Chapter 957 If it’s because of what Naxia said last night…you just treat her as farting!


Yaya was speechless for Nasha’s words.

In fact, no words are needed!

Because for a long time, “Tushan people” and “Holy Court” are rivals, and they are incompatible with fire and water, as if they were born like this.


Until now, the two sides may not know why the two sides are hostile.

So that the two sides are hostile and kill each other, naturally, it is like breathing and drinking water.

“I ask you a question.”

“Have you ever thought about what the two of us are fighting for?”

Faced with this question of Nasha, Ya Ya was still speechless-she didn’t even know.

Although, she actually thought about the question “Why?”, but there is still no answer yet.

Nasha let out a cold “hum”.

“For many years, both of us have been fighting to death and life.”

“You can’t even count the number of people who died in the opponent’s hands.”

“The fight to the present, and the killing to the present, I don’t even know why I don’t share the sky, I have you or I don’t even know.”

“Don’t you find it strange and ironic?”

Ya Ya said: “Don’t you know?”

Nasha did not answer this question.

“Haha! It is completely foreseeable that in the future, we will continue to kill each other, and more people will die in each other’s hands.”

“It may be your father next time. It may be your mother next time. Then it will be you and your children.”

“Children and grandchildren, kill each other endlessly, never ending!”

Ya Ya was shocked by the scene that Na Xia portrayed.

Thinking of that picture, that seemingly doomed future, a panic suddenly rose in my heart.

Ya Ya said: “What on earth do you want to say?”

Naxia said: “In fact, we are just pawns in the hands of some existence! They are inconvenient to fight directly, so let us become pawns in their hands and fight instead of them! Unless the winner is determined, we will Chess pieces will never stop fighting.”

These words fell into Yaya’s ears, but they were no less than a thunder.

But when Yin Zhi heard it, it suddenly dawned on him.

“I see!”

“So that’s it!”

It turned out that the “Tushan people” were the agents chosen by the “Wisdom Sovereign”-well, there is nothing wrong with the chess pieces.

The “Holy Court” is the “Holy Lord”.

The two parties each represent Sage behind the scenes, and they have been fighting back and forth, and there is no single result from the fight until now!

It’s no wonder that some “black soul technique” can crack Naxia’s “Holy Light Purification Spirituality”, the original source is here!

“My luck is also really good.”

“If it wasn’t for Yaya, and the relationship was pretty good, or else I would really have to capsize in the gutter!”

“I have lingering fears!”

Although I don’t know if I will die after “capsizing the ship in the gutter”…

But even if he does not die, it is certain that the “Wisdom Lord” has completely failed the test of own.

At that time, my own trip to “Chicken World” would have gone in vain.

Such a result is obviously not what Yin Zhi wants to see.

Ya Ya said: “Why do you want to tell me this?”

There is no doubt that at this moment, the rhythm of the conversation has been completely controlled by Nasha.

Relying on her advantages in insight, vision, and Realm, she seized Yaya’s weakness and directly crushed her.

“Don’t you want to stop this?”

“Don’t you want to get rid of the fate of being a pawn and being born desperately for others?”

“I don’t know if you want to, but I can tell you very clearly, I don’t want to!”

“Even… you don’t know that it’s horrible, the real world of our Life is actually just a fake world!”

“We, whether it is the so-called real world or the game world, everyone is just a bird in a cage-and a fake bird in a cage!”

Ya Ya said: “You…you…what are you talking nonsense? How is this possible? You really…”

She only thought Nasha was crazy.

What kind of crazy things are she talking about?

The real world…how could it be fake?

It must be the insanity of playing online games, this is simply crazy!

Yaya reincarnated and left.

Naxia said lightly: “If you go out of this door now, you will never have the chance to get rid of the fate of continuing to be a chess piece, and you will never be able to see the real world!”

Ya Ya raised her feet, and she was about to step out of the door, but she couldn’t step on it.


What’s wrong with me?

Reason tells her that she should leave now and don’t listen to Nasha’s crazy words.

But there is an unnamed, unspeakable urge in my heart-stop and listen to what she is saying!

People are often afraid and evasive about the unknown, but at the same time they are often yearning, full of desire for exploration and adventure!

Very contradictory, right?

But human beings can be said to be a combination of various contradictions!

In the end, Ya Ya turned around, looked at Na Xia, and said, “Do you know how to break fate?”

Naxia said: “Of course!”

“How to do it?”

Naxia said: “Since this duel must be stopped by one side, let one side win the final victory!”

Ya Ya is a delicate mind, and said: “You mean to let you “Holy Court” win? Why can’t it be us?”

Nasha smiled contemptuously.


“Hmph, the “Final Mission” of the “Mythical World” is the key to victory! Why do you “Tushan Clan”?”

“Do you think that the battlefield is still in the so-called real world? Wrong! A big mistake! The’mythical world’ is the new battlefield! By you?”

“Do you think it’s too late? It’s too late! Even if you didn’t realize this, you are doomed to fail!”

Ya Ya said: “Do you think you are right?”

Naxia said: “You can choose not to believe me. The’Holy Court’ has me without me, and will not stop it from marching towards victory. But you’Tushan people’… Hmph, ask for more blessings. . I can say it all here. You, do it for yourself.”

After speaking, she closed her eyes and assumed a calm and indifferent posture.

Yaya: “…”

Yaya, who didn’t expect to hear these words at all, would find it harder to fall asleep after returning to the room.

Tossing about in bed can’t fall asleep, upset.

After thinking and thinking, thinking and thinking, Yaya finally decided: “When the day breaks, she will go offline and tell her all about it. See what they say.”

I don’t understand, it’s dawn.

Yin Zhi, who had prepared a hearty breakfast, knocked on Yaya’s door.

Ya Ya said: “I’m going offline first. So… I won’t eat breakfast. I’m sorry. Because there is a more urgent thing to do.”

Yin Zhi sighed and said, “If it’s because of what Na Xia said last night…you just treat her as farting!”

Ya Ya suddenly widened her eyes…

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