, the “Paradise Knights” not only had no fear and fear—what to fear after playing a game—but a strong killing intent broke out in his heart.

And this is obviously the purpose of Yin Zhi!

Almost all the “killing intent” has been spent just now, so I have to quickly earn it back.

“Didi! You got one hundred thousand killing intent points from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 60,000 kill intent from an unknown object, please check!”

“Didi! You got 30,000 kill intent from an unknown object, please check!”




“In the name of the Holy See!”

“Fuck you, evil heresy!”

Yin Zhi’s ears were the sounds of the “templar knights”.


“Together, happy alone is not as good as all happy!”




Yin Zhi punched one out, all of which were forced to go offline, demonstrating the “One Force Drop Ten Meetings” vividly and vividly.

I don’t have the attribute bonus that “professional” brings.

I also don’t have all kinds of powerful “vocational skills”.

I don’t even have a piece of “professional equipment”.

But so what?

Daddy is stronger than you, and it will blow you up with one punch!

Do you want to bite me?

of course!

Yin Zhi’s arrogance is only to inspire the enemy to kill, but it is not a real brainless arrogance, so for attacks from all directions, he uses his 200-point speed to dodge lightly and elegantly.

His “defense” attributes have not been added up yet, but he dare not “eat” so many skills-it is purely brainless to find death!

On the outskirts of the battlefield, the people of the “Heaven and Earth Guild”, the “Wolf Race”, and the “Sheng Shi Dynasty” looked as if shocked, watching Yin Zhi punch a “holy court knight”.

The fearsome “holy court ruling knight”, in front of Yin Zhi, could not withstand a punch? !

This is how they didn’t think of it.

As a result, many people regret it in their hearts…

Lu Zhan couldn’t help but muttered: “Where is he that freak out?”

It is the first time for someone like Yin Zhi since playing games.

Not far away, Ya Ya’s dark and clear eyes flickered. Under the veil, her lips were gently pursed, and she said in her heart: “My worry is completely unnecessary…”

When this thought flashed, she couldn’t help but shook her head.

Really, what am I worried about him doing?

Farther away.

“Yangyingfang” watched Yin Zhi slaughter all quarters in the crowd, gritted his teeth, and said, “Everyone in the’Heaven and Earth Guild’ listens to orders! Target Yin Zhi! Kill without mercy!!”

What if Yin Zhi slaughtered the Quartet?

She is not afraid of him!

She must get back the shame she suffered before!

The elite congregation of the “Heaven and Earth Guild” rushed into the battle group as soon as they heard it.

Naturally, the “wolf race” was not outdone.

One of the leaders waved a big hand and shouted: “Do it!”

If there is a chance to snatch the ring, they will never miss it.

As a result, the three parties who were still attacking each other not long ago have been working closely together, with the goal of getting rid of Yin Zhi, Eight Immortals have crossed the sea to show their magical powers!

Only the people of “Shengshi Dynasty” stood still…

“Ha ha!”

Seeing that two more groups of people joined, Yin Zhi was even happier.

“That’s even more enjoyable!”



Then, his “account balance” jumped up again.

Yin Zhi said that making money is such an exciting thing.

But in the initial passion, he has changed his strategy.

It is amazing to blow people up.

But people are forced to go offline, how can they produce “killing intent”?

So after blasting forty people, he focused on beating the disabled.

For this reason, he spent half a million to purchase a baseball bat in the “System Mall”.

I haven’t used the baseball bat for a long time, but using it again reminds him of the joy of beating all kinds of dissatisfaction with the baseball bat.




As Yin Zhi swung his emotions, one by one fell to the ground. Although they were still alive, they basically lost their combat effectiveness.

No matter which party Yin Zhi is from, he just greeted him with a stick anyway…

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