Chapter 968 I already know your pain! Me, Nasha, come to grace and show miracles!

Of course the Tang Dynasty exaggerated the facts…

But he just wanted to exaggerate the facts deliberately to make Yin Zhi move!

Don’t you want the “Holy Court” to be the first?

Then go do it!

Get rid of it before it grows up, so that it has no chance to win the first prize in the “War of the Gods”.

Not to mention, the Ruyi Scepter abacus of the Tang Dynasty really started.

Yin Zhi did have the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to engage in a “holy court” in his heart.

The Tang Dynasty didn’t know what Yin Zhi was thinking in his heart, so he got up and left.

Lu Zhan also said haha, saying “I won’t shine here anymore”, and then left with the Tang Dynasty.

Ya Ya looked at Yin Zhi and said, “What are you going to do?”

Yin Zhi said: “Don’t worry, take a break, take a break first.”

As he said, he stretched a lot.

There are more than 300 million “big money” lying on the “account”, why are we in a hurry?

Not the donkey of the production team!

I’ve been doing it for so long before, and my body is not tired, but my heart is tired.

Since you are tired, you can’t take a rest?

Yin Zhi looked at Ya Ya, saw her worried look, and said, “Is you worried about your people?”

Yaya: “…”

Yin Zhi spread his hands, sighed helplessly, and said, “You are really worried about this. They are looking for death on their own, and they can’t stop them. Obviously they are acting for the’Sage’ duel, but in the end they are fighting with the enemy, no matter who is in the end. Winner or loser, the’Sage’ represented by the’Tushan Clan’ can’t tolerate the’Tushan Clan’.”

Ya Ya said: “Is there no way?”

Yin Zhi said: “You! They are so right to you, what do you care about their life and death? Under the avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.”

Yaya took off her mask, her eyes were rippling, she looked at Yin Zhi, her red and tender lips were gently pursed, and she said, “Yin Zhi…”

Yin Zhi rolled his eyes.

Hello, Ya Ya Miss, what do you mean?

Do you want me to save your “Tushan Clan”?

Find the wrong person, hello!

Seeing Yin Zhi’s movement of rolling her eyes, the blood on Yaya’s face quickly faded, and she slowly stood up and said, “I…I’m a little tired, I’m out of company.”

After speaking, Ya Ya left, her back looked particularly lonely and thin, which made Yin Zhi want to give her a solid support.

But want him to save the “Tushan Clan”?

Let’s wash and sleep!


At the beginning, Yin Zhi entered the “Jizi World” to save the imprisoned “Tushan people”.

In addition, my own mother and the “Tushan people” have the same roots, and even considering Yaya Miss’s life-saving grace, as long as the three views are normal, there is no reason not to save the “Tushan people”.

Naihe ah naihe.

This “Tushan tribe” is too much himself, so he wants to do it step by step, and he can’t stop him. What can be done?

Yin Zhi will never forgive the term “wild species”!

Tushan people?

Hum, do it, do it, I see how you die in the end!

That night.

The rain is pouring!

It was as if the sky had broken through a big hole, and all the water in it poured out from that hole, and it might have drowned the entire world.

Even if the “Prosperity Imperial City” blocked the wind and rain, it could not stop the thunder and lightning.

Yin Zhi soaked a comfortable hot bath in the tub, then lay down on the bed, ready to take a long sleep.

But just when Yin Zhi was about to dream…

He heard a soft “squeak” and the sound of very light footsteps came.

If it wasn’t for Yin Zhi’s ears, he would hear nothing.

who is it?

What are you here for?

In an instant Yin Zhi’s sleepiness disappeared without a trace.

His eyes quietly opened a gap, followed by a flash of thunder, and he saw Ya Ya in white dress approaching step by step.

Ya Ya Miss?

Why did she sneak up to me this night?

Isn’t it going to be assassinated?

But it’s not right!

Assassinating me is useful for saving the “Tushan Clan”.

Thinking about this, Yin Zhi muttered secretly: “I want to see what you want to do…what!?”

Without waiting for him to whisper in his heart, he saw Ya Ya Miss Bai Yu was undressed and undressed…

With two or two efforts, a work of art that seems to be carved from the best white jade is shining in front of Yin Zhi’s eyes under the shining of thunder. It is a peerless treasure and unique!

Yin Zhi suddenly felt his own heart pierced by a knife.

This, this, this… Is this going to use the knife on the head of Lulu to assassinate me?

In an instant, Yin Zhi’s breathing became a little hurried, his Adam’s apple almost didn’t control the sliding, the blood in his body heated up sharply, and his head was up!


Is she trying to use herself as a bargaining chip in exchange for saving the “Tushan Clan”?

This operation is too…

How to do?

what do I do?

Reject or accept?

Just when Yin Zhi was entangled in how to choose, Ya Ya Miss refused to give him a choice at all, and just leaned down…

When a soft and cold shock was felt on his lips, Yin Zhi opened his eyes instantly!

Don’t eat the delicious food delivered to your door, nor are you afraid of being struck by lightning!

Under the flickering thunder light, the figures in the room were entangled.


The torrential rain fell from the sky, slumping thousands of miles!

There is a saying “flood death due to waterlogging, and drought death due to drought”.

When the old god is dead and the new god is not born, various natural disasters come.

Heavy rain is pouring here and flash floods are raging, but on the other side is a thousand miles of red land, terribly hot!

A certain area turned from a green area to a desert in just a few days, because the water has evaporated.

Drought and lack of water destroyed everything, including life!

Just when the people of Life in this area fell into despair…

A cloud of white light shone on the ground, attracting everyone’s attention in this area.

People looked up at the sky one after another.

When the white light dissipated, they saw a woman hovering in the air, exuding the nobility, holiness, and majesty of Sacred.

This person is no one else, but the throne of the “Holy Court”, Nasha!

At this moment, where is she still a little embarrassed?

After that, her voice fell from the sky, and the soft voice flowed into the ears of all those who heard it like water, shocking their spirits.

“I already know your pain!”

“I, Nasha, come to grace miracles!”

“You must accept it with sincerity!”

“If there is insincere, disaster will come again!”

After that, she gently raised her hands and stretched them out, and then a thick and long pillar appeared in front of her.


The pillar fell from the sky, and with a sound of “poof”, it slammed into the dry earth, and more than two-thirds of the area was inserted into the ground.

Then, the pillar was slowly pulled out.

At that moment, a stream of clear water spurted out of the hole in the ground, spraying old high and old high.

The water vapor diffused, and a rainbow hung in the air.



Water! !

Those who were about to die of thirst went crazy in an instant…

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