, the fastest update of Yangshou drawing cards, starting the latest chapter from the reality of gamification!


Southwind Airport.

An Airbus A380 slowly enters the taxi.

Stay in a given area.

Soon, the boarding bridge extends to the aircraft cabin door.

The cabin door opened, and the first batch of passengers stepped into the cabin.

Walk along the corridor bridge to the pick-up hall.

Group, three leisurely figure quite attracted attention.

On the left is **** red hair.

Wearing a pink shirt.

Wearing a pair of colorful beach shorts.

The neckline unbuttons directly to the third button.

Exposing two thick and powerful chest muscles.

Before leaving, I forgot to wink at a stewardess in uniform nearby.

Jian Yi looked thirty years old.

Wearing a gray straight collared gown.

Quite a kind of charm of ancient Hanfu.

As for the one on the far right, it is an old man with gray hair.

Wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and a set of light summer clothes, he looked at Fang Qun and muttered words.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the breaks counting:







Lu Chuan, who was walking, asked curiously:

"Master Duan, what did you count?"

"Look at how many men these women have had **** with."

As Lu Chuan listened, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

It has always been known that there are many evil cultivators who are eccentrics.

For example, eating three rabbits raw for each meal, sleeping in a coffin at night, breaking a finger every two days, and so on.

These strange quirks, in addition to the pollution they have endured, are often also for venting the madness of their hearts.

Once held for a long time, it is likely to cause its own collapse.

Of course, some of these quirks are also entirely specific, related to trait habits.

For example, it is known that many dark wizards like to experiment with spells on infants and young children.

Instead, they use daily behaviors such as drinking tea and dressing to forcibly solidify their own characteristics.

And because it is more noble than its black wizard personality, and its morals are more noble.

And because of resisting all behaviors that could expose their identities.

Take infants and young children as an example, throwing one or two may be nothing.

But when the number is large and regular, everyone knows the problem.

Once the case is submitted to the Shuguang Society, there is no shortage of extraordinary people who are good at detecting the case.

some diving hazards.

Eliminate everything at the source, then do that stupid thing in the first place.

Just like now, a false appearance is created, and a prepared false identity is used.

Only in this way can we present the airport in a stately manner.

Otherwise restore the original face.

I'm afraid they will be surrounded and suppressed by the Shuguang Society before the airport.

It might be said, be cautious, and be cowardly in the face of the Shuguang Society.

However, Lu Chuan understands that in order to complete the work and realize the grand vision, the details must be perfect.

Such details not only reflect self-discipline, but also reflect the selection of teammates.

Since the first awakening of the black wizard, he has encountered all kinds of evil teammates.

It lacks weird, powerful, and even shocking talents.

Once those teammates acted ostentatiously and forbearably, they would be decisively given up immediately.

Even if you suffer losses, you will find a way to stay away from each other.

Don't hurt yourself when it thunders.

It is precisely because of being cautious that I have come all the way to this day.

Looking back, there are many bones of my companions behind me.

Those evil cultivators who seemed weird and powerful at the beginning have long since disappeared.

What remained was an ordinary dark wizard.

Thinking about it, you can't help but glance at the two teammates who have gained from this trip.

The red-haired young man next to him is a level 7 [Blood Controller] named Chang Ruiyang.

The blood emperor's personal blood guard, one of the most valued talents of the blood emperor, ranked Shen Qingzhi.

On the outside, it looks frivolous and rough, but in fact it is thick and thoughtful.

Just the teammate Lu Chuan wanted.

As for the second, a [Bone Demon] at the peak of the 7th rank originally arranged by the Blood Emperor.

The opponent's combat power is extremely strong, slightly better than Chang Ruiyang, Zeng Xuehuang's exploration of the source world has made great achievements.

But in the end Lu Chuan asked for a replacement, because he relied on his strength and status, and his disposition was relatively arrogant, so he was easy to listen to other words.

It is more suitable for charging, but it is not suitable for this task.

Later, he asked the Blood Emperor to change the old man next to him, Duan Ming.

No matter how strong his strength is, he is only at the peak of Tier 6, but he is a genuine array mage.

In the case of the Blood Emperor Zeng, many formations in the source world were deciphered by a formation mage.

Regarding Lu Chuan's intention to leave, even the Blood Emperor hesitated.

After all, there are very few people around who are good at fighting, but formation masters who specialize in such formations are extremely rare.

Later, because of a certain agreement with the Demon Emperor, he had to reluctantly let go.

Today, although the eccentricities of forced counting by rank masters are known, such eccentricities will not affect the execution of tasks, and are still within the acceptable range.

Go all the way to the pick-up hall.

Looking at Fang stood a young man with slightly white temples and a scar on his forehead.

But the group walking around seemed to have not noticed it at all.

Every time I walk around by myself, but I feel that there is nothing unusual.

Seeing that, Lu Chuan's eyes lit up slightly, and he greeted with a smile:

"I didn't expect to pick up the plane, I thought it was arranged casually."

Chu Qiankun, who ranked fourth among the ten soldiers, lowered his head slightly, and replied modestly:

"It's closer to Li, so I'll just drop by to meet you."

Lu Chuan smiled, glanced around, and asked:

"Where's Toyono?"

The expression on Chu Qiankun's face froze slightly:

"The legs and feet are convenient, so there is no."

Lu Chuan thought of the scene of crawling around on eight legs, nodded understandingly, and then introduced Chang Ruiyang and Duan Ming to him.

After getting acquainted with Duan Ming, Chu Qiankun immediately replied with incomparable enthusiasm:

"The formation foundation that was picked up will be for Master Duan."




Lu Chuan hastily interrupted:

"I heard that the unfinished foundation has been discovered by the Shuguang Society.

So have you selected a spare base to set up? "

When Lu Chuanmo asked, Chu Qiankun was successfully distracted, and immediately replied:

"According to the operation status of the entire formation, about seven new backup points have been drawn up.

The specific choice of where to set up a new formation base depends on Master Duan's thoughts. "

Lu Chuan nodded, and immediately looked at Duan Ming.

Duan Ming also seemed to break away from his counting state, and said in a deep voice:

"In order to prevent the Shuguang Society from catching any of them, and thus cracking down on the position of the base.

You must tell the details of the other two bases.

You only need to tell the specific operation principle of the whole array.

It will infer and interpret according to the principle, so as to determine a location.

That location is not necessarily within the range of seven locations that are not known.

But to deceive myself that the new base is one of those seven locations.

In this way, Xin was caught by the Shuguang Society.

It is also possible to discover all the bases in time. "

Chu Qiankun was a little surprised when he heard the words:

"Although I really want to say that even if he is caught by the Shuguang Society, he will blew himself up on the spot and will never leak any information.

But considering the countless occupations of the masters of the Dawn Society, it is indeed necessary to be as cautious as possible.

When you return, you will re-implant yourself with a false memory.

Make sure to reveal the base position.

Everything is for the formation to operate successfully. "

Duan Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and said with a serious expression:

"Don't make mistakes, because a similar situation has happened before.

It was caught by the Shuguang Society because of a slight mistake, and the entire stronghold was completely destroyed as a result.

Even the Blood Emperor almost escaped.

Since then, we have tried our best to separate the work of the intelligence agencies, and they belong to each other.

Only the Blood Emperor can grasp all the information from an overall perspective.

In this way, even if other strongholds are destroyed by the Shuguang Society, it will not affect other places. "

Chu Qiankun nodded, and then asked:

"Then find a place to discuss the details of the formation?"

"The formation is in a hurry for now, and things need to be done now."

Duan Ming waved his hand and said slowly:

"The blood emperor's order this time needs to be dealt with separately.

In Zuomu City, there is a spiritual blood.

Regardless of whether a bit of spiritual blood is transformed into a [Blood Controller].

Also used as its material.

are very precious.

You need to find it and bring it to the Blood Emperor. "

When Chu Qiankun heard the words, he immediately responded in a solemn voice:

"If you need to use it, Master Duan may as well speak up."

Duan Ming smiled, and said:

"One thing, nature has already prepared."

As he spoke, he reached for a kit.

When I opened the bag, I saw three beetles with golden spots on their backs:

"A very special kind of insect beast, called the Xiangxiang insect.

It can specifically look for targets based on specific scents.

During this trip, it has been soaked in a puddle of spiritual blood overnight.

Just let it go now, and it will naturally find spiritual blood with a similar smell.

When the time comes, just help with the belt.

Of course, if you really don't have time, you can always let me go. "

"It must."

Lu Chuan interrupted with a smile:

"Brother Ruiyang is helping to complete the mission of the formation.

But it is also responsible for protecting Duan Shi's personal safety.

Whatever you do is naturally handed over to the side.

A mere spiritual blood will definitely be able to bring it to you in time. "

"Since it's like that, it's a lot of work."

As Duan Ming said, he let go of the three beetles.

The three beetles landed on the ground, sniffed around, and soon vibrated their transparent wings, turning into three tiny golden lights, and quickly swept over the reception hall.

Duan Ming smiled slightly as he watched the scent-seeker disappearing from his field of vision:

"Let's go."

A group of people left the pick-up hall step by step.

It wasn't until they all left that the image of Qi in the pick-up hall came back to his senses and continued to be busy with his own affairs.

Chu Qiankun four, as if never seen before.

Same here.

Wood City Second People's Hospital.

On the first floor, there is a clinical test center.

Those who have been notified for testing have been in place one after another.

Looking at the noisy people in the field, Liu Qinghua, whose eyes were covered with black cloth, asked Luo Sheng who was at the side:

"Is everything here?"

"The first batch of inventory is correct, and all of them have arrived at the scene.

The second batch is still being prepared and should arrive in ten minutes.

Another ten batches will be returned in the afternoon, and all the eggs will be almost eliminated by the evening.

Even if the parasite is fine today, that's okay.

After the evening, an active door will be sent to solve the problem.

Be sure not to miss a bug egg. "

Liu Qinghua nodded her head,

"Then, let's start."

Liu Qinghua took a step forward and faced the audience.

Faced with countless eyes of curiosity, surprise or confusion, he untied the black cloth blindfolded.

The almost transparent eyes were filled with waves like water.

In a second, an invisible wave suddenly swept the audience.

The hundreds of people on the scene didn't even hum, they fell down with a clatter like fallen wheat, and fell asleep on the floor.

Immediately, the Beast Master ordered the Pang Chong Beast in the next room to call.

Suddenly, insect eggs as dense as a tide crawled from the bodies of the audience.

Compared to two days, it is more modern.

About the thickness of an index finger.

If you keep it for a period of time, I am afraid that it will be deeply parasitized.

At that time, once it leaves the body, it will usually die on the spot.

The dense insect eggs, following the orders from the special insect beast, headed towards a room in the distance.

In the room, more than a dozen extraordinary people were already waiting in battle, waiting for it to enter a dead end.

Seeing that the last insect eggs also crawled into the room.

Liu Qinghua covered her eyes again with a black cloth.

Said to Luo Sheng on the side:

"The parasitism of the eggs will come to an end in the future.

I heard that the foundation has been found over there, how is the current situation? "


Luo Sheng's expression was a little more serious:

"That base is still far from perfect, and only the most basic preparations have been done.

With the traces left on the scene, Bai Lao can barely analyze the general effect.

But a more in-depth analysis is very difficult.

The known situation has been reminded.

That formation base is not a separate formation.

But only the key nodes of a certain array.

The so-called [Five Elements Pros and Cons Demon Realm Refined Formation].

It can be more scary than imagined.

Because of this, Bai Lao has already asked Fucheng for help.

Now is the time when the reinforcements arrive. "


Liu Qing asked loudly.

Luo Sheng spread out his hands:

"It's rough, I don't know much about the formation.

Forget it, listen to the discussion and understand.

Why bother yourself?

Anyway, if it is really needed, Bai Lao will definitely order it.

Dang also assisted in finishing the parasitic incident of eggs on the side.

To prevent any kind of moth from reappearing. "

Speaking of it, no emotion:

"Speaking of it, it's thanks to Mrs. Su Mo.

Brother Hong Aowen was caught, let Chenggong seize the clues, and determined several places where the eggs were scattered.

The next incident will definitely make the secret travel agency come true.

Hundreds of thousands of them were parasitized by the eggs and completely exploded.

Just thinking about that scene makes my scalp tingle.

And if it really got to that point, I'm afraid there's no way to hide the super existence anymore.

Once the world knows the extraordinary, the chaos after that can be known with words.

It is far from ready to let the world know the secret. "

Liu Qinghua was a little surprised when she heard it:

"That Su Mo, a level 4 sword master?"

"That's right."

Luo Sheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Vice Minister Liu also left a deep impression on me."

"Tier 4 kills Tier 6, no matter how deep the impression is."

Liu Qinghua was rather sad.


Luo Sheng's face revealed a faint complacency, gossiping:

"To be able to leapfrog and kill the 6th level, the master also relies on a special secret technique called "Duer Washing Nerve".

The secret art of the sect is extremely powerful, not to mention the general 6th level, even the peak 6th level like Yi Xuancang will be affected by it.

But if you hold a spiritual defense magic weapon, or practice a special spiritual protection secret technique, you can offset the influence of the gate secret technique to a large extent.

Therefore, it is actually not as strong as imagined, so it can be regarded as a talent with a special hole card.

But when it comes to real combat power, it's only about level 5, and there is still a small gap between level 6 and level 6.

So once you say it, you think you can accept it? "

Liu Qinghua breathed a sigh of relief:

"Listen to the explanation, Zhi finally understood.

Tier 4 kills Tier 5 only a few.

Tier 4 killing Tier 6 is an exaggeration.

Since the Spiritual Mystery Technique, I'm afraid it can be used against Tier 6 at most.

After all, the second promotion ceremony mostly involves spiritual purification and tempering.

High-level transcendents do not possess strong mental resistance.

Let alone dealing with ordinary spiritual mystic arts, they can't even cause an impact.

I hope that because I hold a secret technique in my hand, I will be proud and arrogant, and I will pay attention to the high-level.

However, sooner or later it will suffer. "

Luo Sheng listened, and laughed:

"I feel that it is more profound to understand even if I have to bear the blow.

Doing a good job of persuasion will make people feel good.

Talent, it takes a lot of training to really grow up.

This kind of thing will be understood sooner or later. "

Liu Qinghua shook her head slightly, and said more.

It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

Southwind Airport.

Zhou Meng and his party walked away from the special chartered plane.

Soon to the emptied pick-up hall.

Feng Shengwu, who was in charge of picking up the plane, greeted him with a smile:

"Captain Zhou Mengzhou, right? He's younger than expected."

Zhou Meng stretched out his hands to hold each other, and replied with a smile:

"I'm sorry Minister Feng took time out of his busy schedule to pick up the plane, Meng is really flattered."

"Minister Bai originally planned it too.

It's a pity that I have something to deal with.

So Bian Xian was received by the leader.

Hope it feels like hospitality week. "

Zhou Meng's face straightened, and she immediately replied:

"What about Minister Feng, the second time is to carry out the mission.

Everything should be focused on the task, and the hospitality is all secondary.

I heard from Lord Zhu that the situation here is very serious. "

Hearing this, Feng Shengwu smiled wryly and said:

"If it's serious, then there's no need to ask for help over there."

Zhou Meng nodded and continued to ask:

"How is the analysis of the situation at the base?"

Feng Shengwu replied immediately:

"According to Minister Bai's analysis, what can be determined is the key node of the array somewhere.

There can be several similar nodes.

In other words, even if the node is destroyed.

The opponent still uses its nodes to launch the formation.

The existing problems are mainly three.

First know the specific location of those nodes.

The second knowledge has completed the node.

The third is how to break the effect of the array.

Because of the lack of information, it is necessary to work together to find ways to solve some problems.

It is also the purpose of asking for help. "

Zhou Meng replied solemnly:

"About the two points, we will find a way to help analyze the formation.

As for the third point, there is no need to worry, Mr. Zhu has already agreed to the request.

This trip is only one line, even the [Holy Artifact] is escorted. "

When Feng Shengwu heard the words, his eyes lit up and he was ecstatic:

"Even the [Holy Artifact] has been transported, I don't have to worry about that formation anymore!"

Zhou Meng shook his head:

"I can pin all my hopes on [Holy Artifact].

[Holy Artifact] Only borrowed ones can guard Mushi forever.

It is necessary to break the formation in time and destroy it from the source.

There is no reason to guard against thieves all day long.

What's more, even if it is a holy weapon, the opponent must have no way to deal with it.

You have to be more vigilant. "

"You're right, lost your mind.

Then it's too late, let's go to the scene of the base immediately.

The sooner the analysis is done, the sooner the conclusion will be drawn. "


So everyone marched in the direction.

Li Jun, who accompanied Feng Shengwu, was at the end of the team.

Looking at my sister, I feel quite a headache:

"Captain Zhou helps break the formation, what's the matter?"

"Want to see it?

Long time no see, dear brother, should I welcome you? "

Facing the eccentric Li Ruoxi, Li Jun squinted and sneered:

"It's so hard to understand?

After all, it's ugly, right? "

"Oh, what do you think of your own sister?"

Li Ruoxi stared at her round eyes, her face full of disbelief:

"Because I didn't get the Wu-Lightsaber, I blamed my sister, and I was disappointed."

"No lightsaber."

Li Jun interrupted calmly.

Li Ruoxi's expression froze slightly, strangely:


Do you never let go when you have set your sights on the target?

How many times did you break the rules? "

"I'll understand~www.readwn.com~ Li Jun shook his head, didn't bother to talk, and followed the team.

Li Ruoxi became even more curious when she heard the words:

"Even the competitive elder brother can't handle it.

Is that guy a rock?

Anyway, Yuejia is at the junction of Chuanyue and Chuanyue.

Then you might as well submit it first.

Let's see what's so special about this guy. "

Li Ruoxi secretly made a decision, and quickly chased after her.

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