Drawing Cards With My Lifespan: Starting By Gamifying Reality

Chapter 88: It's you sister Qiaoqiao and brother Su


The heavy door was jerked open.

A group of Transcendents got out of the car one after another.

at dusk.

The street lights in the manor are bright.

Ribbons are fluttering on the green plants.

There is soothing pure music faintly coming from the dripping fountain.

Everything looks so harmonious and beautiful.

Only the huge villa in the center looks hazy.

It seemed to be shrouded in a bleak blood-colored light.

Coming closer, the **** light immediately showed its original appearance.

It was a light red hemispherical mask.

It is vast and vast, enveloping the entire villa and the surrounding land.

On the photomask, one can see the Taoist runes constantly wandering, as if they had life.

When you get close, you can even smell an extremely strong **** smell, like a rotten viscera, it's so disgusting that it makes people sick to the stomach.

"This is the standard secret weapon of the secret travel agency, the blood streak barrier, which is often used in conjunction with the [Blood Controller] profession to seal off areas and block spaces. Looking at the scale and strength, the user is almost level 7, which is in line with the previous analysis information obtained."

As a well-informed hunter, Qiao Yazhong had a slightly dignified expression.

She looked at everyone and exhorted:

"Although the blood-streaked barrier is not too aggressive, it is a one-way magic weapon, allowing entry and not exiting. In addition, when passing through the blood-striped barrier, one must protect the whole body with source power, otherwise it may be attacked by the people in the barrier. Infected by the tainted blood, which in turn leads to being controlled by the opponent, this must be paid attention to."

After hearing her words, everyone nodded.

As the strongest person on this trip, Luo Sheng, with a straight back, took the lead in walking forward.

But instead of stepping into the barrier, he clenched his right fist and smashed down hard.


There was a muffled sound like a booming bell.

Countless runes on the surface of the barrier lit up one after another.

The colossal strength suddenly dissipated, turning into ripples and dissipating away.

Seeing this, Luo Sheng couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

Step into it.

Seeing that this level 7 boxing fighter couldn't smash the secret weapon with a single punch on the spot.

Obviously, this blood streak barrier is not so easy to solve.

Even if it can be broken open, it will definitely take a lot of time.

And what they lack most now is time.

A group of people protected their bodies with source power and entered the barrier one by one.

In an instant, the entire sky, including everything around, was shrouded in a faint blood color.

Being in this oppressive space with a faint stench, I am afraid that the spirit will become abnormal after a long time.

Qiao Ya confessed to looking at the induction compass, and nodded to Luo Sheng.

The two immediately rushed towards the huge villa.

The people behind him also hurriedly followed.

As soon as he entered, Su Mo was deeply stimulated by the **** scene.

I saw blood and stumps everywhere in the huge villa.

On the overturned tables and chairs, there were many broken clothes, even accessories and minced meat.

The precious carpet with exquisite patterns has long been soaked in blood, and the original color cannot be seen.

Su Mo felt an unprecedented shock.

This kind of shock is not the hatred of monsters devouring people.

It is the anger of the strong wielding their swords at the weaker.

"Damn it!"

"This gang of evil cultivators really deserve to die!"

Su Mo's eyes fell on a pair of small children's shoes embroidered with butterflies.

This made him feel more and more angry.

But in the very center of the villa, there were several people standing quietly.

Their expressions were stiff, their eyes were dull, and there were large bloodstains on their chests.

One by one exudes a third-order source force fluctuation, but there is no life breath at all.

Just like an activated corpse.

Beside them, there are two other strange-shaped creatures.

The reason why they are called odd-shaped creatures is that they have no human form at all.

They are nearly three meters tall and about two meters wide.

The whole body is made of countless piles of flesh and blood.

Pale tendons mixed with scarlet muscles form a forest of arms, stretching in all directions.

Only a big **** mouth with interlaced sharp teeth was exposed on the belly, which could bite off a person's head with one bite.

The aura revealed by these two odd-shaped monsters has already reached level 5, extremely brutal and chaotic.

Even the many well-trained transcendents on the field couldn't help feeling jealous when they saw these two monsters.

Behind these corpses and monsters, there were three other people sitting around a table with relaxed expressions.

Even they were still eating **** steaks and drinking bright red wine.

Seeing everyone coming at this moment, Shen Qing, who was sitting on the main seat, said with a little surprise:

"I didn't expect the official team to come so fast?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to have reacted again, glanced at Zhang Lie on the left, and said with a mocking smile:

"Almost forgot, this road led you to run around, but there are still pursuers behind, why don't you see if there are any acquaintances of yours?"

"Acquaintances, that's really too many."

The slender Zhang Lie smiled lightly, put down the knife and fork in his hand, glanced over the bodies of the extraordinary one by one, and finally landed on Xu Liushuang, and said, not without surprise:

"Oh, I didn't expect that even our Deacon Xu would come here. If you hadn't reminded me, how could I have stolen the things so smoothly and escaped the pursuit calmly? All of this is due to you.

It's a rare encounter now, would you like to come to our place for something to eat? Left and right are just a matter of adding a chair, so don't worry about it.

Don't look at the poor appearance of these steaks, they are made by top chefs, but just now they accidentally killed the cooks, and now the steaks are left on the table, why don't you come here quickly, but There is no more for you. "

When Xu Liushuang heard this, an extremely rare green look flashed across his face.

He stepped forward, took out a ring from his pocket as he walked, put it on his finger, and said in a concentrated voice:

"The call I made to you was indeed my mistake.

I never thought that the traitor would be you.

This incident will be the shame of my life.

So today, I come to wash away my shame. "

Xu Liushuang shook hands violently, his knuckles creaking.

Zhang Lie smiled faintly.

Shen Qing at the side picked up the napkin, wiped her mouth calmly, and said calmly:

"Since everyone is here, let's make a break here."

With that said, he skipped Luo Sheng and looked at Qiao Yazhong:

"If I'm not mistaken, the lady with the broken arm should be the hunting hunter, right?

You should be the one following us all the way, right?

To be honest, I am tired of pestering women.

That guy Lu Chuan is worried about your sleepy spell, but I don't have such worries.

After all, you are all inside the blood barrier now.

The Lord of Qingyang Mansion did not rush over so soon after receiving the message.

When she receives the news, she may come to collect your corpses just in time. "

"Are you worthy of talking about your lord?"

Luo Sheng sneered and said:

"Your opponent is me!"

Luo Sheng, who had thoroughly inspected the scene, no longer hesitated, and rushed towards Shen Qing.

Shen Qing smiled strangely, two **** hands rushed out from the **** carpet, like iron inlays, firmly grasping Luo Sheng's ankles.

In the next second, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, appeared behind Luo Sheng, and stamped his palm **** his vest.

Luo Sheng's left fist collided with his right fist, and a strange fluctuation suddenly spread from his whole body. The **** hands on the ground were instantly scattered into blood, and even Shen Qing, who was attacking from behind, seemed to be hit by the pressed palm. With great resistance, it became slower and slower, and finally approached stagnation.

Luo Sheng turned around and punched, but Shen Qing disappeared in a puddle of blood.

Until then, a group of extraordinary people who were far away from the battlefield barely reacted.

In the next second, Qiao Yazhong rushed towards Zhang Lie.

However, Song Qiyang, who was wearing a floral shirt beside him, rushed forward.

After a short fight, Qiao Yazhong looked at Song Qiyang with surprise in his eyes:

"[Dark Warrior]?"

Song Qiyang shook his sore hands, bared his teeth and said:

"I didn't expect that the seriously injured level 6 is still so strong, it is worthy of being a hunter.

It seems that I may not be able to deal with it alone, Mr. Shen, lend me two flesh and blood puppets. "

Shen Qing, who was fighting fiercely, didn't respond.

But the fifth-order flesh and blood puppets who were stunned at the two ends suddenly roared and rushed towards Qiao Yazhong.

Zhang Lie on the side suddenly changed color slightly:

"Your surname is Song, you are not authentic in doing this!"

"What is authentic? Kill the hunter, and you will really escape from the sky. Why don't you thank me soon?!"

As he said that, he rushed forward, and together with two flesh and blood puppets, he besieged Qiao Yazhong.

On the other side, there is no waiting for Zhang Lie to answer.

Xu Liushuang, Xu Wei and Mr. Zhou, three rank 4s, joined forces to kill Zhang Lie.

He controlled a few puppets, and with the powerful magic weapon he carried on his body, he immediately responded to the siege of the crowd.

For a time, three battlegrounds were drawn on the field.

Among them, the most dangerous one is undoubtedly the place where Luo Sheng and Shen Qing are.

The second is the place in Joya.

Finally, it was Zhang Lie's turn.

But even the battlefield where Zhang Lie is located is not something that ordinary extraordinary people can intervene.

If you get involved at will, not only may you die, but you may even become a puppet manipulated by the other party.

Therefore, follow the voice transmission order received before the war.

Many transcendental beings spread out in two groups towards the villa.

Since Zhang Lie and others have been staying here.

And also opened the blood barrier.

Then they must have some secret plan.

Or looking for something, or holding some ceremony.

All in all, it is absolutely impossible for them to stay here for no reason.

And what they have to do is to take this opportunity to find out the other party's purpose.

And rescue possible survivors.

The transcendents divided into several teams and searched all over the villa.

Together with Xue Qiaoqiao, Su Mo went straight to the princess room on the second floor with a tense expression.

Although judging from the scene, the people who attended the party in the villa are probably all dead.

But holding on to a ten-thousandth hope, they still thought that Wang Linglan could escape.

"Bang Dang" slammed open the door.

As far as the eye can see, it is still the exquisite princess room.

Whether it's the cartoon hand-painted carpet on the floor, or the animal puppets lined up at the end of the bed.

They all look very familiar.

Bathrooms, dressing rooms, wardrobes, corners, under beds...

Su Mo and Xue Qiaoqiao searched every place.

Not even the shadow of Wang Linglan was found.

Looking at Xue Qiaoqiao who was frowning and worried, Su Mo said in relief:

"You can see that there is no blood or clothing fragments on the ground, which means that there was no murder here.

That girl Wang Linglan is still very clever, maybe she realized something was wrong a long time ago and escaped early. "

Xue Qiaoqiao listened to Su Mo's words. Although she knew that these were words of comfort, she couldn't help feeling hopeful.

She looked at Su Mo and said with a trace of longing:

"Let's look for it again, maybe she's hiding somewhere else."

Su Mo thought for a while and nodded yes.

Now, they don't know what Zhang Lie and others are guarding in the villa for.

Finding people and finding clues do not conflict.

Then, the two began to search for other places along the princess room.

At the same time, he did not forget to call out in a low voice:

"Lily of the valley!"

"Wang Linglan!"

"Shout what you hear!"

"It's your sister Qiaoqiao and brother Su!"

at the same time.

Wang Linglan, who was hiding in a secret space, bit her left hand hard.

Only in this way can she not make any sound while tears are streaming down her face.

But at the same time, she was biting so hard.

The sharp teeth pierced the delicate skin, so that bright red blood flowed out.

A strong fishy smell filled her mouth, but she seemed unaware of it.

Just hold on to a rag in your hand.

Just looking at the rag, she couldn't stop crying.

In her short sixteen years of peaceful life, she never imagined that one day she would encounter such drastic changes.

The father who had always loved her, cared for her, and protected her died.

The butler who had always taken care of her, accompanied her, and cared for her also died.

The two most important men in her life left her on the same day.

leave her forever.

How does this make her face her future life?

What about sending her to college as promised?

It was agreed at the beginning to see her walk into the palace wearing a wedding dress?

It was agreed at the beginning that the grandson should be embraced as soon as possible to complete the family?

How can you not keep your word? !

Wang Linglan huddled in a corner, crying silently.

At some point.

Her tears have all been shed.

Wang Linglan took out the **** left hand that was bitten.

The sharp pain is far inferior to the despair and sadness deep in my heart.

But soon, all these emotions turned into monstrous hatred.

No matter what, this **** feud must be avenged!

Wang Linglan's eyes were full of hostility, and her delicate face was slightly distorted.

But at this moment.

She seemed to hear a familiar call.

He held his breath and listened carefully, the voice suddenly became clear:

"Wang Linglan!"

"Shout what you hear!"

"It's your sister Qiaoqiao and brother Su!"

Sister Qiaoqiao and Brother Su?

Wang Linglan was slightly taken aback~www.readwn.com~ and then showed ecstasy.

Could it be that those gangsters have been subdued?

Thinking of this, she couldn't hold back any longer, and suddenly stretched out her hand to press the mechanism on the wall.

The wall moved quickly.

She drilled out of the magic space with a face full of joy.

He saw a blood-colored figure facing her sideways.

Shouted in her most familiar voice:

"Wang Linglan!"

"Shout what you hear!"

"It's your sister Qiaoqiao and brother Su!"

Hearing the movement, he turned his head suddenly, the corners of his mouth curled up to the sides, and then cracked to the base of his ears:

"Finally caught you."

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