Drawing Cards With My Lifespan: Starting By Gamifying Reality

Chapter 106: The inside story of the catastrophe, Zhenzong sword weapon

After listening to Chu Qingwu's narration, everyone couldn't help but feel a burst of embarrassment.

The True Monarch of Ten Thousand Beasts means that he is the True Monarch of the Golden Core.

The weakest is equivalent to a cultivator of the 7th level of extraordinary.

The majestic Jindan powerhouse will end up in this way in the end.

This is really unimaginable.

In the extraordinary world, not many people would believe it.

And in addition to emotion.

Su Mo and others could also feel his despair, which was deeper than the night.

Whether it's the test of creating a zoo, or the experiment of digging underground palaces.

All the efforts during this period were without any falsehood.

However, no matter how hard they try to save themselves.

The final result is still meaningless.

Alienation is inevitable and cannot be stopped.

It is like the law of birth, old age, sickness and death.

Equality comes to everyone.

Thinking of this, everyone's hearts couldn't help sinking.

Although there is a big difference between a transcendent and a cultivator.

But the harsh word of alienation has never been far away.

All kinds of past experiences and insights tell them.

Once an extraordinary person loses control, he will also be alienated tragically.

Even with the safety valve of the promotion ceremony.

Their situation is not much better than that of cultivators.

And most importantly.

Everything they have now is basically based on the establishment of the source world.

Including the source power necessary for everyone to display extraordinary skills.

All leaked from the source world.

So here comes the problem.

With the terrifying accumulation of the source world, it is still unable to deal with the evil calamity, so that it is completely destroyed.

If a catastrophe breaks out in the human world, how many people can survive?

Including ordinary people like they are trying to protect now, what is the survival rate in the face of crazy superhumans?

Just thinking about these questions, everyone couldn't help but feel a little creepy.

Su Mo took a deep breath, looked at the people around him, and said:

"This is the end of the matter... let's take a look at the secret techniques he left behind.

Maybe we can learn those things too. "

"I don't think it's possible,"

Qian Tao took the conversation and said,

"Although their spiritual power and our source power are probably the same thing.

But we are transcendent after all, and the cultivation system is completely different from that of practitioners.

They can use secret techniques, but we have a high probability of not being able to use them. "

"Anyway, let's try it first, maybe it will work?

I'm quite interested in this. "

Xue Qiaoqiao looked eager to try.

"In fact, the government has already done research on this aspect,"

Chu Qingwu stroked her hair around her ear, and continued:

"Regarding the skills of cultivators, the society has obtained a lot, and has been researching them for a long time.

At present, some secret techniques can be learned, but it still depends on the person.

With extraordinary characteristics similar to secret arts, the probability of learning similar secret arts will be higher.

But this is just a probability.

Moreover, the time it takes to learn the secret art is often several times that of the execution paradigm.

With that time to learn secret arts, it is enough to master several supernatural skills.

Therefore, for many people, learning the secret technique is not cost-effective at all.

Unless it is an extraordinary person who has never been successful in implementing the paradigm.

Only then will he be forced to pin all his hopes on the secret technique.

Of course, there is another situation.

That is [Mystic]. "

"[Secretist]?" Su Mo asked curiously, "What kind of profession is this?"

"[Mystic] is not simply a certain profession."

Chu Qingwu explained,

"It refers to an extraordinary person who has the talent for practicing magic and has mastered extremely powerful secret techniques.

There are also grades for things like secret arts.

Cultivators generally classify it as heaven, earth, and human.

Normal secret arts, that is, human-level secret arts, are almost as powerful as our regular extraordinary skills.

As for the earth-level secret technique, its power is equivalent to our super-level skills.

As for the heaven-level secret technique, its power is stronger than that of the earth-level, and it is close to our skills beyond two levels.

As for the [Mysterious Art Practitioners], all of them have mastered heaven-level secret arts. "

Qian Tao thought for a while and said:

"That is to say, if I take my third-level transcendent as an example.

Human level secret technique is equivalent to a level 3 skill.

Earth-level secret technique is equivalent to a level 4 skill.

And a heaven-level secret technique is equivalent to a skill close to level 5.

Is that how you understand it? "

"That's right," Chu Qingwu nodded and said, "Under normal circumstances, a third-level mystic uses a heaven-level secret technique, and may even severely injure a fifth-level transcendent on the spot. From this, we can see the power of the heaven-level secret technique Powerful, but there are only a handful of extraordinary people who can practice heaven-level secret arts."

"Is there such a possibility?"

Su Mo asked:

"I'm a level 3 transcendent, but I practice a level 4 earth-level secret technique, so can I be considered a [mystery practitioner]?

Or if I go to practice a fifth-level human-level secret technique, can I be considered a [mystery practitioner]? "

Chu Qingwu listened, speechless and said:

"It's too simple for you to think, it's not easy to practice the secret technique of the same level.

If you want to practice a higher level of secret art, the success rate is ridiculously low.

Because your own extraordinary characteristics have not reached that level, and cannot support you to comprehend the secret technique of that level.

At least, so far, I haven't heard of anyone who can leapfrog comprehension skills. "

"Then if someone else left behind the secret technique of level 8 and level 9, wouldn't it be impossible for me to learn it at all?"

Xue Qiaoqiao blinked and asked.

"Theoretically speaking, this is indeed the case. Unless you enter a high-level skill, you probably won't even be able to understand it."

Having said that, Chu Qingwu changed the subject,

"However, in addition to those individual secret arts that are exclusive to a certain realm, high-level secret arts often have systematic advanced secret arts.

For example, if you practice a level 1 secret technique at level 1, when you reach level 2, he will let you practice a level 2 secret technique on the basis of level 1, or directly transform and upgrade the level 1 secret technique and turn it into a level 2 secret technique. Techniques, these practice methods all exist.

And this kind of systematic cultivation method is generally in the hands of major cultivation forces, and it is difficult for ordinary casual practitioners to come into contact with.

Fortunately, the person we met today belongs to the extremely powerful cultivation force of the Wan Dao League. "

"Are you saying that the Wandao League is very strong? I have heard of this force more than once."

Qian Tao asked.

“It’s better to say very strong than strong,”

Chu Qingwu said solemnly.

"According to the data collected so far.

Before the source world was destroyed, there were four overlord-level forces in total.

That is a powerful force that truly stands at the pinnacle of the entire world.

Has countless disciples and top masters.

There is no shortage of resources and equipment.

Wan Dao Meng is one of them.

However, compared to the other three, Wandao League seems to be scattered.

Because it is composed of many small sects integrated together.

Each sub-alliance, or branch hall, is likely to have been a cultivation force in each region in the past.

In the end, due to various reasons, they were either passively included or actively joined.

In the end, the giant Wan Dao League was formed.

To be honest, Wandao League may not be the strongest of the four major forces.

But it is definitely the one with the largest number of people and the most extensive branches.

Therefore, it is also the most frequently encountered power organization after entering the source world.

According to statistics, nearly 70% of the ruins we have explored belong to the Wandao League.

The other 20% belonged to some other small and medium cultivation sects.

The last Yi Chengcai belongs to the other three top forces. "

"Wait a minute, is there something wrong here?"

Su Mo asked suspiciously:

"No matter how small the other three major forces are, no matter how small their sphere of influence is.

It's not like that's the only thing you've explored, is it? "

Xue Qiaoqiao and Qian Tao nodded, both puzzled.

Chu Qingwu said helplessly:

"That's what the data says anyway.

And the last 10% of the relics almost all belong to another top power, the Heavenly Artifact Sect.

As the name suggests, the Heavenly Artifact Sect specializes in refining weapons, and the practice methods of this sect seem to be related to refining weapons.

And it's not the same as the Wandao League that has integrated into the secular world.

Even the worst magic weapon refined by the Heavenly Artifact Sect is for cultivators, and ordinary people can't use it at all.

Because it has far fewer bases than the Wandao League, almost all the pick-up and drop-offs are practitioners.

But even so, we only know the approximate location of the Heavenly Artifact Sect's mountain gate.

But never really probed into it.

As for the other two top sects, Dream God Palace and Sword Asking Sect.

Oneiroi Palace is based on illusion, and their research on illusion has reached a level that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

It is rumored that their mountain gate station is built in a valley completely constructed by illusion.

Not to mention that they are likely to be destroyed by now.

Even if it is not destroyed, there is a high probability that we will not be able to find it.

Finally, come to this Sword Asking Sect.

The whole sect of Asking Sword Sect is full of sword cultivators.

They have extremely strict requirements on income.

Therefore, the number of sects is very small.

According to the collected information, the entire Swordsmanship Sect, from the top elders to the bottom new recruits, only has a total of more than two hundred people.

But these two hundred people have firmly secured the seat of the most powerful force in the source world.

In terms of combat power, the remaining three plus one might not be enough for them to fight.

However, the sword cultivator of Jianjianzong is obsessed with swords and rarely walks outside.

As for their mountain gate residence [Wujianya], we actually know the approximate location.

But there is no way to explore in the past, because it is a restricted area. "

"restricted area?"

Xue Qiaoqiao frowned slightly.

Chu Qingwu nodded and said:

"That was the place where the Devil Tribulation first erupted, and the Sword Asking Sect was also the first force that was wiped out in the source world."

When everyone heard this, their expressions froze.

Then I felt trembling all over, as if an electric current was rushing through me.

The most powerful force in the entire source world was destroyed in the first place.

What happened to the so-called Demon Tribulation?

Could it be that it has something to do with Asking Sword Sect?

Su Mo was keenly aware of a problem:

"Could it be that it is called a restricted area because it has something to do with the alienated masters of Swordsmanship?"

"Yes, exactly."

Chu Qingwu said in a low voice:

"We once had twelve powerful saints join forces to form an exploration team to explore Wujian Cliff, hoping to find out the truth of the Demon Tribulation and the root cause of the sword-seeking sect's demise.

In the end, only one person was seriously injured and escaped. He only brought back some fragmented information and a weapon, and then he couldn't control the alienation anymore.

In order not to become a monster, he chose to commit suicide.

This man is my great-grandfather, Chu Xiongwu. "

When everyone heard this, they were all surprised and apologetic.

Without waiting for them to speak, Chu Qingwu waved her hands and said sassyly:

"You don't have to comfort me, these things are long past history.

Speaking of the message left by my great-great-grandfather, it mentioned that Swordsmanship Sect was extremely dangerous.

They only broke through the outermost mountain gate, and encountered alienated monsters in the Void Refining Realm before reaching the main hall.

A group of powerful saints who were comparable to the transformation of gods fell under the monster's hands one after another.

Not to mention exploring the truth of the catastrophe, they couldn't even connect to the main hall.

Since then, Wujian Cliff, where Sword Asking Sect is located, has been designated as a restricted area for exploration.

No one else is allowed to explore inside.

It's not just about protecting explorers.

At the same time, it is also to prevent the monsters inside from rushing out.

Once the monsters in the Void Refining Realm show up, they will cause unimaginable catastrophe, and it is unknown how many people will die because of it. "

Chu Qingwu paused, then continued:

"However, this sacrifice is not worthless. My great-great-grandfather brought a fairy treasure from the Sword-seeking School."


Su Mo was a little curious.

"You have been in the club for a long time, why don't you know anything?"

Xue Qiaoqiao glanced at him and said helplessly:

"The so-called fairy treasure, you can think of it as the most powerful magic weapon.

Each one is enough to change the world pattern.

The reason why the four major forces of the Wan Dao League are considered to be the four top forces also has a lot to do with Xianbao.

The nine immortal treasures that exist in the source world are all in the hands of these four major forces.

After the destruction of the source world, the nine immortal treasures were scattered all over the place, and it was difficult to find their whereabouts.

But one of them was obtained by the club very early.

Remember Hun Tiansi?

The existence of Hun Tiansi is based on the fairy treasure [Hun Tian Tu].

It is with the [Huntian Map] that we can monitor the spatial fluctuations of the entire world.

From this, you can imagine the power of Xianbao. "

Su Mo couldn't help swallowing when he heard this.

No wonder it is said that every fairy treasure is enough to change the world pattern.

Damn, it's too strong.

Thinking about it carefully, he seemed to have seen similar news on the forum not long ago.

It is mentioned above that the Shuguang Society has just obtained the third fairy treasure recently.

But he was busy with other things at the time, so he didn't click to check.

Looks like I'll have to look into it in detail.

Su Mo came back to his senses, and said to Chu Qingwu:

"So, what your great-grandfather got should be the second fairy treasure that was officially displayed to the outside world?"

"That's right,"

Chu Qingwu nodded and said:

"However, it cannot be simply said that this fairy treasure was obtained by my great-great-grandfather~www.readwn.com~ After all, there were a total of twelve saints sent out at that time. Without the assistance of other saints, it is impossible for this fairy treasure to bring return.

Speaking of that fairy treasure, it is the most important treasure of Sword-seeking Sect, the third-ranked sword weapon, 【Heavenly Sword】.

After the club got the Heavenly Sword, it was directly placed in the **** battlefield where the two worlds fought most fiercely.

In just a hundred years, more than three thousand saint-level monsters have been killed by the Heavenly Sword.

Even in the Void Refining Realm, three of them were cut off.

If there is no Heavenly Sword, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a record.

This also prompted everyone to frantically look for the other two Zhenzong swords of Jianwenzong.

Rumor has it that the token of the evil saint is related to the whereabouts of one of the Zhenzong swords. "


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