Drawing Cards With My Lifespan: Starting By Gamifying Reality

Chapter 99: This is where our chance of winning lies!

Wei Peidong held the mobile phone with a very ugly expression on his face.

Su Mo and Xue Qiaoqiao both understood this quite well.

After all, no matter who it is, I am afraid that they will not be happy when they hear the news.

Although everyone has speculated that there may be deaths before this.

But guesswork is one thing.

Confirmation is another matter.

Now that Zhao Wentian has been confirmed dead.

in cases where the condition has not yet been clarified.

No one thought that death would stop there.

I'm afraid this will be the beginning of a tragedy.

But what Su Mo cared more about was the identity of the deceased.

Level 3 【Warlock】.

You must know that although a warlock professional is good at the soul, the defense of the body is not very strong.

But after all, he is also a transcendent.

Let alone Tier 3.

Much stronger than ordinary people.

Even as the number one known case so far, he shouldn't die so quickly and so easily.

If you think about it deeper.

Even a Tier 3 warlock can die so easily, so what about other Tier 3 professionals?

What about professionals below Tier 3?

Or what about ordinary people who have been infected?

Just thinking about that miserable scene made Su Mo shudder.

And at this moment, Wei Peidong, who was still answering the phone, changed color again:

"You said that after Zhao Wentian's death, his body suddenly disintegrated and injured two nearby doctors?"

Su Mo and Qian Tao looked at each other, and couldn't help but look at each other.

It's okay to get sick and die.

After death, the corpse will still be alienated?

What's the point?

Normally speaking, shouldn't the symptoms of alienation appear after ingesting too much pollution?

"Maybe it's really because of the dark wizard's curse."

Xue Qiaoqiao pondered:

"Among the many curse skills of the black wizard, some of them are able to pollute the extraordinary characteristics of the extraordinary, making their mental state abnormal.

And once the abnormal mental state is maintained for too long, it is very likely that one's extraordinary characteristics will not be able to maintain stability.

Then alienation occurs, completely turning into a monster.

And in this way, it may also explain why the symptoms of ordinary people appear to be relatively mild.

Because ordinary people do not possess extraordinary characteristics, their illnesses are likely to be purely due to infection.

On the contrary, extraordinary people, because of their extraordinary characteristics, will not only be infected by diseases, but also curse-type skills will also play a role, which will make their symptoms worse.

In other words, the existence of supernatural characteristics made this disease a killer move against superhumans! "

When everyone on the field heard this, they suddenly realized.

Su Mo pondered:

"You said, since after Zhao Wentian's death, his own extraordinary characteristics were completely out of control under the influence of the illness, and the corpse alienated into a monster, then if the extraordinary in other places die, will they also alienate into monsters?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but change their colors:

"Oops! Doctor!"

At this time, there was a sudden scream from a nearby ward.

Su Mo and others followed the sound and rushed over there.

Soon they came to the sixth ward on the left.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw two staff members shivering and hiding by the door.

And on a hospital bed directly opposite, there was a pile of viscous liquid continuously flowing down.

A human form can be vaguely seen from the liquid.

"Doctor Chen, are you all right?"

The white-haired Chen Xiaozhong shook his head and said:

"Don't worry, even though I'm a healer, I'm level 6. How could a mere level 3 monster hurt us?"

Having said that, he sighed again, and said with a hint of apology:

"Sorry, I didn't have time to cure him."

Wei Peidong glanced at the familiar uniform on the bed, and said with a complicated expression:

"This is also Xiao Zhang's lack of luck, and it has nothing to do with Dr. Chen and you."

As he spoke, he glanced at the patients on the other nearby beds, and continued to ask:

"Doctor Chen, is there a cure for this disease now?"

If Xue Qiaoqiao can be regarded as a newly rising and extremely popular healer.

Then Chen Xiaozhong, as a sixth-level white wizard, has created countless records of treating complex diseases, and is undoubtedly the most famous top healer in Tianmu City.

If even he can't do anything about this disease, then the next step is to ask Fucheng for help.

Facing Wei Peidong's hopeful eyes, Chen Xiaozhong shook his head with a wry smile, the wrinkles on his face were deeply squeezed together:

"There is currently no particularly good treatment."

"According to my diagnosis and treatment just now, what can be confirmed at present is that this is a mixed type of disease, which is artificially fabricated.

The main body of the disease should be some kind of strange toxin from the source world. This kind of toxin can infect the mental power, continuously deplete the mental power until it is exhausted, and is extremely contagious.

And it also has a very remarkable feature, that is, the stronger the mental power, the faster the infection speed.

Therefore, for professionals who specialize in spiritual power, their illnesses will progress very quickly, but for ordinary people, they may be able to recover by themselves in the end.

In addition, this disease is also integrated into a curse of a high-ranking dark wizard.

At present, it is not known what kind of curse it is. After analysis, the preliminary result is that this curse will affect people's extraordinary characteristics and make them more active.

If there is not enough mental power to keep the supernatural characteristics stable, then after the mental power is exhausted, that is, after the patient dies, the supernatural characteristics will directly cause the entire body to alienate and become an unconscious crazy monster because there is no other thing to control it.

Of course, all of the above are for people below level 4. If they are superhumans who have gone through the promotion ceremony, they will have strong resistance to the poison and the curse. "

When Wei Peidong heard this, his expression became even uglier:

"That is to say, if the source of infection is not well controlled, maybe the city's Transcendents below Tier 4 may be infected?"

Chen Xiaozhong nodded solemnly.

"Is there a better way to deal with it?"

"From the current point of view, the only way to isolate the extraordinary is to isolate them. Otherwise, ordinary people will be fine and let the extraordinary wander around. Maybe the disease will spread to other cities.

And the most important thing is that we need to track down the source of infection. Now we don’t know how the first case was infected, but since this disease is fabricated, it can be placed on us, and naturally it can be placed elsewhere. It is necessary to send a reminder to Fucheng and other places in the country to make them pay more attention. "

Wei Peidong said worriedly:

"What I'm worried about is that whether these superhumans are sick or isolated, they are equivalent to being trapped. The folks are fine. Like our official superhumans, they have responsibilities and tasks. body.

If there is some trouble outside at this point in time, and we can't deal with it in time, things will probably become troublesome at that time. Maybe this is the conspiracy of the person behind the plan. "

"Even if we know this, we don't have a particularly good way to deal with it now."

Chen Xiaozhong looked at some Transcendents lying on the bed not far away, and said in a concentrated voice:

"The current method for reference is to let them all fall into a deep sleep, reduce their mental activity, and at the same time stabilize their extraordinary characteristics from the outside world, prolonging the time of losing control.

We must find a corresponding solution within this time. Even if we cannot completely cure it temporarily, we must find a way to delay it, otherwise, things will become difficult to deal with. "

When the other doctors around heard this, they all nodded in agreement:

"Doctor Chen is an old man."

"That's the only way to do it right now."

"After all, the research time is too short."

"Yes, if we are given more time, at least we can study a way to delay the disease."

All the doctors looked very sorry.

And at this moment.

Su Mo, who just took his hand off a patient, said abruptly:

"There should be a way to treat this disease."

Hearing this, the room was silent for a while.

Everyone looked at Su Mo with a very surprised look in their eyes.

"Who is this little brother?"

Chen Xiaozhong asked Wei Peidong who was on the side.

"This is a member of the Furong team next door. He is a double-professional sword master and priest. This time he also came to help see the doctor."

Hearing this, the surrounding doctors nodded one after another, but looked at Su Mo with a little contempt.

Dual-line professionals are indeed worthy of attention, especially at such a young age that they have already reached Tier 3.

But even if he has reached the third level of both occupations, it is nothing, after all, he has never even passed the most important promotion ceremony.

And the most important thing is, which of these doctors on the scene is not a superhuman? Which one is not at level 4 and above?

When it comes to the professionalism and sophistication of the treatment, they are completely slapping the little guy in front of them.

Even Chen Xiaozhong, a well-respected medical expert, is helpless at this disease.

How could they believe that a mere third-level priest could find a cure?

This is almost impossible.

Although they didn't believe it in their hearts, many even thought that Su Mo was just trying to please the public.

But everyone did not show this expression on their faces. After all, they are level 3 dual-line professionals. Maybe they will go through the promotion ceremony and step into level 4 at some point. They may go further than them in the future. Why bother? How about offending someone by saying some nasty words at this time?

But neither intends to offend, but it does not mean that they will agree.

And just as the surrounding doctors kept silent.

Chen Xiaozhong asked with interest:

"Little brother, have you really found out a cure?"

Su Mo said cautiously:

"I dare not say that it will be cured, but it should be able to slow down the disease."

Chen Xiaozhong listened, and was about to ask again, when the phone beside him suddenly rang again.

Wei Peidong pressed the answer button, and then heard Xu Changfeng's voice from inside:

"I have generally understood the situation, I have already got the antidote, and I have sent someone to deliver it to you, and I should be able to get it later.

Now there is a problem that the amount of the antidote is insufficient, and you may need to analyze the antidote, mass produce it, or find a corresponding substitute.

In addition, this medicine can only remove the toxins in the patient's body. As for the curse of merging with the toxins, you still need to find a way to solve it. "

Hearing this news, everyone around became excited.

For a time, the anxious atmosphere in the whole room was greatly relieved.

"I'm going to meet the antidote."

Wei Peidong walked outside impatiently while talking.

Chen Xiaozhong also said impatiently:

"I'll go too."

The other doctors also planned to follow, but he stopped him with his hand.

Everyone also knew that someone needed to take care of the patients, so they could only watch them leave with regret on their faces.

Seeing this, Su Mo shrugged to Xue Qiaoqiao and Qian Tao, saying that it was not his fault.

Since it was said that there is an antidote, it is normal that he cannot be used.

However, Su Mo was very curious. The illness obviously broke out not long ago, and the antidote was obtained in such a short period of time. Where did the antidote come from?

Without keeping everyone in the room waiting for long, Wei Peidong and Chen Xiaozhong walked in protecting a transparent box.

Through that box, one could clearly see a pile of taupe medicinal powder inside.

"Is this the antidote?"

Everyone looked at the powder in the box with a little surprise on their faces.

However, at this moment, there was a voice of apprehension in the field:

"This medicine cannot be given to them!"

at the same time.

In the teahouse near the village in the city.

Shen Qing, who had just taken a large amount of healing elixir, finally regained some blood on her face.

He looked at Lu Chuan who was busy not far away, and asked a little curiously:

"I heard that the illness you mentioned earlier should be very troublesome. Don't you feel it's a pity that you gave them the antidote so easily? Obviously this opportunity can be used to do a lot of work, which is rare for the official Vacuum period."

"There's nothing to be sorry about."

Lu Chuan smiled and said:

"Not to mention that the antidote itself has added ingredients, and the separation and research will take a long time.

Furthermore, the official superhumans are not limited to the few supernatural teams. Once all the teams are completely paralyzed, they can even recruit level 4 transcendents from the army to form a fighting group.

Therefore, this disease can only disturb them temporarily, and it is impossible to seriously damage the Shuguang Club through this disease.

And even if it can be done, it is meaningless. You and I know how huge the foundation of the Shuguang Society is.

Not to mention paralyzing a city, even paralyzing an entire prefecture is not a big deal to them.

Sometimes when I think about it, we are really hard-headed against such a behemoth.

But if we don't do it right, there is no place for us in this world, so we can only say that there is no way. "

"The Shuguang Society is not completely without opponents, at least the entire world of the source world is not something they can deal with at all."

Shen Qing said in a condensed voice:

"Although Dawn Society is strong~www.readwn.com~ the time to develop is too short, in just two hundred years, even if the talent emerges in large numbers, how can it compare with Yuanjie, which has hundreds of millions of backgrounds?

Even if there is only one part in a billion left in the source world, it is enough to suppress them to death.

This is where our chance of winning lies! "

"That's why it is even more necessary for Lord Demon Emperor to recover as soon as possible, otherwise the Tiger Emperor on the opposite side will be impatient."

Lu Chuan smiled softly and said:

"Fortunately, spreading the disease this time is not without any gains. I hope these little guys can make their due contributions."

Shen Qing listened and turned to look at the door.

One after another, sick folk superhumans walked in with dull eyes, and then walked towards the basement until they disappeared into the darkness.


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