At this time, the headquarters of the general assembly.

Many people whose military rank was no lower than Cheng Hua sat together and talked ear to ear.

“I heard that Lao Cheng discovered a young man! This young man is very powerful, and the confidentiality of a project is quite high, I don’t even know what the situation is! ”

“I also heard that the genius boy seems to have caused a scramble between the Defense Department of the Academy of Dragon Sciences and the general assembly! It is said that when I discovered him, he was just a secondary school student! ”

“Tsk, so powerful?!”

“That’s not it! And the reason why this transaction was handed over to them for general assembly is to delegate power from above, so that they can use the funds obtained from this transaction to develop the project they are researching! ”

“yes, I heard that it seems like this young man is coming over for this meeting soon.”

A group of people are talking, and the topic of discussion is always around Yu Bei’s body!

“Cough, old comrades-in-arms, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

However, at this moment, suddenly the door of the conference room of the General Armament Headquarters was pushed open.

Cheng Hua appeared in front of everyone with Yu Bei.

“Yo, really young, this kid is a few years younger than my grandson, right?!”

“Tsk! Disastrous! Lao Cheng, where did you get this genius?! ”

“Lao Cheng, otherwise if you hand over this kid to our group, I promise to train another soldier king to come out!”

When a group of people saw Yu Bei, their eyes immediately lit up, and then they hurriedly said.

“Go and go! What to think! Although Yu Bei is now in the Dragon Science Institute, he is destined to have a relationship with our general assembly! You group don’t plan to disc! ”

Cheng Hua heard the envy of his old comrades-in-arms and said a little proudly.

Then, he sat down with Yu Bei.

He said with a serious face

“Well, don’t say anything else, let’s get down to business, this time the camels came to buy equipment, how much do we set this price??”

As soon as Cheng Hua’s words came out, the entire conference room suddenly became quiet, and then someone said

“Camels lack equipment over there, it seems that they have a little money in hand, they should be able to buy a market price no problem!” It’s better than the Black State side, there is no oil and water there! If anything, it is also occupied by other countries! ”

“I think it can be lower than the market price, because to be honest, the market share in arms trading has not been large, but it is better to take this opportunity to open the market through low prices and grab a share of the pie from the hands of the beautiful country!”

“I think this deal can be done or not, anyway, our focus is on economic development now.” The camels are so far away that they can’t give us any resources of righteousness. Show them and sell them if the price is right. ”

A group of people then gave their opinions.

And Yu Bei only felt happy in his heart after hearing these people’s words!

Luckily, I followed!

Otherwise, this transaction does not know how much money will be reduced!

“I think it can be priced at 50 million US dollars a piece.”

However, at this moment, a voice sounded.

Yu Bei also looked at the person who spoke with some surprise, he didn’t expect that in this era, someone on his side could actually offer this price!

The person who spoke was the youngest person in the conference room except Yu Bei.

However, as soon as he said this, he immediately attracted negation.

“Crazy! Who would spend so much money on two kicks?! ”

“Not really! Even if the camel is rich, but people have money, but it is not spent like this!! ”

“It’s outrageous, 50 million US dollars a knife…”

“I spent some time in camels, and the people there are really rich, and I don’t think 50 million is a problem for them.”

The man insisted.

However, apparently because of his young age, lack of qualifications, and his words were too outrageous, he did not support him.

“Forget it, Lao Cheng, this time the above handed over this transaction to your general assembly, or is it up to your general assembly to make the decision, how much should this second kick sell for?”

After everyone discussed it, they all did not determine the reason, and some people simply asked Cheng Hua to choose one of so many prices that were said!

Cheng Hua looked at so many price points with a sad face, and then turned his head to look at Yu Bei

“Yu Bei, which price do you think is appropriate??”

Yu Bei glanced at these prices and shook his head: “Mr. Cheng, I think these prices are a little inappropriate.” ”

“How… Do you think it’s high? ”

Cheng Hua asked.

“No, I think it’s low, the price of these two kicks can be set at least 150 million US dollars a piece.”

Yu Bei shook his head and said categorically again.

“Oh, 150 million is not either… Ahem!! What?! ”

Cheng Hua nodded subconsciously, but suddenly reacted, and suddenly took a breath and almost didn’t slow down! ! !

He looked at Yu Bei with a surprised face

He never thought that Yu Bei would say such a number!!

However, Yu Bei nodded firmly at Cheng Hua.

The latter saw the composure in Yu Bei’s eyes, the corners of his mouth tugged, and then took a deep breath and did not object!

Expressed support for North’s decision!

However, the others were frying, and everyone was wide-eyed, looking at Yu Bei with an incredible face! ! !

This kid .


I really dare to speak!!

“Little friend, don’t you have a concept of money?! 150 million pieces, or a beautiful knife!! What a whimsy!! ”

A man with all white hair but still in his fifties said, his expression not angry and arrogant.

“This is Mr. Li of the General Staff.”

Cheng Hua reacted and hurriedly introduced Yu Bei.

“Yes, in the end, it is a little doll, talented and intelligent, but not experienced enough. 150 million dollars a missile… How can this be sold? ”

Another old man with a more kind face smiled and shook his head.

“This is Mr. Xu, the chief queen.”

Cheng Hua said again.

Yu Bei nodded, stood up, and held his fist at the two: “Two CEOs, I know that 150 million US dollars sounds really scary!” But our missiles are worth so much for camels! ”

“Mr. Li said that I have no concept of money, no, in fact, I have a lot of ideas. I am an orphan, from primary school to technical secondary school, I only had the opportunity to study with the help of the state. ”

“Every day in addition to reading, I also pick up waste. Mr. Li, do you know how much a plastic bottle costs? ”

Yu Bei took a slight breath and looked at Li Yuedao.

Li Yue’s face froze and he shook his head.

Yu Bei smiled and stretched out a finger: “A penny.” ”

“I can pick up twenty bottles a day, two cents in total. Thirty days a month, I can have six extra pocket dollars. Do you know how I use these six pieces? I bought four buns for two dollars, and the rest bought three or four pounds of rice. ”

Yu Bei’s words made everyone in the conference room silent, except for Cheng Hua, no one expected Yu Bei’s life to be like this, and he had lived so hard before!

Everyone’s eyes are a little red!

“Really, I have a good idea of money.”

Yu Bei grinned and showed a sunny smile.

“So, if we can really negotiate the deal for so much money, we will make a lot of money!”

“Even if the transaction is unsuccessful at that time, it is a big deal that we will reduce the price again, and this will not lose anything!”

“Bosses, let me try.”

Yu Bei looked at a group of big figures at the top of the warrior system in front of him, and said in a deep voice with a fist.


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