Drawing Cards With My Lifespan: Starting By Gamifying Reality

Chapter 72: I'm going to take his head off

This moment.

The huge pressure came suddenly, as if it was real.

The heavy pressure on the spiritual level makes people's will even more shaky.



Several dull sounds came one after another.

Some exhausted and injured Transcendents immediately fell to the ground.

Among them, the member of the Naruto team who had been severely injured before even passed out on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Xu Liushuang and Zhao Shouzhuo suddenly turned extremely ugly.

As powerful Tier 4 deacons, although they were also affected by the pressure, they were still able to carry it through.

On the other hand, if the players around them were allowed to continue to develop, it might end in annihilation.

However, before the two of them could make a move, the middle-aged puppet sneered, and changes continued on the field.

Thick mist descended suddenly, covering the entire training ground.

At close range, you can't even see your own hands.

And in the mist, there seems to be some monsters that are constantly moving.

Xu Liushuang's face was gloomy, forcibly restraining the desire to make a move.

Because he didn't know whether it was a real monster or a team member from their side.

The situation instantly fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

The many transcendents caught in the fog are either vigilant, panicked, or worried...

Only Su Mo's face was full of bewilderment.

Because he didn't know what was going on, the companions around him either fell to the ground, or their faces changed drastically.

It felt to him as if a silent drama had suddenly been staged.

All the companions around have become actors.

He was the only one standing in the middle of the field, stunned, unable to keep up with the rhythm.

But Su Mo quickly realized from this absurd scene.

He reached out his hand and took out the dark token from his pocket.

From just now, this Immortal Ascension Token has been heating up slightly.

Take it out and see that the several seal characters engraved on the surface of the token seem to be faintly glowing.

Su Mo suddenly thought of a function of this token:

With this token, you can enter any formation below the mysterious level of the Wan Dao League.

Could it be that the changes on the field were due to the fact that everyone was attacked by the formation ban, and he was the one who slipped through the net with this Token of Ascension to Immortals?

Su Mo knew that this was probably the most likely guess.

And it is very simple to verify.

At that moment, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on the glowing ground.

In the next second, detailed information is immediately displayed on the game panel:

[Item: Wan Dao League Dao Immortal Formation]

[Reminder; this is the Immortal Kowtow Formation set up by the Cangyan City branch of the Wan Dao League.

The purpose is to use the array to screen out the seeds of cultivation with extraordinary talents.

Once the screened person successfully passes the formation, he will be awarded the Immortal Order.

The formations are divided into twelve types including gravity formations, illusion formations, and mist formations.

Different levels of power can be activated by the operator.

At the peak, the twelve formations are superimposed.

Only the legendary fairy body can carry it through]

[Note 1: After a long period of time, seven of the twelve formations have been damaged, and only five are effective]

[Note 2: There are also many damages to the remaining five formations, specifically…]

Su Mo looked at the prompts given on the panel, and couldn't help but feel extremely shocked in his heart.

Of the twelve formations, only the incomplete five can be activated now.

These five alone can suppress the elite transcendents on the field to what they are now.

How strong should the so-called fairy body be to be able to withstand the twelve formations?

But no matter how strong it is, that is already a thing of the past.

The danger of alienation is incomprehensible, and the journey of cultivation is tantamount to seeking death.

Su Mo withdrew his thoughts, and turned to look at the middle-aged puppet standing outside.

If he followed the normal routine, at this time he should think of a way to burst the seeds, run to the outside world and kill the peak 4 puppet, and try his best to turn the tide and save everyone.

It's a pity that Su Mo knows very well that with his current strength, he will only be hanged and beaten when confronted with the 4th-level peak. Even if it is a sneak attack, the success rate is extremely low.

There is absolutely no need for him to risk his life for such a cost-effective thing.

The master will be handed over to the master to deal with it.

Isn't there no master on his side?

What kind of stupid heroism is this to run to force yourself to stand out?

What he should do now is to hand over the Ascension Order to Xu Liushuang or Zhao Shouzhuo, and let them run out of the formation and kill that puppet.

In this way, the entire crisis is resolved.

Su Mo made a plan and was ready to act immediately.

But he didn't get close to the two deacons immediately.

Now everyone is in an unfamiliar formation, and a slight disturbance may attract everyone to attack.

If it's Tier 3, it's fine.

He may not be able to withstand the powerful blow of the fourth-level deacon.

If the token is not sent out at that time, but dies in the hands of his own deacon, that is really an unprecedented kind of injustice.

Su Mo first set his sights on Xue Qiaoqiao who was nearby.

at the same time.

Xue Qiaoqiao, who was under double pressure, turned slightly pale.

She looked vigilantly at the thick mist around her, and clenched her hands tightly.

There seemed to be some monster jumping up in the mist, she threw out a fist, but it was only in vain.

Xue Qiaoqiao suddenly became more nervous, like a frightened little rabbit.

At this moment, there was another movement ahead.

She punched again, but the fist fell into a big hand.

Xue Qiaoqiao was shocked.

Su Mo bared his teeth and said:

"I can't see that you are so powerful."

Xue Qiaoqiao said vigilantly:

"Don't try to lie to me, I know you're an illusion! I've seen you before!"

Su Mo didn't speak, and stuffed the token into her hand.

In an instant, all the stress, hallucinations~www.readwn.com~frenzy were all gone from her.

Xue Qiaoqiao stared blankly at the crowd.

Before she could react, the token was taken away by Su Mo again.

He leaned to the side and said clearly:

"Hold my hand and walk as I tell you."

Su Mo gave corresponding hints, which are the weak points of the formation.

Walking on this will greatly reduce the pressure.

Then, he led Xue Qiaoqiao to Chu Qingwu who was half kneeling on the ground.

Pick it up for her.

Then there's another female Transcendent nearby.

Then to Zhang Zhenyu, Xu Wei and others.

Soon, a group of people held hands, spread hints nearby, and moved forward along the loophole.

But at this moment, Su Mo suddenly stopped and looked forward with a strange expression.

He saw Zhao Shouzhuo use the fury of the [Berserker] profession, rampage in the formation, punch his teammate when he hit him, and fainted on the spot.

In just a moment, the rest of the people on the field were smashed by him.

He ran here instead, seeing the big fist hit, Su Mo immediately pushed Zhang Zhenyu forward.

Zhang Zhenyu didn't even hum, and rushed to the street on the spot.

Su Mo took advantage of the other party's retraction, and quickly stuck the token on him.

Seeing the surrounding situation clearly, Zhao Shouzhuo's face was full of surprise.

Su Mo said anxiously:

"With this token, you can get out of the formation, and I'll leave it to Deacon Zhao to kill the outside puppets!"

As the words fell, a thick mist covered Su Mo's vision.

Vaguely, he only heard a short and powerful response:

"Boy! I'm going to take his head off!"

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