Chapter 963 Just use Ya Ya to threaten him! If we don’t hand over Na Xia, we will kill Ya Ya!




“Three hundred and forty!”


“Nine hundred and eighty!”


“One thousand eight hundred!”


“Four thousand six hundred and thirty-four!”


Yin Zhi counted every time one burst.

In this way, the number is getting bigger and bigger, but the people who want to kill him still go forward.


Because this is a game!

If it is in reality—the reality they think—it is certainly impossible to develop into this way.

Because I’m afraid of death!

But the game is virtual, life and death are also virtual, even if they are blown up, they are not afraid of death at all.

But as long as you can kill Yin Zhi even once, the money you get is real!

May I ask, who would take a chance to become a billionaire without a false life?


It is not an exaggeration to say that Yin Zhi’s current enemy is the player of the entire “myth”.

If it wasn’t for some areas that were too far away, and many people couldn’t afford an expensive transmission fee, the people who came to kill Yin Zhi would definitely gather into a sea of ​​people!

But even so, the people who are going to kill Yin Zhi right now are like ocean waves, wave after wave, wave after wave, as if it’s endless, never ending.


“I don’t believe it!”

“Exhausted him! Even if he is beaten with iron, he will be scrapped!”

“Cao f*ck don’t stand in the way!”

All kinds of shouts one after another, the noise is on the dust.

In this way, Yin Zhi continued to blow up a player with one punch and one kick, and time passed by minute by minute.

Before you know it, five days have passed…

Five days!

Five days!

In these five days, Yin Zhi hasn’t stopped sleeping, eating or drinking, just beating people there, beating them up!

And the number that he read from his mouth is already in the early two million years-after careful calculation, Yin Zhi is about to beat four or five people every second!

This is simply…

And in this process, in each mountain place, the “Tushan people” also watched Yin Zhi “explode the world’s heroes” for five days!

The anger and hatred towards Yin Zhi from the beginning…

The shock later…

Unbelievable, unbelievable…

And then to fear…

And then to numbness…

In the end, is it like it is now, desperate!


Snapped! !

An old slap was slapped on the face of Tushan·Shangliang—this Tushan·Shangliang was the “second brother” who called Yin Zhi “wild species”, and it was just two slaps!



“The Tushan Clan is the one you killed forever!”

“You are the sinner of the entire Tushan Clan!”

“Heaven! God! What did the Tushan Clan do wrong? You have to punish us like this!”

The high priest of the “Tushan Clan” was desperate and desolate.

He is the most knowledgeable and elder of the “Tushan Clan”…

In certain things, such as the “Tushan Clan” and the “Holy Court” being hostile and fighting for generations, what he learned was actually similar to Naxia!

What a loss, the wise man is thinking about it!

This “Tushan High Priest” did not realize the importance of the “myth game” before, but symbolically arranged some junior juniors in the “myth”, which made the “Tushan tribe” not a little bit in the “myth”. Advantage.

I wanted to survive in desperation, cutting in from Na Xia, but Tushan Shangliang’s “wild seed” sounded, completely destroying the plan of the “Tushan High Priest”-but this was all clever afterwards.

He didn’t pay much attention to Yin Zhi before, and he also thought he was a wild species!

But now, the “pot” should naturally be carried by Tushan·Shangliang!

If he doesn’t recite, who recites?

Tushan Shangliang was slapped twice, anger and humiliation intertwined.

Tushan people attach great importance to face!

The reason why Yin Zhi was said to be a “wild species” as soon as we met was actually due to the extreme importance the “Tushan people” paid to the face. Let them disgust from the heart!

But is Yoon Ji-Chou actually?

Of course it is not ugly. Objectively speaking, he is also a handsome guy, no matter his appearance or temperament, he is outstanding!

But who makes the “Tushan people” exceptionally talented?

They are not as handsome as men, men and women!

Compared with them, Yin Zhi certainly looked a little ugly.

Because of the extreme emphasis on the face…

For Tushan Shang Liang, slapped his face twice was more serious than killing him, and it was even more difficult for him to accept.


“It’s a wild species!”

“No matter how strong he is, he can’t change this fact!”

“Want me to apologize to him?”

“Never possible!”

The face was beaten, and Tushan·Shangliang didn’t care about the high priest or the high priest.

The high priest trembled angrily: “You…you…”

Tushan·Shang Liang’s eyes erupted with fierce madness, the kind of handsome Deva-like distortion and even a little hideous.

“High priest, you, me, and our’Tushan Clan’ have no choice! There is only one way to survive, and that is to unite with the’Holy Court’, and then…”


“Resist the fate of being used as a chess piece!”

“Fight against the existence of the’Tushan Clan’ that enslaves us!”

“Either God or Saint, kill him!”

“This is the only way for our’Tushan Clan’ to survive!”

The high priest’s face was blue, white, purple and black, and suddenly he spouted a mouthful of blood, and fell straight to the ground.

Good guy, he was so pissed to death.

Tushan·Shangliang looked at “Dage” Tushan·Leiming, his expression even more hideous and crazy.

“Dage, do you say what I said makes sense?”

“If we don’t resist, our Tushan clan will continue to make chess pieces for generations. Once we lose…is there still a need for the lost chess pieces?”

“We have no choice. United’Holy Court’ is our only way to survive.”

In a sense…

According to Tushan Shangliang’s words, Naxia’s plan has actually been achieved 80%!

Tushan Leiming gritted his teeth, squinted his eyes, and said in a deep voice, “But now even the Holy See of the’Holy Court’ is in the hands of that wild species.”

Tu Shan Shangliang said: “I have a way!”

Tushan Leiming asked: “What is the solution?”

Tu Shan Shang Liang said: “Just threaten him with Ya Ya! If you don’t hand over Na Xia, we will kill Ya Ya! For the entire ‘Tushan Clan’, it is worth sacrificing her a woman!”

Tu Shan Lei Ming said: “…I’m afraid that my father won’t agree!”

“Then call an Elder meeting!”

“Those old things, one more afraid of death, sacrifice one Yaya, in exchange for the future of the whole family, they will not frown, as long as the old things agree, what use is the father’s objection? Dage, don’t hesitate! The future of the “Tushan Clan” is now in your hands! Whether to be a hero of the “Tushan Clan” or a sinner, you choose yourself!”

Tushan Leiming, the eldest son of the current “Patriarch of Tushan Clan”, slowly nodded…

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