Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 260 Seven Little Lambs~

After the Spring Festival, the situation calmed down a bit, not because there were fewer accidents, but because people have begun to try to adapt.

After all, life is like that, if you can't resist, you can only learn that.

But on the day at the end of the month, Zhao Hao suddenly received a call from Sylvia, "Zhao Hao, hurry up! Go save Nanayasaki!"

Although the members of the supernatural observation team still have dinner parties two or three times a month, it has been a long time since they have gathered all the members in this troubled time.

This time I'm missing you, next time I'm missing me, and next time I'm missing him... In life, we get together less and leave more.

The Mystery Bureau is extremely busy, and everyone has their own affairs, so it is inevitable that there is a distinction between distance and nearness.

For example, Zhao Hao, Fatty and Gou Quan are naturally the best friends, and of course Zhao Hao has a good relationship with everyone else. After all, this group was established because of his connection.

Nanayasaki is usually very low-key, and doesn't even get involved in the affairs of the world in Liberty City. And the person who usually has the most contact with Nanayasaki is Sylvia, who is also a girl.

However, just this morning, the two made an appointment to go shopping, but Nanayasaki did not come.

Nanayasaki is a very time-conscious person, and never dodges. He is a person who says he will do it. So Sylvia was very worried, and went to the foreign student dormitory to look for her, and found out that something had happened.

It can be seen that the incident happened so suddenly, Nanayasaki could only hastily leave a note. Not much to say above...

"Something marks me, like a strange land", just such a sentence.

When Zhao Hao and the others arrived, everyone surrounded the note, not knowing what to do.

Sylvia has used her ability to draw several paintings, but everyone is even more confused after seeing it. What happened?

The first painting is a section of a large luxurious house. Outside the door is a wolf in clothes. Inside the house are seven lambs. There are lambs at the door, as if they are talking to the old wolf through the door.

The second painting is in Nanayasaki's dormitory. She was suddenly enveloped by a wave of psychic energy, unable to break free, so she could only write a note and be "sucked away".

The lamp on the desk in the picture is still on, it should be night. At this time, the table lamps had already been burned, and it should have been on all night.

The third painting is Nanaya Saki and several other people in a big house...

Gou Quan moved to the side of the third painting, looked left and right, turned it over and adjusted it. The fat man was upset, "Quan'er, what are you doing? Did you turn over to read?"

Gou Quan handed the painting to Fatty, "Fatty Man, look, is this Brother Wali?" He pointed to a finger-sized figure in the far corner of the screen.

"Ah?" The fat man quickly took it, looked at it several times, and handed it to Zhao Hao who stretched his neck to look at it, "It's too small, I can't see clearly!"

Zhao Hao looked at it for a long time, "Short, thick waisted, seems to have a big beard, like! Really! At least he is a dwarf!"

Zhao Hao quickly picked up the mobile phone and called the witch Carrie, "Hello? Carrie, hurry up and see if Brother Wally is at home? Something may have happened to him!"

Less than ten minutes later, the witch Carrie called back, "Wali is not at home, he seems to be leaving in a hurry, half of the iron was thrown on the iron felt..."

"Over! I lost two at once!"

Everyone discussed, what kind of strange situation is this? How did these two people get marked by the strange world? There must be a reason, right? !

At this time, Zhao Hao already had a general idea, but it was just his own guess, which could not be proved at all, and it was useless to say it, so he didn't speak.

Everyone just waited here, not even knowing if they could get any results. Because of some strange situations, people are gone, and there will be no scum left.

Fortunately, Sylvia's ability can at least detect the survival status of Nanayasaki and Brother Wally.

She drew a picture every two or three hours to judge the life and death of the two.

After a few paintings, everyone can confirm that there are five other people with Wali and Nanayasaki.

Zhao Hao even saw an acquaintance—the Necromancer Sandro!

It was the silent young man who had done missions together at the Gray Man Road West Base at the end of the year.

Didn't expect him to be there.

Among the several paintings, there are also battle scenes. Among the seven people, Brother Wali, Nanayasaki, and Sandro are all extraordinary, and the rest are ordinary people. And their enemy seems to be a tall and weird werewolf!

It's just that Brother Wali is a bronze boss, what kind of werewolf can be his opponent? The werewolf patriarch?


Suddenly there was a "thump", everyone woke up and turned around, and found Nanayasaki sitting on the chair in front of the desk.

"came back?"

"Are you okay?"

Everyone quickly surrounded him. Nanayasaki was slightly injured, and looked a little tired and embarrassed.

It was already late at night, and 24 hours had passed since Nanayasaki was sucked in.

Everyone offered water and food, and Zhao Hao even took out the Eternal Magic Bottle to give her something to drink and reply.

"Is everyone here?" Nanayasaki leaned back on the chair and let out a sigh of relief.

"What's going on? How did you get targeted?" Fatty asked the most impatiently.

Nanayasaki also frowned delicately, brushed the broken hair around her ears, and shook her head with some hesitation: "I don't know, I don't know why I was chosen suddenly, these days I'm just attending classes and reading books at school, and I haven't had any contact with anything related to me. Something about the extraordinary..."

Zhao Hao took out his phone, "Let me ask how brother Wally is doing?"

When the call was made, Brother Wali answered it relatively quickly, "Hello, Zhao Hao?" The voice was normal, and he sounded in good condition.

"Brother, we are here at Nanayasaki, are you okay?"

"It's all right, it's just bad luck. Carrie is with me, and she told me..."

A group of people chatted on the phone for a long time, and the phone was about to die before Zhao Hao hung up.

He looked at everyone: "It seems that this incident is completely random. Brother Wali and Qiye were both involved at once, so it can only be said to be a small probability incident..."

Nanayasaki recovered after resting for a while, mainly because the Eternal Magic Bottle is powerful.

She began to tell the crowd what was going on.

Suddenly enveloped by spiritual energy, she had no time to do anything, and the person who wrote the note disappeared.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was in a baroque mansion, surrounded by six other people.

Although it was only 24 hours in the watch world, they spent three days and three nights in that mansion.

There is no way to leave the house, the doors and windows are sealed, and there is no way to leave. And on the first night, someone knocked on the door...it was a werewolf!

Ordinarily, with my brother's strength, a dozen or twenty werewolves came here, all playing as if they were playing. But in that house, my elder brother's psionic level was suppressed to 5-star black iron, while the werewolf was 1-star bronze.

Most importantly, the werewolf was at home. It is often possible to enter the mansion through some strange places, and then attack the seven people. Only kill one person at most at a time, and run away if you don't kill it, and come back next time.

In the past three days, they have hardly closed their eyes.

The four ordinary people didn't make it to the end, and on the evening of the third day, my brother managed to seriously injure the werewolf.

Although the werewolf can recover soon after each injury, according to their conclusion, the more severe the injury, the later the time of the werewolf's appearance will be delayed.

The last three managed to survive until the early hours of the fourth day, when they were released.

Nanayasaki pulled up her sleeves, showing everyone a lamb-like mark on her snow-white wrist.

"This is a secret key..."

The fat man yelled strangely: "Isn't this over yet?"

Gou Quan couldn't help touching the bullet hanging around his neck: Ma De, my business is not over yet!


The encounter between Nanayasaki and Brother Wali taught everyone a lesson.

Now it's not something you can dodge as much as you can, now it's just luck, if you are chosen, it will be you.

Even Nanayasaki stopped being salty, and began to follow Zhao Hao to collect negative emotions to restore her damaged holding spirit.

March 1st, Lantern Festival. Zhao Hao signed in and was rewarded with a [Hearthstone].

Many people should know this thing, it is the one who can "rub" home in the mountains of Yamaguchi. It's like a bound location recall spell.

This is a Bronze 2-star item. Although it can only be used once a week, the bronze-level high authority is very valuable.

If Zhao Hao is sucked into the mansion of the "Seven Little Sheep", he can come back through Hearthstone.

To be on the safe side, Zhao Hao tied Hearthstone to his dream little bamboo building. It's safe here, you won't be guarded~

From March 4th to 21st, there will be a spring break. Zhao Hao plans to take Elena to live in the other world for a few days to find some good things.

However, something happened that day, and Mr. Adams was attacked and hospitalized.

Fortunately, Zhao Hao was worried about the chaos in the world and gave him a paper talisman.

Mr. Adams was very interested in such exotic and mysterious things, so he always carried them in his wallet.

Because of the psychic barrier of the talisman, he had the chance to be hospitalized instead of being shot in the back of the head with a baseball bat.

The prospective father-in-law was attacked, so what?

check! Check it out for me!

Before Zhao Hao could ask Wangcai to track down the murderer, Mr. Adams found the clue himself.

"A lone book that I received just two days ago has been stolen!"

As an auctioneer with dreams, Mr. Adams has a knack for collecting. I often try to pick up leaks by myself. Although I didn't make any big money, I still have a lot of small money.

This time, this solitary ancient book was bought from a bookseller from Europa. It was treasured two hundred years ago. It is said that there are only nine copies in the world!

"The Ninth Gate" is a story about a believer swaying between the beliefs of heaven and hell. In the end, the story does not have a serious ending, so it is considered unfinished. However, the cover, typesetting, printing, and illustrations of the book are all very exquisite and very valuable for collection.

Mr. Adams' collection room was rummaged through, but only the book was lost, which shows that the other party has a clear purpose.

Suddenly, Zhao Hao's heart felt blessed, and he sensed and observed the bookshelves where the books were collected before.

There are no fluctuations and traces of psionic energy, it should be normal... no wonder!

It is not normal to have no spiritual energy fluctuations.

An isolated copy of an ancient book more than 200 years ago, about the belief in heaven and hell, and a mysterious person attacked the owner of the book in order to get it... It would be strange if there was nothing tricky about it!

However, there is no psionic fluctuation in this book, which is not right.

Although sensing psionic fluctuations is the best way to judge extraordinary people and extraordinary things, and it works in most cases, there are still a small number of cases where it doesn't work.

Among them is the situation with regard to hell devils.

Extraordinary people like Zhao Hao, who have a very high level of perception, are very delicate in manipulating psychic energy, so they can hide psychic energy fluctuations.

If you don't use your psionic energy, others will not be able to perceive any psionic energy fluctuations.

And the reason why the devils are able to play back and forth with the influential Holy See in the inner and outer worlds is that they have mastered the ability to fluctuate secret spiritual energy.

In fact, in the face of hell-related events, psionic fluctuation perception cannot be relied on most of the time. Sometimes it can be misleading. Devils are very cunning!

The reason why the devils can be so reckless in the watch world is because it is extremely difficult to be discovered.

Sometimes you clearly know that among this group of people, someone has been bewitched or possessed by the devil, but you can't tell the difference. It can only be judged empirically through daily observation.

This judgment led to the witch hunting incident. Throwing a woman suspected of being a witch into the water, the one who floated up was the devil, and the one who didn't come up was not~

During that time, the middle and lower levels of the Holy See could be said to be the most severely invaded by the forces of hell, almost destroying the public foundation of the Holy See.

"So, this book is about hell?!"

Things related to hell are not trivial, because whether it is Satanism or the devil, they are the most capable of causing trouble.

The small ones are the sinking of a small town, and the big ones are the fall of a doppelganger at every turn.

Although heaven and hell are different worlds, they are not far from this world, so whether it is a devil or an angel, there is always a way to come here.

Especially some time ago, even the clone of Lord of the Flies successfully came to the watch world. In order to deal with it, it is said that the Holy See has begun to prepare for the arrival of angels, of course it is just heard...

For this kind of thing, Zhao Hao has always used his strength to find Colt.

Although his hair is running out, Zhao Hao feels distressed when he looks at it, but this is his job. It's better for him to lose his hair than to lose his own hair, and it's better to lose a fellow daoist than to lose a poor daoist!

When Colt heard it, Satanism was going to make trouble again? The few remaining hairs are blown up!

The last time the Lord of the Flies came, how many melons did he eat?

Up to now, people from Europa have said that Ami should be held responsible, because the Lord of the Flies came to this land.

However, Amei's face was hardened, and she didn't pay much attention to the words of her old boss Fang.

The Liberty City branch quickly formed a special team, led by Zhao Hao with two superhumans and three black-clothed agent teams, and began to investigate the matter.

It would be much easier to handle this matter with official intervention, and there will be news soon.

The first is "The Ninth Gate". There are indeed only nine copies in the world, but there will be at least nine copies.

That is to say, even if one or two books are destroyed, one or two books will appear elsewhere. This must be an extraordinary method!

Moreover, three of them are now in the territory of Aramco. One book is in Los Santos on the west coast, and it is being fought over by several local supernatural beings. It is said that they fight in front of ordinary people in broad daylight, and have already been wanted by the local Bureau of Mystery.

There are two more on the east coast, and they are in Liberty City!

One of them was bought by Mr. Adams, but it was snatched away before it was warmed up in his hand.

The other one seems to be circulating among black market antique dealers.

The black market for antiques is very complicated. Zhao Hao has bought goods from Uncle Tie many times, and each time the place and staff are different, it is very mysterious.

So much so that the person who has been collecting "The Ninth Gate" did not find the exact book.

"It seems that the key lies in this book. If you keep an eye on it, you can find the mastermind behind the scenes!"

It's just that the monthly turnover of this Liberty City antique black market is several hundred million, and all the antiques from all over the world change hands here. What a great benefit that is.

To ensure that such interests are not damaged, the various rules and unspoken rules in the black market are very secretive and safe.

Not to mention the group who took the book, even the agents of the Bureau of Mysteries couldn't find out where the last book was.

Zhao Hao was really too lazy to wait, so he asked Sylvia to draw a picture.

"Then~ this is the painting, this book is what you're looking for, right?" Sylvia handed the oil painting to Zhao Hao, and leaned her head to read it together.

Zhao Hao didn't care about Sylvia's head on him, so he just thought, why is this picture so familiar to him?

Although it is just a shelf and half a counter, but this decoration, this style...

"Fuck! Uncle Tie's warehouse!"

Zhao Hao exclaimed, no wonder it looks familiar, isn't he familiar with the shelves that he has cleaned for several months?

If it weren't for the fact that the antiques on the top have been changed several batches, I would have recognized them at a glance.

"I have something important to do, I'm leaving first!" Zhao Hao ran away in a hurry.

Sylvia didn't even hold back her hand: "Huh? He ran away, damn it!"

When he arrived at the antique shop, Zhao Hao first said hello to Uncle Tie, and then made insinuations about the book.

"Oh, what are you talking about! It seems that the hell devils did something..."

Uncle Tie received this book a day ago from another antique shop owner.

The owner of the antique shop has nothing else, and his vision is not good, but the only thing is that he is deeply lucky.

In the words of Uncle Latie: I had to save at least one county in my previous life, so I have such a great blessing!

Let's put it this way, although the vision is not good, the boss has never paid. Even if you receive a defective product, someone will always buy it at a high price.

And like this time, when he received something risky, he could always sell it to Uncle Tie immediately.

"Uncle Tie, didn't the Satanists come to look for this book when you received it?" Zhao Hao asked.

"Satanism? No, but two ordinary people came in, I caught them and threw them to the police station..."

Zhao Hao soon saw those two people in the police station, and one of the big men was the murderer who sneaked up on Mr. Adams from behind. He now has a broken leg, half a rib, and several teeth.

Hitting Uncle Tie's hands, I really didn't do a good job in my previous life.

Zhao Hao directly referred the two to the Mystery Bureau and began the interrogation.

As soon as ordinary people come here, they have to tell how old they are when they wet the bed or watch movies.

It became clear.

Europa is a terminally ill rich man who believed in Satanism more than ten years ago. But the reason why the devil is a devil is not because you believe in him and give you benefits.

Of course, so is God.

Therefore, his last hope is to accept the baptism of hell and become a superhuman from hell, or even become a devil directly.

Of course, it's not easy.

Devil: We only accept elites, don’t be lewd~ Hey, don’t get me wrong, I’m not targeting you, I mean everyone who is reading here...you are all elites! As long as you cast a monthly pass, you will be our backup staff~

And "The Ninth Gate" is one of the gates left by the devils.

Only after passing all kinds of tests and finding a way to win from "The Ninth Gate", can we open the gate of hell and enter hell to accept baptism.

But now that the book is in Uncle Tie's hands, I'm afraid this door won't be able to open in the future.

Colt greeted Europa through the Security Council and asked them to arrest this Satanist.

But the matter has not come to an end, and there are still people coveting that book...

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