Chapter 980 God, it’s finally over, if it doesn’t end, I will be melted!

“Didi! You got 100 billion kill intent from Naxia, please check!”

I drop a good boy!

Directly doubled, this is!

Yin Zhi hummed secretly when he got the bargain.

“What did I just say?”

“You can’t control yourself and don’t want to kill me!”

“Hmph, I thought you had seen everything, but you couldn’t stand a kiss.”

“Then if I do more to you, can I just lie down and win?”

At this time, Nasha was completely angry!

She probably forgot what she said before and what she planned to do before.

Even if I haven’t forgotten it, I am afraid that Yin Zhi’s kiss has completely changed his mind!

Naxia directly displayed the real ultimate move-Holy Light Purification!

This is the ultimate magical skill urged by the majestic “power of faith”!

Even if she died together, she would not hesitate!

In an instant of effort, the holy and dazzling white light bloomed from Na Xia’s body, directly engulfing Yin Zhi.

Outside the “Fengshen Altar”, high above the sky, the Tang Dynasty and Yaya who were on the sidelines instinctively rushed to something bad.

Tang Chao shouted: “Hurry up and get away!”

Yaya gritted her teeth and didn’t mean to move at all – but she moved right after her, instead of avoiding it, she plunged into the white light.

Tang Chao’s face changed when he saw it!

He wanted to stop it, but suddenly a feeling of extreme danger came to his mind. He still chose to hide first. He was a lover and he was arrogant in life and death. What would he mix with an outsider?

Yaya rushed into the white light, and also displayed the strongest ultimate move of the “Black Soul Art”, “Dark Night Comes”!

A thick darkness burst out from the intense white light, which actually melted the white light.

Instead, the white light quickly melted the black light with a more powerful posture. In the blink of an eye, the black light released by Yaya was completely swallowed by the white light!

Ya Ya herself also disappeared into the white light…

Although “Dark Night is Coming” is indeed the nemesis of “Holy Light Purification”, but!

The “Holy Light Purification” performed by Nasha is a “divine skill”, while Yaya’s “Dark Night Coming” is just a more powerful general skill. Where is the opponent of “Divine Skill”?

It’s also that Yin Zhi doesn’t know, otherwise he will definitely let Ya Ya hide as far away as possible!

The core of “Holy Light Purification”.

Yin Zhi only felt that his own body was softening and melting…

Not good!

This is terribly bad!

He did not hesitate to convert the 100 billion “killing value” he got just now into “defense”, and directly mentioned the “defense” to 1204 points-after breakthrough 1200, the “attribute points” sold for a little bit 10 billion!

Frankly speaking, Yin Zhi has no idea whether he can hold on to this wave, but he can only add “defense”!

Fortunately, Yin Zhi made the right bet!

Although the body’s softening and melting sensation continues, the intensity is much lower than before…


“But it’s not enough!”

“I still need more killing intent!”

“In this case……”

What else is there to say!

Don’t you want to soften me?

Then I want to show it to you!

In the Holy Light…

Shit! !

Yin Zhi gathered the strength of his whole body and tore it hard.

With a cracking sound, someone’s shame was completely destroyed.

It’s just that!

Because it is in the holy light, outsiders can’t see anything-of course, there are no outsiders now.

The only Tang Dynasty also hid under the “Fengshen Altar”.

His current situation is not good, a faint “light of purification” shines on him, he is resisting with all his strength, whether he can resist, he has no bottom at all.

“Hey, hit if you want, don’t pull me up!”

The Tang Dynasty can only complain in his heart.

The core of the light blooming.

Yin Zhi got his wish and received another “killing value” from Na Xia-a full 130 billion!

It seems to be a lot, but in fact it can only be exchanged for 13 attribute points…

Yin Zhi did not hesitate to add these 13 points to the “defense”.


“Quickly stop your annoying skill.”

“Otherwise, don’t blame me for going further…what will I do next, don’t you know?”

How could Nasha not know?

She clenched her teeth tightly and made a “chuckle” sound.

Stop “Holy Light Purification”?

Do not!

It’s impossible!

This is the only skill that can directly threaten Yin Zhi, how could she stop?

As for what Yin Zhi will do next…

She doesn’t care!

Whatever he wants, let him do it!

“Holy Light Purification” must not stop!

Because this was the only way to get rid of him, once she stopped, she didn’t know how to get rid of Yin Zhi.

In short, she is betting that her own “Holy Light Purification” can completely purify Yin Zhi!

In this regard, she is confident.


It’s because Yin Zhi is doing something more radical and excessive to himself.

Now that it is known that Yin Zhi is taking advantage of others’ hatred of him to become stronger, then these things he has done to himself are definitely to arouse his hatred towards him.

You know, before he fell into his hands, he was tickling his own itch at best-although this seemed to be very excessive in Naxia’s view.

But compared to what he did today, tickling is nothing at all!

And what Yin Zhi is doing now just exposes his unconfidence.

So Nasha knows very well that what she has to do now is to continue to perform “Holy Light Purification” wholeheartedly, and at the same time not to have any hatred against him because of what he did…

There is no doubt that this is very difficult.

But Nasha knew that she had to do this, otherwise she would be defeated!

This is a battle of life and death!

“Don’t stop yet, right?”

“Hey, I have given you the opportunity. Since you don’t cherish it yourself…”

“Then I’m welcome!”

Having said that, Yin Zhi, who was on the top of his blood, launched a barbaric offensive!

At this moment, because of the cover of the holy light, no one knew what was happening in the holy light.

“Feng Shen altar” under.

The struggling Tang Dynasty said: “When will it end? I can’t stand it anymore! Hey, it’s really a fight between gods and mortals. I knew I would…”

Time just goes by bit by bit!

When the Tang Dynasty couldn’t resist it, the body began to liquefy into a white liquid.

A strange scream of “Ah” burst out suddenly, stabbing the Shattering Void, and it also made Tang Dynasty feel that his own ears were about to be pierced.

“Strange, how does this sound…”

Without waiting for him to think about it, the white light that had originally filled the air gradually dimmed, and soon disappeared completely.


After the Tang Dynasty froze for a while, he was overjoyed—God, it’s over at last, and I will be melted if it doesn’t end!

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