Looking down from a high altitude, you can clearly see a large number of palaces and pavilions on Lancang Mountain.

The eaves and corners of these palaces and pavilions are full of ancient charm and endless.

Its scale is so large that it can fully see the magnificence of its heyday.

However, up to now, those palaces are all dilapidated, like ruins.

Even the entire mountain was in decay visible to the naked eye.

Not to mention twisted and treacherous trees everywhere.

In the north of Lancang Mountain.

Even the entire woodland was devoured to the point of being pitted, revealing a large area of ​​white ground.

And in these white fields, there are still countless deer-shaped monsters with strange shapes wandering and looking for food.

Among them is located in the southwest direction, but there are a large number of monsters gathered together, hunting a small figure.

However, let these monsters run amok with their solid and powerful monster bodies.

Or burst out a series of powerful skills.

But it was difficult to hurt that figure in the slightest.

On the contrary, he was constantly beheaded by him in the process.

There were dense corpses piled up all around.

Most of them left a fatal wound in a vital point.

Basically no extra attacks fell on them.

The black blood flowing from the monster made the whole land sticky.

In the air was the stench of some kind of fish and shrimp that had been dead for several days.

Su Mo stood among the corpses, with a gloomy look on his brows.

There are not a few monsters attacking him around, every time there are dozens of them.

But these monsters didn't take him too seriously.

A monster of level 3, if placed a month ago, would be enough to chase him to heaven and earth.

But for him now, it's just a matter of a sword.

Even if the angle is just right, two or three of them with one sword are easy to do.

Not to mention those monsters below Tier 3.

As for the level 4 monsters, I can occasionally encounter one.

It stands to reason that the 3rd and 4th ranks are separated by a promotion ceremony, and the realm gap is huge.

Even with his current strength, it is difficult to say that he will definitely win against the previous 4th-level transcendent.

At least Liushuang's level is not something he can handle at the moment.

But Xu Liushuang is at a separate level.

Ordinary Tier 4 Transcendents are another level.

As for these crazy Tier 4 monsters, they are of a different level.

They are not even comparable to those Tier 4 fox demons.

Because they are pure monsters, they don't even have their own reason and consciousness, they only know **** according to their instincts.

Such a level 4 monster is nothing more than a beast with more developed limbs.

He can kill as many as he comes.

That's why he looked so happy when he saw these monsters.

Others don't say, at least this time he moved here and he definitely made a fortune.

But now there is a small problem.

That is, after these monsters died, the corpses were really smelly.

It is much more stinky than those monsters before.

At this moment, Su Mo missed those fox demons who went to the real world very much.

See how conscientious they are?

After death, even the body will not be left behind.

How can there be such a smell all the time like now?

The more corpses, the more stink?

But even so, Su Mo could only stay patiently among the corpses.

There is no way, the soaring life value is too fragrant.

In just a few short minutes, he earned 10,000 life points.

That's ten thousand points!

The time when he gained the most, he only earned more than 2,000 yuan!

It's only been ten minutes, which is directly worth four or five times the previous record!

If you stay longer, you will kill more.

Damn, let alone the 30,000-odd lifespan required to reach Tier 4.

It's more than 300,000 yuan needed to upgrade to level 5, maybe you can get it together!

At that time, once the promotion ceremony is over, and your own level is raised again, you can go directly to the junction to frantically brush up!

Su Mo seemed to see a golden road unfolding under his feet.

So not to mention the stinky surroundings.

Even if it stinks ten times more, it is absolutely impossible for him to leave!

How can these smells be worth the fragrance of life value?

Su Mo's skills are constantly displayed, trying to create the greatest results with the smallest force.

But even so, in such a high-intensity battle, his source power is far from enough.

Fortunately, before leaving the mission this time, he had already exchanged a large amount of Yuanling Pills with the second-class skills obtained by preventing the disease from spreading.

Therefore, it can still be supported for a while.

Nearly half an hour later, Su Mo stood where he was, the Qi sword in his hand was a little unsteady.

He glanced at the life value on the game board.

It has reached 40,000 points.

And farther away, there seemed to be a powerful monster heading here.

Feeling the extremely dry source power in his body, he touched his empty pocket again.

Su Mo stopped hesitating and immediately started drawing cards.

While the mind is turning, the life value is rapidly consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the card-drawing animation was skipped directly, but the life value was converted into usable resources one after another.

When all 40,000 points were drawn, the life value increased by more than 500 out of thin air.

Su Mo didn't care about it anymore, and immediately raised the Juggernaut level to full.

In an instant, his Juggernaut career jumped directly from the beginning of level 3 to the peak of level 3.

It saves others years or even decades of accumulation time.

at the same time.

A lot of spiritual insights emerged in his heart.

And his exhausted source power returned to a perfect state again.

Even climbed to three times the previous one.

Su Mo understands that this is the difference in source power reserve between the first-timer and the peak of the third-tier.

If it breaks through to level 4, it will improve a lot again.

This is also one of the reasons for the huge gap between Tier 3 and Tier 4 strength.

The opponent's battery life in battle alone is not comparable to Tier 3.

Moreover, the addition of points this time also made Su Mo realize a fact.

Even if he has enough lifespan, he can't skip the promotion ceremony and directly step into the fourth level.

Come to think of it, it's actually quite normal.

Because the improvement brought by the life value also contains pollution.

It would be better to say that the extraordinary characteristics themselves coexist with pollution.

Pollution can find ways to get rid of.

But there is no way to completely eradicate it.

Because whenever you use extraordinary characteristics and exert extraordinary power, you will consume source power.

And source power has always been accompanied by pollution.

There are only high and low levels of pollution.

There is no absolutely clean source of power.

Therefore, as long as anyone becomes an extraordinary person, he cannot avoid the promotion ceremony.

Even the least polluting cleansing occupations in the legend, [Monk] and [Warrior] are no exception.

"Forget it, the promotion ceremony is the promotion ceremony."

"Although there is a little risk in the promotion ceremony of the Juggernaut, if it is carried out properly, it should be able to pass successfully."

"It's a pity that we are in this place now. It is absolutely not suitable for performing any promotion ceremony. We can only wait until we return to the outside world to break through to Tier 4."

Su Mo thought about it in his heart, and cut off another third-level monster that rushed over.

It feels much simpler than before.

Just as he was thinking, there was a loud roar not far away.

A huge figure rushed towards him like lightning with a ferocious wind.

Su Mo's expression suddenly changed.

"This is... a level 5 monster?!"

Su Mo turned sideways to avoid it.

The surrounding corpses were instantly trampled into **** mud on the ground by it.

With the brown deer tail waving, Tier 4's body was swept in half on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo's eyes twitched slightly.

If it was before ascension, he would have run away as far as he met this guy.

But now it has been promoted to the limit of level 3, and it is in the peak state.

Su Mo couldn't help but want to touch this fifth-level monster.

If you can't even beat this kind of mental retardation in the fifth level.

In the future, if you encounter level 5, don't say anything and just slip away.

Su Mo made a decision in his mind, took a deep breath, and rushed forward.

When rushing to the side of the deer demon, he took advantage of the gap when the opponent turned his head and bit him.

He dodges and lands on the other side of the deer demon, and cuts down on the spot with a slash of the 4th-order instant sword.

The body of the deer demon moved more than ten centimeters to the right side strangely.

The sword still fell on the opponent, but it didn't cut the opponent's neck as he imagined.

Instead, it got stuck in the shoulder blade, spattering a small amount of black blood.

The other party flicked his tail, and there was a sharp howl in mid-air.

Su Mo's face changed slightly, he let go of the air sword in an instant, leaped from the shadow, and appeared next to the corpse of a monster.

However, he hadn't waited for him to breathe a sigh of relief.

A pair of high-raised deer hooves kicked down suddenly.

"Hold the grass!"

Su Mo swears loudly.

The next second he appeared in mid-air, and the qi sword condensed in his hand slashed towards the opponent's back again.

The eyes on the deer demon's back suddenly turned pale.

An invisible mental shock swept across his body in an instant.

"You are wrong!"

Su Mo didn't even pause for a moment.

With a sneer, he slashed across with his sword and severed his head on the spot.

Looking at the black blood spurting out frantically from the remnant of the deer demon.

Su Mo still had a little fear in his heart.

He found out that the speed and nerve response between the 4th and 5th ranks were not on the same level.

The shadow jumped a distance of twelve meters, and it was able to catch up in an instant. Who the **** would have thought that?

It can also be seen from this that the further you go, the greater the gap in strength brought about by leveling up.

Like the difference between Tier 9 and Saint, there is a difference between heaven and earth.

Based on his experience on the forum, he has never heard of a level 9 being able to kill a saint.

Everyone uses the length of time they can last under the hands of the saint at the 9th level as the division of the strength of the 9th level.

In addition, the means of this monster also made Su Mo a little vigilant.

This time, if it weren't for the fragments of the Emperor's True Martial Order on his body, he would be immune to most spiritual attacks.

Just the previous blow from the other party added a lot of variables to this battle.

At least he can't kill it in a very short time like now.

This is only the fifth level of the mentally retarded level.

If it was changed to the normal level 5, I am afraid that he can only hold on for a while at most, and it is almost impossible to fight back.

Su Mo silently absorbed the life value scattered by the other party.

Before it was completely sucked, a bunch of monsters appeared in the distance.

Several of them are even Tier 5.

Su Mo couldn't help but change color instantly.

It is very difficult to fight with one, and it is not a simple addition operation to put several together.

Without saying a word, Su Mo found a direction, turned around and ran away.

A bunch of monsters behind him kept chasing him.

Soon, those Tier 3 monsters and Tier 4 monsters were left far away.

But the level 5 deer demon is obviously not so easy to get rid of.

Even if this deer demon is not proficient in teleportation skills such as shadow jumping.

But the speed of the physical body is still not to be underestimated.

Su Mo is going to find some complicated areas for them to bypass.

Suddenly, a red firework shot out from the front.

"Is this... calling for help?"

Su Mo didn't think too much, and immediately rushed towards the place where the signal came from.

The signal fireworks used by the 7th-order bosses are different from theirs.

This is undoubtedly the distress signal sent by the superhumans at the bottom.

In less than a minute, Su Mo rushed to the launch site of the fireworks.

He caught a glimpse of Qian Tao squatting on the roof of a dilapidated attic.

Below, there are several familiar Tier 4 deer demons constantly crashing into the attic.

Even though the building materials of the attic are very extraordinary, it is still crumbling under the impact of the deer demon.

It seems that as long as there are dozens more bumps, this dilapidated attic might collapse on the spot.

At this time, Qian Tao on the roof also saw Su Mo.

His eyes suddenly burst into ecstasy.

Rangers are not good at fighting.

But Juggernaut is different!

Not to mention that Su Mo has now been promoted to the same level as him.

Under Qian Tao's amazed gaze, Su Mo managed to get rid of those fourth-level deer demons like chopping melons and vegetables.

Qian Tao quickly climbed down from the roof like a monkey.

Looking at Su Mo, he sighed and said:

"You don't know how fast you improve until you actually experience it.

Thinking back half a month ago, when we besieged and killed Yang Zhichao, we almost couldn't figure it out.

I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, you would kill Tier 4 like a chicken. "

Ignoring Qian Tao's sighs, Su Mo said anxiously:

"It's too late, run away!"

"Escape? Why do you want to escape?"

"Hasn't this crisis been resolved?"

Looking at Su Mo who was running forward sullenly, Qian Tao was very puzzled.

Instead, I caught a glimpse of 4 terrifying deer demons chasing wildly not far away.

At this moment, his face turned green:

"Su Mo, I'm **** you!"

the other side.

Inside the underground complex maze.

Xue Qiaoqiao and Chu Qingwu, who had already joined, also fled forward non-stop.

While running away from them, they kept throwing all kinds of shining charms backwards.

These talismans were given to Chu Qingwu by the two elders of the Chu family.

Each power is very powerful.

Not to mention Tier 4.

If there are enough of them, even Tier 6 can be killed on the spot.

As for the countermeasures above level 6, it is completely unnecessary.

The opponent can even kill you on the spot the moment you activate the talisman.

The gap in realm is so great that even foreign objects cannot make up for it.

And in the constant rumble of explosions.

One after another, the monsters with iron-blue faces and pitch-black pupils were blown into nothingness one after another.

But soon, another group of new monsters emerged from various parts of the underground palace and continued to chase them.

Fleeing indiscriminately all the way, even Xue Qiaoqiao and Chu Qingwu didn't know where they went.

Fortunately, they found an open-air deep courtyard, and Xue Qiaoqiao immediately released a firework without saying a word.

Seeing the monster that continued to follow in the distance, the two women gritted their teeth and tried their best to climb up.

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and whenever he met familiar people, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

There is no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they are indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing is already used to it.

Because this is the Zhenmagic Division, an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main duty is to kill monsters and ghosts, and of course there are other side jobs.

It can be said.

In Zhenmensi, everyone's hands were stained with a lot of blood.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it as time went by.

Zhenmus is huge.

Those who can stay in Zhenmusi are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Zhenmagic Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy, and the other is the Exorcist.

Anyone who enters the Town of Demons starts from the lowest level of Demon Slayers,

Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the town of magic division, and he was also the lowest-ranked demon slayer.

Possess the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with Zhenmusi's environment.

It didn't take too long~www.readwn.com~Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in Zhenmagus, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd. In the **** Zhenmagus, it presents a different tranquility.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped in.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood hit his face, making his brows furrowed instinctively, but then relaxed quickly.

There is almost no way to clean off the **** smell on everyone in Zhenmusi.

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