The source pearl blooms with endless light.

Power fluctuations with a destructive aura rushed in all directions.

As soon as the ancient and dilapidated walls came into contact with this wave, they disintegrated in an instant, turning into powder every inch and dissipating completely.

The many humanoid monsters wandering in the front yard all turned into burning torches in the endless light without even making a sound.

Many large formations that were still functioning, were crushed by the power fluctuations and shattered one after another, without being able to hold on for even a second.

Many of the formation prohibition runes carved on the ground were completely obliterated and disappeared from the world, as if wiped clean by an invisible rag.

Facing this terrifying attack like a punishment from heaven, the group of low-level transcendents headed by Xu Liushuang felt physically and mentally shaken, as if their entire souls were about to be torn apart on the spot.

Su Mo also felt very uncomfortable.

Even with the protection of the Vortex Ring and the Divine Emperor's True Martial Order.

Facing this extremely powerful attack, he still felt like a flat boat in the vast ocean.

When the tide rolled up, the ship was completely destroyed.

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly came from the sky:

"Do you think we will make the same mistake again?

Is it true that only you evil cultivators have life beads in the world? "

Accompanied by the voice falling.

Endless light also bloomed in Xu Changfeng's hands.

Terrifying power fluctuations were transmitted from the life bead in his hand.

At this moment, it was like two million-ton tidal waves colliding violently.

There was a terrifying explosion in the air.

Accompanied by this burst of sound, even the surrounding space cracked countless gaps.

Behind every gap, it seems to be connected to other spaces.

Or dark and deep.

Or desolate and lonely.

Or violent as hell.

All kinds of space fluctuations agitate and collide with each other.

If you want to **** in the soul of a person, it will be completely torn apart.

Until all changes gradually quiet down.

The whole scene seemed to have been ravaged by thousands of wild beasts.

The wall completely disappeared.

The dense forest in the distance has completely disappeared.

As far as the eye can see, a large gap is exposed on the ground, and the rocks have been completely removed, forming a large area of ​​steep cliffs.

This terrifying power is simply tingling.

Xu Changfeng waved his sleeve robe and said in a deep voice:

"The power of the life bead is completely exhausted, what do you have left?"


The corner of Lu Chuan's mouth twitched slightly, slowly widening, and then turned into a piercing smile:

"Isn't the result of this fight a second hand?"

Su Mo listened, and couldn't help but thump in his heart:

"Oops! Tianmu City!"

Ten seconds ago, at the moment when the two sides used Yuanzhu's mighty power to fight.

In Tianmu City with a population of tens of millions, terrifying thunderclaps resounded out of thin air.

In the distant sky, streamers of light appeared out of thin air and fell towards the ground.

Countless people looked up at the sky at this moment, staring at the streaks of light with curiosity.

If you look closely, you will find that the streamer trailing the flames is actually many huge rocks.

Except for most of the mountain fragments that fell into the endless void, there are still very few parts that fall into reality.

Some small fragments, in the process of falling, directly rubbed against the air violently and burned up.

But there are still some huge fragments, which have not been completely burned, and continue to fall towards the ground.

Once it really falls into the densely populated city center, it will definitely be an unimaginably huge disaster.

At the moment when countless fragments appeared, Feng Shengwu, who was guarding the top floor of the shopping mall, immediately sensed the approaching crisis.

He didn't lift off to stop it.

Instead, he said to the members of the nearby Hun Tian Division:

"Start the third set of alternatives!"

Many members of the Huntian Division immediately manipulated various professional equipment.

Quickly assembled into a barrel-style weapon.

Immediately afterwards, they fired directly at the sky.

A series of translucent cannonballs the size of a fist were shot out quickly.

After the cannonballs were fired, they rushed towards the streamers falling in the sky like lightning, as if they were conscious of existence.

And at the moment when the cannonball and the streamer came into contact, starting from the contact point, the rock fragments in the streamer collapsed inch by inch, disappearing without leaving even a speck of dust.

The blue sky is like washing, clear and transparent.

Just like the many streamers before, they were all just phantoms.

"Report sir, there are a total of 127 falling objects, all of which were destroyed by [Annihilation Bomb]!"

"Continue to observe and stay alert!"


Fragments of the source world.

Battle scene.

Hearing Lu Chuan's threat, lower-level transcendents like Su Mo all changed their colors after reacting to it.

But Xu Changfeng, the second elder of the Chu family, and others in the upper echelons all looked calm and didn't care.

Qiao Yazhong looked at Lu Chuan, whose expression changed slightly, and said coldly:

"Destruction is far easier than construction, so even if your evil cultivators are only one percent or one thousandth of our number, it will always make us **** and it is difficult to display our real combat power.

But this kind of thing won't last forever.

You will never imagine how much effort we have put in behind the scenes, how much we have spent, and how many new weapons and special equipment we have researched in order to protect that land.

Sooner or later, there will be no place for you in this world!

And today, I would like to make it that special turning point! "

"It seems that your preparations this time are more adequate than I imagined.

But just like this, it can't destroy us! "

Lu Chuan knew that the other party must have dealt with it.

Seeing that the threat failed, he turned to Jiang Zhenyi who was at the side.

Jiang Zhenyi nodded at him, then walked out.

The wig fell off his head, revealing a Mediterranean bald head.

But his baldness is not the same as that of ordinary people.

A normal extraordinary person can even repair a broken arm after reaching the seventh level, let alone a mere hair?

But on the top of his head, there was not even a single strand of hair, the whole was black and shiny, like the bottom of a pot.

It was a whole irregular black spot, lying on top of his head, as if it had its own life, slowly wriggling, trembling, and breathing.

"This is... the pollution companion!"

Xu Changfeng and the others were suddenly shocked.

Even the two elders of the Chu family, who have always been well-informed, changed their expressions together.

The pollution companion is an extremely special life form.

It was born from pollution, to be precise, it should be born from human pollution.

You know, under normal circumstances, pollution is chaotic, evil, and disorderly.

It will only infect all rational creatures, completely destroy their rationality, and drag them into the abyss of madness.

Many cultivators in the source world were infected and manipulated by it in this way, and then destroyed the whole world.

And new species such as mirages and nightmares were born on the ruins of the source world.

The reason why rationality can exist is also because the pollution in the body has not yet reached the level of destroying reason.

And they were born from pollution, and their natural resistance to pollution is stronger than other organisms.

The price paid for this is physical distortion, mental abnormalities, and intermittent madness.

The higher the cultivation level, the higher the degree of pollution and erosion, and the easier it is to go crazy.

In contrast, it is the extraordinary path of human beings, which can maintain rationality to the greatest extent by eliminating pollution through special promotion ceremonies.

Routine decontamination means emptying and destroying the pollution from the body.

In addition to this, there is another extremely special method of evil, which is to create pollution companions!

The purpose of this method is to see pollution as part of oneself.

Because pollution and self are intertwined and entangled, the whole person is irrational and chaotic. If the pollution is separated as a whole, while restoring reason, it may be possible to cultivate pollution as a clone of oneself.

After all, it is something separated from itself, and it is born with a strong affinity with itself. If a part of rationality and consciousness are put into it, it may be able to create an additional powerful arm in the process of promotion. In the future, whether it is with Whether fighting with humans or eliminating pollution, they have advantages over ordinary transcendents.

It has been more than one hundred years since the emergence of this theory of pollution companions.

It was a theory that was put forward almost when the supernatural beings first fumbled forward.

But after a series of research, it was found that there are many problems that are difficult to solve.

The first one is the extremely low success rate. The normal promotion ceremony is already very difficult, not to mention trying to shape the companion body during the process of performing the ceremony. If you are not careful, you will fall short and die.

The second is the uncontrollability of the companion body. After all, pollution has the absolute upper hand in the companion body. Even if there is a little rationality, it will not last long. disaster.

The third is the transferability of pollution. The more times the companion body is used, the more pollution from the other party will be transferred to oneself, which will continuously increase the burden on oneself. In the end, the first three promotion ceremonies are just for nothing. ?

It is precisely because of the above three problems that research on pollution companions was quickly abandoned.

But no one could have imagined that after so many years, someone would take the initiative to try this theory, and the experiment was successful!

After Jiang Zhenyi took off the wig, the pollution companion quickly flowed down from his body, turning into a puddle of mud on the ground.

And soon, the puddle of mud rushed to the corpse of the fifth-order deer demon like lightning.

The corpse, which had already died and could not die any more, staggered and stood up from the ground at this moment.

The pollution companions that surrounded it, like mud, drilled in along its wounds, mouth, eyes, and even all the holes on its body.

The deer demon's body has grown by one dimension for no reason, and the breath revealed by it has also climbed rapidly from the fifth level, directly breaking through to the sixth level, and even approaching the peak of the sixth level.

Seeing this scene, Xu Changfeng and others knew they couldn't wait any longer.

Although they know very little about the pollution companion, they don't even know how this thing fights.

But the longer the time drags on, the more the opponent's strength will improve.

Blindly procrastinating will only cause unpredictable changes in the battle situation!

Xu Changfeng rushed towards the "Deer Demon" on the ground like lightning.

Lu Chuan sneered and stopped him on the spot.

Chu Guofu teleported over immediately.

But Xu Fengye suddenly cut down with his sword, forcing him to teleport away again.

Chu Min'an was also ready to leave.

Jiang Zhenyi immediately stood in front of him and said with a smile:

"Let's continue the previous unfinished battle."

Everyone on the field has their own opponents.

Among the high-level transcendents, there is only one Qiao Yazhong left.

She took the opportunity to rush to the "Deer Demon".

A series of ice edges burst out from the ground suddenly, piercing towards the pollution companion body one after another.

The pollution companion opened its pitch-black eyes, and the dark aura leaked from its body.

Those ice edges that were close to the past seemed to have encountered unimaginable barriers and could not move forward.

Even starting from the tip of the ice edge, it was continuously blackened by the breath, and quickly spread towards the end.

Qiao Yazhong hastily cut off the slightly infected spiritual consciousness.

She looked at the pollution companion with a look of surprise on her face.

And at this moment, the pollution companion opened its mouth wide, and let out a silent roar towards the sky.

This roar carries some kind of special wave, and spreads in all directions.

Soon, those deer demons who came out of the beast garden seemed to have received the same order.

For a moment, it was like ten thousand horses galloping, and they gathered here one after another.

Almost in a few breaths, the nearby deer demons have all rushed to the front.

And when they reached the vicinity of the pollution companion, those deer demons all died suddenly on the spot.

The invisible dark aura emanated from their corpses, and was quickly absorbed by the pollution companions.

Its level strength has increased a little again, and it has broken through the 7th level impressively, and is still continuing to improve.

When Qiao Yazhong saw this scene, his pupils shrank instantly.

Thousands of ice edges condensed in her hands, and shot out towards the group of deer monsters charging in the distance.

But those deer demons who were killed on the spot still emitted a dark aura for the pollution companion to absorb.

Invisibly, it accelerated its ascension speed.

A look of despair suddenly appeared on Qiao Yazhong's face.

Seeing this scene, even Xu Liushuang and the others felt disheartened.

The situation seems to be heading in an irreversible direction.

Su Mo's eyes showed extreme struggle. UU Reading

Finally, as if he had made a certain decision, he walked to a stone lion on the left side of the main hall.

Facing the belly of the stone lion, he stabbed it with a sword.

There seemed to be some kind of "creaking" sound on the field, as if something was not working smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, a gigantic formation covering an area of ​​hundreds of feet appeared in the void.

Under the horrified gaze of countless people, this terrifying formation that still had a bit of spiritual light crumbled apart inch by inch.

The moment the formation collapsed, the entire land rolled like flowing water.

In the next second, endless waves of earth flew up from the ground.

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, the restriction on the fourth floor of the underground palace was completely shattered.

The most horrific sixth-order monsters suppressed in the underground palace, all burst out from the ground with unimaginable hostility.

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