After Yu Bei left the principal’s office, he came directly to the classroom.

At this time, a group of students in the classroom were even more restless than before, and the whole classroom was noisy!

Yu Bei glanced at it and didn’t see Yang Sheng, thinking that he was probably invited out.

However, as a roommate, Yu Bei was still very concerned about Yang Sheng and was ready to ask what the situation was.

Glancing at it, Yu Bei thought for a while and sat beside Leng Weiwei.

And the other boys in the class who were still chatting suddenly turned their eyes to Yu Bei.

In the classroom, there was a sudden silence.

Leng Weiwei’s heart beat faster, and a touch of ruddy appeared on her face, she didn’t expect Yu Bei to suddenly sit beside her!

“Weiwei, did you see Yang Sheng?”

Yu Bei asked.

Leng Weiwei was stunned for a moment, and then breathed a sigh of relief: “A few people with guns took him out just now.” ”

“Oh, sure enough.”

Yu Bei nodded, and then asked

“He didn’t say anything, did he?”

“No, just crying. It is said that his aircraft carrier picture is drawn for fun. ”

Thinking of this, Leng Weiwei couldn’t help but smile, and a bright smile bloomed on her delicate face.

Yu Beiguan’er had already thought of Yang Sheng’s face swollen like a pig’s head, when he was taken out, crying and rushing to the ground!

And Leng Weiwei didn’t know what to think of at this time, subconsciously leaned into Yu Bei’s ear, covered her mouth and whispered: “Yu Bei, my roommate was also invited out, will there be something wrong with them?” ”

Although she didn’t understand what was going on with this sudden “exercise”, she vaguely felt that all this was inseparable from Yu Bei!

However, after this action was made, she also immediately reacted that the actions of the two were too intimate now!

Suddenly, Leng Weiwei’s whole person froze directly, and her ears were also red!

“Sleeping, love is awesome!”

“I’ll go, it’s only been a few days, it’s all biting my ears!!”

“hhh, I see them like this, happier than I am in love myself!!”

“Shhh, be quiet! Xu Qin is still there! ”

“Hmm… Irritation…”

Seeing this, a group of boys all said excitedly.

Someone just reminded that Yu Bei’s predecessor was still in the classroom!

Then, someone looked at Xu Qin, who was sitting in a corner.

The latter seems to be isolated from its surroundings, with an English book on the table, buried in a pen and sketching.

However, if you look at it from a top-down perspective, Xu Qin’s book is all chaotic lines one after another!

When he sensed that when everyone’s eyes withdrew from him, Xu Qin couldn’t help but sour his nose, and his vision began to blur!

And Yu Bei smelled the fragrance of Leng Weiwei’s hair, slightly in a trance, and then said: “Don’t worry, it’s okay.” ”


Leng Weiwei quickly retracted her head, and two fingers hid under the table and kept playing circles!


On the other side, Yang Sheng and Yuan Shanshan were invited to a conference room.

Inside is Xu Lei, the person in charge of the Fucheng Theater!

On either side of him stood a row of soldiers with guns!

Yang Sheng’s whole legs are weak, and his whole body is constantly shivering!

The light reflected on the barrel made him feel that the temperature around him had dropped!

“Leader, I really scribbled the aircraft carrier diagram! I’m not a spy! ”

Yang Sheng said with a crying face, he thought about it, he didn’t know what he had done!

Yuan Shanshan on the side was also sobbing and couldn’t speak!

“Hehe, you two don’t have to panic, this time I called the two of you over mainly to ask the two of you to cooperate with us in our work!”

Xu Lei looked at the two and said.

“Cooperate! Absolutely cooperative! ”

Yang Sheng nodded quickly.

Xu Lei also nodded, and then his face turned serious, and he said in a deep voice: “If memory serves, the two of you should have seen the drawing drawn by Taibei classmates, right?!” ”

“Seen, seen! Yu Bei is not a spy, leader, he is also scribbling and playing! It’s just to chase Leng Weiwei! This…… Yuan Shanshan can testify that she is Leng Weiwei’s roommate! ”

As soon as Yang Sheng heard this, he immediately reacted and hurriedly defended Yu Bei!

“Ahem! What is the purpose we do not pursue…”

Xu Lei heard Yang Sheng’s words and said with some embarrassment.

“Without pursuing the purpose, that’s why… Is there something wrong with the drawing itself!? ”

Yang Sheng’s face changed abruptly, and he took a deep breath.

“That’s right, the drawing that the two of you can see has now been listed as a top-secret document of the Great Xia Kingdom! According to the laws of secrecy of the Great Xia Kingdom, if the two leaked out, they would be severely punished. The specific measures are as follows: …”

Xu Lei nodded, and then read a lot of punishment measures, one more terrifying than the other!

“Serious cases, it can be regarded as treason!”

Speaking of the end, Xu Lei’s tone froze.

“I haven’t seen it, I won’t say it!!”

Yuan Shanshan trembled and hurriedly said incoherently.


Yang Sheng swallowed his spit, and then opened his mouth wide!

Treason is all out!

This crime can be punishable by death!!

Good fellow, Yu Bei’s emotional painting is a real thing!?

That plane can really be invisible!?

“Student Yang Sheng, what about you?”

Xu Lei looked at Yang Sheng again and said.

Yang Sheng came back to his senses at this time, and then nodded: “Understood!” Leader, don’t worry, my mouth is very strict! ”

Seeing that the two agreed to come down, Xu Lei nodded at this time, and then asked people to bring a document and printing clay.

“Okay, then the two of you will sign this confidentiality agreement and press your fingerprints.”

Yang Sheng and Yuan Shanshan hurriedly signed their names, and then pressed their handprints.

“Okay, there’s nothing else, the two of you can go, by the way, you can’t talk about things here today!”

After completing the task, Xu Lei was also relieved.

At the same time, I was very curious about that Yu Bei!

He actually didn’t know what the drawing was

However, it can make the General Armament and Defense Department pay attention to this point

There is even wartime control of schools

The importance of that drawing can be seen!!

“Where is this Yubei sacred!?”

Xu Lei couldn’t help but whisper to himself.


And Yang Sheng and Yuan Shanshan were also sent out at this time.


As soon as she walked out of the conference room, Yuan Shanshan finally couldn’t withstand the pressure, and suddenly squatted on the ground and cried!

But Yang Sheng was the opposite of her, only to see his swollen face full of excitement!

He understood that Yu Bei was definitely going to walk up now!!

“Hahaha, sleeping, my brother is going to get up!!”

Yang Sheng couldn’t help but shake his fist and said in a low voice.

Yang Sheng’s move made several soldiers escorting them stunned!

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