[Yangshou draws cards, starting from the reality of gamification]【】

Under the dark purple sky, mountains and ravines towered.

A dark green poisonous mist floats in the mountains.

Occasionally, hideous and ugly monsters could be seen sticking their heads out of the fog.

Bite off the spherical fruit that grew on the weird strange tree next to it.

Scarlet juice splashed everywhere, and even weeping could be heard.

That was not an auditory hallucination, but the scream of Taki Xinguo.

To be more precise, it is the cry made by the creatures in the fruit.

All Taki star fruits are formed from Taki star trees.

But a single Takisei tree cannot produce this kind of fruit.

It is necessary to stuff other creatures such as humans or monsters into the Takisei tree.

Takistar trees secrete mucus that corrodes and digests the bodies of creatures.

Only the heads that are still alive are left to gather the nutrients in the tree and bear fruit.

During this time, the creatures trapped in the tree will experience unimaginable pain.

And this pain will reach its peak when the fruit is ripe.

They will usher in their own demise in extreme pain.

At the same time turned into food and nutrients for others.

Su Mo walked in the gloomy forest.

He looked at the painful human face revealed by a certain taki star fruit.

The numb mood fluctuated slightly.

Cut it off casually, completely crush it into fine powder, and send it to the other party for liberation.

His actions seemed to have offended the corrupt monsters that came close.

The opponent shot out long mouthparts, as if intending to pierce him through and suck.

Su Mo didn't even look at it, and let the opponent's mouthpiece shoot nearby, and was burned to ashes by the sudden appearance of Wang Huo.

The terrifying flames turned into a sea of ​​flames and overflowed in all directions. The corrupt monsters fled screaming and turned into coke in the fire.

But Su Mo walked straight forward, turning a blind eye to the screams and hisses coming from around him.

It is only 30,000 kilometers away from the junction of the North and the Underworld.

He has seen too many strange scenes and human tragedies along the way.

Although most of the dead are all kinds of mirages.

But occasionally humans can be seen.

Those are basically Transcendents sent from the borderlands.

Or perform tasks, or scout the surrounding environment.

From this, we can also see the risks faced by the official transcendent.

In the past, he had always been wondering why most of the damage at the junction was outside.

On the contrary, the wars initiated by various monster races never caused them too many losses.

Now that he has gone through this experience again, he can finally see how bad the environment around the junction is.

In fact, he should have known this long ago.

Although the catastrophe has long since become history, the harm it caused has remained to this day.

The most obvious is the harsh living environment of the source world.

Even a race like Mirage that evolved to adapt to the environment.

It can only be used in some less harmful places.

In most of the heavily polluted mutated areas, it is difficult for even mirages to survive in them.

Therefore, it is understandable that the monster groups from all sides continue to attack the border area.

In addition to the need to counterattack the human world, this is also to compete for the territory of survival.

Human beings have paid a huge price to open up safe settlements in the evil soil of the source world.

These settlements are like fat meat in front of them, and few demon groups can give up. ...Even if they know that this fatty meat has extremely powerful guards, if they go up and take a bite, their faces will be covered in blood.

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[Yangshou draws cards, starting from the reality of gamification]【】

But you have to find a way to try. After all, the number of mirages is the most, and it doesn't matter if a batch dies.

And if you can **** the settlements, you can make money no matter what.

As far as Su Mo knew, at the other two junctions, there were advanced bases that were robbed by mirage forces.

As for the border between the north and the underworld, it may be due to the abundance of martial arts, or the geographical advantage.

There has not been a similar problem so far, but it is not ruled out that it may appear in the future.

After all, not all the defenders of the advancing bases are as tough as Yuan Huantian.

If the last war had been replaced by a weaker quasi-sage, base 67 might have been lost long ago.

And once lost, it is not so easy to get it back.

Su Mo's thoughts were wandering, fully diverging.

In this lonely journey, maybe I can only have fun while suffering like this.

To be honest, Yuan Huantian had prepared a complete set of things for him.

The ring even marked a rough map from the junction to Yanshan.

If you simply fly directly from the junction to Yanshan, it may take less than a day.

It's a pity that there are many crises and abnormal territories along the way.

There are many places you can't even get close to.

Let alone flying in the sky.

Such an obvious goal.

That was provoking all the weird things on the ground.

And once you choose to walk from the ground, and take a detour.

Even if it becomes safe, the journey will be extended to more than ten days.

However, judging from the situation at Yanshan, a delay of more than ten days should not be a problem.

Although the Palace Master of Wujiang Basin has left customs, there are still many affairs to be dealt with in the territory itself.

In addition, to deal with Yanshan, he cannot rely on him alone, but must find ways to gather strength and make more preparations.

It is quite normal to spend ten days and half a month to survive this process.

Afterwards, leading the army to set out, there must be some time delay on the way.

Maybe when he arrives at Yanshan, it's still a matter of whether the other party has set off.

While Su Mo was thinking, he walked down from Broken Soul Mountain.

He was about to follow the mountain path to the opposite Huxiao Mountain.

I caught a glimpse of a thin blood mist rising from Huxiao Mountain.

Many remnants of Lie Xinghu can be vaguely seen from it.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo couldn't help but feel a little twitch in his heart.

The Lie Xinghu of Huxiao Mountain can be regarded as quite a powerful tribe.

There is even a quasi-sage in his family.

And that quasi-sage made good friends with the human side.

Therefore, in the identification of the map, this area belongs to the safe area that can pass through.

But judging from the present, it is obvious that something terrible happened in Huxiao Mountain.

Many remnant souls are bound in the mountains and it is difficult to escape. This is at least a quasi-holy method.

Su Mo started to turn silently, and decided to make a detour from the miasma-filled Ghost Mist Mountain on the right.

If it was in the past, he might have gone into Tiger Roaring Mountain to investigate the situation.

At least figure out the life and death of that Lie Xinghu quasi-sage.

And why Huxiao Mountain encountered such a catastrophe.

But now, Yanshan Wanyao is waiting for him. ....At the same time, he shouldered the task assigned by Yuan Huantian.

At this time, it is really not suitable for twists and turns.

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[Yangshou draws cards, starting from the reality of gamification]【】

In the end, Su Mo successfully passed the Ghost Mist Mountain at the cost of losing two high-level defensive magic weapons.

Keep going all the way, and soon you will come to a big river.

The river water was muddy, churning with a faint yellow color, even with his eyesight, it was difficult to see what was hidden in the river.

Su Mo still remembered that when he came back, this big river was just a shallow stream.

I never thought that in a blink of an eye, it has come to the wet season.

This big river is naturally inferior to the extremely dangerous Shang River.

But Su Mo still felt a vague sense of crisis from it.

This proved that there must be danger hidden in the river that could threaten him.

With his current strength, he can still sense danger.

This is enough to prove that the opponents at the bottom of the river are extremely difficult to deal with.

Su Mo took a deep breath and decided to cross through the air.

Unless it was a last resort, he would definitely not make such a choice.

But the big river cuts off the road, and detours along the way will only take more time.

When it's time to take risks, you can only fight.

Su Mo took a deep breath, put on four high-level defensive instruments, and at the same time used source power and spiritual power to form a defensive shield outside his body.

In addition to this, he made Wang Huo get ready again, holding several attack preparations tightly in his hands.

Everything was ready, Su Mo teleported away like lightning.

It appeared above the river in the blink of an eye, and continued to teleport forward without stopping.

However, his teleportation only started to flicker for the second time, and the river broke open suddenly.

A school of palm-sized swordfish with spikes on their heads rushed out of the river ferociously, shooting towards him overwhelmingly.

"Wang Huo!"

With a move of Su Mo's mind, Wang Huo, the size of a fingernail, expanded wildly.

In just an instant, it turned into a large sea of ​​pure white flames.

Many swordfish crashed into the sea of ​​flames and turned into coke.

Su Mo continued to teleport forward in the sea of ​​flames without stopping.

And soon, just when he had just reached the other edge of the flames.

A terrifying sharp claw suddenly climbed out of the big river, stretched out a thousand feet high in an instant, and grabbed the airspace in this direction.

At this moment, Su Mo felt unimaginable pressure, as if the whole space had turned into sticky glue, not to mention teleporting in it, even moving became extremely difficult. Qianqian

"Streaming Star Breaker Shuttle!"

When the giant claw arrived in front of him, Su Mo suddenly used this quasi-holy weapon in front of him.

The powerful penetrating power burst out suddenly, and the star-breaking shuttle blatantly pierced through the thick wall-like claws, revealing a huge blood hole for Su Mo to pass through.

This attack was obviously beyond the expectation of the monster in the river. The blood rained all over the sky, and the big river stirred wildly, as if a prehistoric monster was about to crawl out of it.

Su Mo then passed through the opportunity of the giant claw, and teleported forward suddenly.

In the end, he narrowly escaped the hunting of the four sharp claws and jumped to the other side of the river.

As soon as he reached the opposite bank, he immediately descended from the sky, shielded his aura with several hidden instruments, and completely disappeared into the wilderness.

The five sky-supporting claws slapped and scratched frantically on the bank of the river, and finally retreated into the river unwillingly. ....The dark yellow turbid river surface gradually returned to calm, as if the scene that happened just now was just an illusion.

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[Yangshou draws cards, starting from the reality of gamification]【】

Su Mo got out from a broken mountain rock, and seeing the bank foundation that had been flattened by tens of meters, he couldn't help but feel lucky.

"Damn it, you really can't underestimate any seemingly ordinary area.

Each of these monsters is as smart as a monkey.

To deal with me at level 7 is a surprise attack and an ambush. Does it need to be so exaggerated? "

Su Mo smiled wryly and dropped a broken high-level defensive magic weapon.

He has lost more than a dozen high-level instruments along the way.

And the distance didn't even reach a tenth.

When he was raiding the treasure house in Yanshan, he thought that this magic weapon might be passed on for hundreds of generations.

Who would have thought that these magic tools might not be enough just to go back to Yanshan now.

"I beg you to be human, don't pluck me alone, I'm almost bald."

Su Mo started a new round of itinerary with difficulty.

And just as Su Mo was trekking towards Yanshan.

Borderless Basin.

First House.

In the magnificent grottoes.

Two rows of high-level monsters stood under the huge stone platform.

On the high jade crystal stone platform, a young man with first-born antlers and gold patterns around his eyes lay sideways on the stone platform, resting with his eyes closed.

He was dressed in white and had a lazy demeanor. At first glance, he looked like a squat at home who didn't want to make progress, as if the sky was falling and he couldn't open his eyes from half asleep.

After a while, there were crisp footsteps slowly coming from the outside world, approaching all the way to the audience.

Immediately, Feng Lianxing, the deputy commander of the Wanbee Army, with a bee armor mask on his face, came up to him, and bowed to Long Yu, the first mansion master on the stage, and said:

"Your Majesty, there is a spiritual attendant from the spiritual practice outside asking to see you."

"Who is the spiritual attendant of the Spiritual Retreat?"

Long Yu yawned and asked casually, still without opening his eyes.

"He revealed that his name is Huang Lie, and he said that you will know it after hearing it."

"It turned out to be that guy, and he is confident."

Long Yu laughed lightly and said:

"But I do know his deeds. This guy killed the two quasi-sages in the border area before, and the Shuguang Society hated him deeply. It is said that he paid a heavy reward for his head."

"Then shall we still see him?"

Feng Lianxing asked cautiously.

"See, why don't you see me?"

Long Yu smiled and said:

"Such a ferocious big man should get acquainted well."

"But in this way, it won't hurt the border? I heard that there are many quasi-sages there."

Feng Lianxing said worriedly.

"There are naturally many quasi-sages in the borderland, but those quasi-sages are different from us. They all shoulder the rule of guarding the soil, and they are trapped in the junction all the year round, and even if they can come out, believe it or not. If the news is leaked out, dozens or hundreds of quasi-sages of the monster clan will run over to besiege and kill them?

Don't forget that we and them belong to different forces in two worlds. Even the Huang Lie and Huang Lingshi of the spiritual practice society are hostile to us in terms of camp.

But, hostility on a large level, private cooperation is not impossible, neither human nor monster can be too principled, too principled is difficult to survive in this cruel world. "

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[Yangshou draws cards, starting from the reality of gamification]【】

"The subordinates will follow the instructions."

"Go and bring people in."


Not long.

A bald man nearly two meters tall and wearing simple gray linen came in after Feng Lianxing.

As soon as he came in and stood still, he didn't even look at the high-level monsters on both sides, his eyes fell directly on Long Yu on the stone platform, and he laughed loudly:

"I've heard for a long time that the first Palace Master of the Wujiang Basin is a talent from the heavens, and now he has successfully proved himself as a quasi-sage in just three hundred years. I'm afraid that even the tiger emperor from Yanshan who was resurrected will bow down to you. "

"Huang Lingshi was joking. It took us hundreds of years to become a quasi-sage. On the other hand, you humans can only reach a quasi-sage in 20 or 30 years. If we compare this, we will die of shame. "

"Hahaha, everyone is of different races. There is nothing comparable. We can prove the truth quickly, but our lifespan is also short. Not many quasi-sages can live to your age."

Long Yu smiled lightly and said:

"I think Huang Lingshi didn't come here to discuss with me."

"It's natural."

Huang Lie's eyes flickered slightly, and he raised his voice and said:

"Now I have a shocking opportunity to give to Palace Master Dragon, I don't know if Palace Master Dragon will dare to accept it!"


Li Zhenxiang reminds you: After watching the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own body...how could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflects his current appearance, about seventeen or eighteen years old~www.readwn.com~ looks very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapter content without ads for free

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The titles of the first two books are quite normal, what's the matter with you in the last one?


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[Yangshou draws cards, starting from the reality of gamification]【】

Shi Yu's gaze was serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. The website is about to be closed, download the Star Reading app to provide you with Dashen Li Zhenxiang's Yangshou card, starting from the reality of gamification

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