Chapter 950

For the time being, the changes of those “templar knights” are called violent…

After becoming violent, their strength has indeed greatly increased, and Yin Zhi can clearly feel this.

It’s not just that their single “contribution” has more “killing value”.

Even more because it could be brought down with one punch and kick before, but now it can’t be done.

But it doesn’t matter!

What if it becomes stronger?

You have become stronger, won’t I become stronger.

“add a bit!”

“add a bit!”

“add a bit!”

While Yin Zhi responded to the enemy, he added something to himself.

Add any attribute that doesn’t work!

Soon, Yin Zhi was able to cope with ease again.

There is no way, the “finding death system” is such an evildoer – frankly speaking, Yin Zhi is also really curious, which ghost came up with this system that relies on the killing intent of others and becomes stronger.

Wouldn’t it be someone who is the enemy of the world…

Leave these alone!

After a little bit of work, Yin Zhi began to crush the enemy with ease.

Punch left!

Right kick!

“Bang Bang Bang” sounded continuously.

No one needs Yin Zhi to give a second punch!

This scene was naturally seen by Na Xia.

The brows without eyebrows were already frowning unconsciously.


It’s weird!

Naxia is not a fledgling rookie, she is an experienced and venomous “Holy Court”!

So she could tell at a glance that Yin Zhi’s strength had increased a lot in a short period of time.

But at first she only thought that Yin Zhi was also using some secret method that could temporarily increase his strength.

But gradually, this speculation was overturned by her.

According to common sense, even if the secret method for temporary strengthening of strength is used, at least there will be some surface characteristics-such as those “Paradise knights”, violent, and the skin turns red. The most important thing is that this secret method for temporary strengthening of strength must be It is effective, impossible to maintain for a long time, and is accompanied by serious sequelae.

With the passage of time, the side effects of some weaker “templar knights” have been revealed, such as bleeding from the seven orifices, instant skinny and shriveled, and so on.


Yin Zhi didn’t react at all, but his expression became more and more relaxed, which is what Naxia couldn’t understand.

She would love to do it herself!

However, she knew it was not the time yet.

Before, she fought fiercely with Ouyang Tian, ​​Sword Emperor, and Gu Tong. Although she eventually killed them all, it was not that she had nothing to do.

On the contrary, she suffered four blows, which weakened her condition by at least 40%!

The four blows were Ouyang Tian’s “Sky-Breaking Spear”, the “Sword Breaking Sword”, and Gu Tong’s “Double Sword Flowing Dragon”, all of which were their ultimate skills at the bottom of the box!

Why didn’t Naxia attack Yin Zhi as soon as she came up, but healed those “Paradise Knights” and let them go first?

It’s simple, because Nasha needs time to recover and adjust to the best condition!

She has drunk the “Holy Water”, but it takes time for the “Holy Water” to be fully effective.

So what Nasha needs most now is the violent “Paradise Knights” to buy enough time for her!

It’s just that, looking at the current trend, the “templar knights” seem to be letting down their holy see’s expectations…


The last violent “Holy Knight” was knocked to the ground with a punch.

He should be the strongest and still have the strength to get up.

But it doesn’t matter, one punch is not enough, then two punches!

Yin Zhi threw his punch down again, smashing his whole body into the sand, showing only one foot outside, completely disappearing.


Yin Zhi clapped his hands, raised his chin and looked at Xuankong Na Xia, and said, “Your men are all down, and the next one to get down is you!”

After finishing speaking, he sniffed, smiled wretchedly, and said, “There is a way to come and not to be indecent! You tied me with rope just now, and I will use rope to tie you later!”

Naxia’s calm mind was rippling with waves, and she was irritated by Yin Zhi’s words and the disgusting smile.

“Then see if you have this ability!”

Yin Zhi put on a rogue appearance, pinching his chin and shaking his legs.


“You will see my skills soon. Trust me, you will be very, very satisfied.”

“I promise to make you want to die, and be happy like a god. When that time comes, you will definitely be unable to stop, and even beg me to clean up you.”


“Didi! You got 800,000 killing intent from Naxia, please check!”

Whoa whoa!

Eight hundred thousand killing intent value!

According to this posture, is it expected to hit one million?

Yin Zhi immediately decided to make persistent efforts and continue to offend her.

Nasha stopped talking because she felt that talking to Yin Zhi made her feel sick.

But seeing her stretched out her hands, her arms raised flat and palms up, two light balls appeared on her palms in an instant.

In the next second, the white light that was ignoring half of the needle shot out from the two white balls, densely packed, it was like a “white needle rain”!

Yin Zhi didn’t want to taste the taste of being stabbed, he immediately used a speed of 230 points.

I saw a bunker exploded on the sand, and then bunkers appeared almost at the same time on an arc-shaped line-of course these were all stepped on by Yin Zhi!

Yin Zhi walked behind Na Xia almost in the blink of an eye, and was about to kick her in the fleshy place behind her.

In no mood!

The two white lights in Nasha’s hand made a “bang” and burst open at the same time, and countless dense needles shot up and down, left and right, in all directions.

Yin Zhi was also caught off guard.

No matter how fast his speed is, it is impossible to change the direction out of thin air-unless there is a “time female emperor”!

So a large piece of light needles, like ox hair like a drizzle, pierced Yin Zhi’s body.

Yin Zhi’s current “defense” is as high as 210 points!

However, the 210-point “defense” couldn’t prevent the light needles at all, so that all the light needles were submerged into Yin Zhi’s body.


At this moment, Yin Zhi took a breath of air.


Yin Zhi fell on the sand, the skin all over his body seemed to be twitching and convulsing.

The scene is almost like a handful of sand spilled into the calm lake, splashing a large number of small ripples.

Immediately afterwards, Na Xia waved her hand and sprinkled two ropes of white light, then wrapped Yin Zhi tightly, and hung her eyes.

Naxia assumed a victorious posture, looking down at Yin Zhi lonely: “How does the holy light taste?”

Yin Zhi gritted his teeth and secretly added something to himself, his mouth was naturally hard.

“Hey, the taste of the Holy Light, I haven’t tasted it. How can I know what it is like, or you can taste it for me?”

As soon as Naxia thought, the two light ropes slowly tightened: “I see when your mouth can be so stiff…”

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