Chapter 991 Man, what is the most important thing? Hard enough! Ah wrong, it’s atmospheric!

Yin Zhi descended from the sky and fell into the city.

Of course he would not walk the gate obediently.

Walking out of a small alley and inserting into the pedestrians, Yin Zhi even formally integrated into the city.

The residents here are obviously accustomed to the Zerg attack.

Not long ago, there was a “worm wave”, but now it’s only a long time before people should go to work, go shopping, and they are completely unaffected.

Yin Zhi wandered aimlessly on the street.

It seems aimless, but his perception has been released.

With his perception, he can easily cover the whole city.

Every voice was perceived by him, and all he had to do was to extract information that he thought was valuable from these words.

By the way!

He already understands the language here. Naturally, he was bestowed upon him by the “Holy Wit”.

However, most of the voices he perceive are rubbish, and there is really very little valuable information.

Just as Yin Zhi was wondering whether to go to a newer city, he suddenly raised his brows… All his perceptions were focused on one, um, two people to be precise!

“Try it…”

Yin Zhi muttered and walked towards a place.

Invincible bar!

Yin Zhi sighed for the name of the bar, “Tsk Tsk,” and then stepped into it.

Perhaps because of the daytime, although the “Invincible Bar” is open for business, there are very few customers, and it looks exceptionally deserted.

But deserted to deserted, but not at all quiet, because someone is talking loudly.


“Well, I am also engaged to you. Can you not put a dead face on me all day?”


The handsome, tall and handsome red-haired young man looked very annoyed and mad.

“How can I say that I am also a “Holy Flame Knight”, “Forecast Hero”!”

“Not to mention the capital city, it is the entire’Holy Court Heaven’. Anyone who wants to marry me’Olin Seth Hara’ can line up from the end of’The Underworld Canyon’ to the other end!”

“Why do I make you look down on you, tell me, I will change! Change until you are satisfied, can you?!”

However, despite his yelling, the aqua-blue long-haired woman sitting next to him was drinking quietly, as if there was no one yelling next to him.

Seeing that the woman was still indifferent, he hammered the wine glass heavily on the bar counter.

“I’m so fed up with you!”

“Tell me, my patience is also limited!”

“Our marriage has been blessed by the’Holy See’. Do you want to repent of your marriage? Don’t even think about it! When the wedding period comes, you must marry me!”

“Now, I will give you one last chance to correct your attitude towards me! Otherwise, your life will be sad after marriage!”

After hearing this, the aqua-blue long-haired daughter turned her head to look at the Olin Seth Hara, and then said impatiently: “You are annoying and noisy, do you know?”

Well, this woman’s voice is a little bit neutral, not as soft as an ordinary woman, and she sounds hoarse.

Olin Seth Hara-Well, the name is a bit long, and will be referred to as Hara from now on. He raised his palm angrily on the spot, and he was about to slap him down.

At this time, Yin Zhi walked to Yin Zhi next to the bar and said, “Hey! Brother, although women are not allowed to fight, it is a bit too much for you to fight like this.” After that, he said to the bartender: ” Feel free to have a drink.”


The bartender was taken aback, and said to his heart, “Then I should give you a glass of the most expensive one.”

He thought so in his heart, but he didn’t plan to do it.

In case Yin Zhi can’t pay the bill, it will be troublesome, so just take it easy.

The bartender is going to give him a glass of good or bad, not cheap or expensive—the horse head man!

Hala’s attention was attracted by Yin Zhi’s words, and said, “Who are you, you? Get out of here if you don’t want to die! It’s not your turn to be nosy here!”

Yin Zhi smiled and said, “Who am I? This question is not easy to answer. But if you want to know my name, I can tell you, my name is Yin Zhi! Fortunately!”


Never heard of it at all.

I didn’t know it came from that corner.

Halla said: “I care who you are. Go away, there is nothing wrong with you.” Then a pair of fire-breathing eyes stared at the woman with aqua-blue hair.

“say something!”


He really suffered from this woman.

I’m Olin Seth Hara!

I am the “Holy Flame Knight”!

How dare to answer me indifferently?

What do you take me for?

The woman with aqua-blue hair drank the wine in one sip, and the bartender said, “One more glass. Full.”

The bartender had just finished adding wine to Yin Zhi, so he changed a bottle-the most expensive “The Underworld”, he was going to pour it on her.

As a result, the cup was covered by one hand. Whose was it if it wasn’t Hara?

“There is nothing wrong with you here!”

“You can get off work!”

With that said, just transfer 1,000 “life points” to the bartender-that is, money from the “human world”!

1000 “life points” is not a small number. The bartender was overjoyed and said “good”, and then he left.

He didn’t want to stay long ago!

Well, so happy, he forgot to collect Yin Zhi’s glass of wine…

Hala took the bottle of wine and said, “The Underworld fire? Since you like fire, do you want me to add fire to you?”

He went around a cup of “The Underworld Fiery”, snapped his fingers, “pululu”, the glass of wine blazed ablaze, and the flames showed a weird purple.

Halla said: “Come on! Drink!”

The blue-haired woman glanced.

Hara shouted: “You drink!”

The blue-haired woman still looked indifferent, reaching out for the glass of wine.

But just when her hand was about to touch the glass of wine, suddenly a hand stretched out and took the wine away first.

Guru Guru!

Yin Zhi smothered the cup of “The Underworld Blaze”, which was burning with purple flames, into his stomach in one mouthful.


He burped, only to feel the strength of the alcohol, and said: “Hey! This wine is really strong! It’s much better than mine.”

Hara frowned and said, “Who are you? Want to die, don’t you? Get out of here!”

Yin Zhi smiled and said: “Don’t! What are you doing in such a rushing tone? Brother, put your mentality a little better. This is the place to drink. When you come here, you can drink as much as you want and have a good time. All other messy things are forgotten in advance. Being a human being, of course, it’s fun to end up!”

Halla said: “Ha! How old are you? It’s your turn to teach me? I say it again at the end: Get out! If you get out, don’t blame me for being polite!”

Yin Zhi smashed his mouth and shrugged.

“I seem to know why this lady doesn’t like you.”

“Man, what’s the most important thing? Hard enough! No, it’s atmospheric!”

“You? You can’t, you are so stingy.”

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